The Cave - Boss (Beta) <VIDEO INCLUDED>
Archive: 4 posts
Hi everyone! I need some people to try out my new boss battle for a series I'm making, it's only a Beta so expect bugs. Please leave the level you want feedback on and I'll get right on it! http://lbp.me/v/zksny3 (VIDEO MADE IN v1.00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCqJDtUhiMs&feature=channel_video_title EDIT- By the by, don't base feedback on the video, I need people to find bugs too! That's what beta testing's for right? | 2011-04-01 22:24:00 Author: keanine ![]() Posts: 114 |
Also remember that the design is not complete yet and it may look quite rough | 2011-04-02 14:39:00 Author: keanine ![]() Posts: 114 |
Ahh very, very nice. I died quite a few times, but it was my fault for not noticing the pattern sooner. You might want to add a visual hit bar for these two bosses. Like little hearts that fade out or something. ( Maybe have the arms burst into flames first, then explode?) The third is kinda silly and would probably be better if KO'd in 5 or 6 hits. Is the second boss supposed to leave behind his claws? The third boss also looks a lil odd when she dies, since there's no telling where she lands on the final hit, she does this funny crying animation then pops. Place the second gate closer to the second boss too. Just a little bit closer. Other than these little things, the bosses function quite nicely. The cinamatics are wonderful! I feel bad nitpicking these little things, since you've got everything smoothed out a lot better than I could do haha. | 2011-04-03 03:12:00 Author: Cheezy WEAPON ![]() Posts: 283 |
I thought it was great but the fire was hard to dodge and the 2nd phase was difficult. I did however think the use of camera's and decorations were good. I especially liked the music and sound effects too. They were on time and fitting. If I were you Ide maby make the second phase easier. But overall great. | 2011-04-05 10:05:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
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