who is still left ?
Archive: 131 posts
This is the OP of this thread. Enjoy this knowledge. | 2011-04-01 21:40:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
I just wanted to know which PSP-creators are still left ? who are the warriors who are still defending the PSP-side against the total noobishness ? WHO IS STILL LEFT ? list: jetartois butter-kicker (hang in there) me woody wert seek ali thenerd jimydogg sackboy7789 cory kakkon blackwolfe random dizzy yes ill update this list those creators were allready stashed in my memory I'm here! Just as active on the site, but slowin down a bit with feedback and the like... | 2011-04-01 21:53:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
I still Check the Psp forums, so im here ![]() | 2011-04-01 22:02:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
OMG i forgot sketch aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *edits list while hoping he didnt see it* ![]() | 2011-04-01 22:07:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
*POP* I am here, not as much as I would like to be but... Still, I turn up inbetween bits of my life. *POP* | 2011-04-01 23:18:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
*Fades in.* *Sees name not on the list.* You're just like Coxy. ;_; *Fades out.* | 2011-04-01 23:49:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
well... at least im on the list so im not a bad creator. YAY!!! | 2011-04-02 00:06:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
yeah, I'm here! I'm working on a few levels. although i don't post too often I'm always checking the forums and posting whenever i can | 2011-04-02 02:37:00 Author: darcyh ![]() Posts: 191 |
yeah my last level might be out in April or something ![]() getting a bit tired of lbp lately... hey you misspelled my name. edit: dizzy has got a massive creators' block and not much WiFi ![]() | 2011-04-02 03:04:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Except for discussing the NGP, not here. *Runs back to Tavern* | 2011-04-02 05:27:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
who are the warriors who are still defending the PSP-side against the total noobishness ? SIgh.... I would like to honestly point out that wherever there is a game where you create stuff. There's gonna be quite a handful of good stuff, and a buttload of horrible stuff. I still don't understand all the so called "PSP Newbies" plan of action to "defend the PSP side from noobishness." Because more than 3/4 of the "PSP Newbies" are contributing to the total noobishness. Anyways. I think this is a good place to announce my "resignation." Reasons why... 1.The PSP side is obviously dying, and as I've said before... The PSP side is losing more and more respect because of the enormous amounts of crappy levels posted in the showcase. 2. Did anyone know I lost A Bubbly Dream.? Yes. It was about 75% done, and that evil turbo pack screwed me. 3. Also, my PSP developed a major joystick error that makes it incredibly hard to play levels, and especially hard to create. One more thing before I "leave." I feel as if I owe this to Spark151, because I feel quite horrible about it. I've already talked to him about it, but you guys should know too. Read up if you like. My 3rd and 4th levels, the Malbora series, are quite horrendous. But quite possibly in a way you didn't notice.. Just so you know, I made these about 2 or 3 months before I joined or even knew what LBPC was. In the making of the first one, I hit a stump where I had no ideas of what to do (may I remind u i was a total noob then). So I, in a way, copied some of Spark151's platforming sequences (making them worse in the process) and put them in my levels. May I remind you, at the time, I didn't think anyone would play them, and I didn't think I'd ever meet any of you (especially Spark151). So when the Malbora's Windmill was featured (and still is I think) I felt really bad because I didn't really create that by myself in a way. So, I'm glad you know now. I'm horrible. Shun me. But, I kinda owe it to Spark151 to let you all know : I'll still be around the PSP community, I'll check back every now and then. -Val out. | 2011-04-02 06:13:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
@Val: yeah I totally agree with you, although they are called rookies not noobs compare this (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/content.php?150-Community-Spotlight-Episode-34) spotlight to the latest spotlight (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/content.php?288-Community-Spotlight-Episode-58) | 2011-04-02 06:33:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
I am still here at the moment, but I dont think I want to stay for much longer... With everyone suddenly retiring, I guess this list will shrink more and more, and you have no chance to get anymore feedback or fun from this forum. I feel bad for the kindred series... | 2011-04-02 09:07:00 Author: Wertpol ![]() Posts: 264 |
@Val: I Know How You Feel Man and I Also Have Major Problems With The Joystick and The Turbo Pack. I think It's My Time, I am still not a well known Creator (Half Of you Haven't even Noticed or Played Any Of my Levels) So I better Pack My things And Leave. After I have Finished With Acorns And My Other Secret Level I am Going to Call it a day and Retire From LBP PSP *sigh* I will Miss you Guys. BK HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!! ![]() | 2011-04-02 12:16:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
@Val: I Know How You Feel Man and I Also Have Major Problems With The Joystick and The Turbo Pack. I think It's My Time, I am still not a well known Creator (Half Of you Haven't even Noticed or Played Any Of my Levels) So I better Pack My things And Leave. After I have Finished With Acorns And My Other Secret Level I am Going to Call it a day and Retire From LBP PSP *sigh* I will Miss you Guys. BK HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!! ![]() No you haven't, you still are publishing two more levels and are definitely going to be checking the forums still. So don't say things like that because there's no point in saying you're quitting especially if you didn't have the game for as long as us. Just because our LBPC community is dying doesn't mean the general online one is. | 2011-04-02 14:40:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Well I've been around awhile though I don't post much. I still post once in awhile though. As for creating, I was finally going to publish a second level but at like 75% finished my LBP kind of stopped working. I'd prefer not to delete all the levels on my moon because I don't know if they are the problem but right now the game is unplayable, which isn't really helping my activity =. Anyway, once the NGP comes out I'm sure things will be fine. We'd just need a few creators to publish some good levels early (the kind that get a ton of recognition forever) that have LBPC advertisements in them. @Val: Sorry to see you go, you were one of the great creators who remained. Good luck! Oh and I lol'ed at your story. And lastly, I think people have to stop focusing on all this noob level nonsense and those sort of things--just create what YOU want to create and you will see improvement. Don't let what other people think get to you. | 2011-04-02 19:49:00 Author: metsfan1025 ![]() Posts: 181 |
@ metsfan1025 I have had the same problem occur to me. Just publish your levels, delete your data (not DLC), replay the game again, get your levels and republish to your moon. When I did that the levels worked again. Helpfull? ![]() | 2011-04-02 20:10:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
You know I got LBP psp and ill admit I liked it but I left it just because i didnt like the way it played. | 2011-04-02 21:36:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
Ill keep creating, when I can think of something to do! | 2011-04-03 12:11:00 Author: JetArtois ![]() Posts: 232 |
Ahem* There's a few things I want to say. -Val, you shouldn't call those levels "crappy". Though you stated it generally, it can still hurt people's feelings : -Yes, a lot of us are retiring, but that doesn't mean you rookies should. We were ALL rookies at one point, but over time most of us got better at creating. You rookies won't get better if you give up so early. -You rookies can still keep it alive and remember some of us are still here to help out ![]() | 2011-04-03 12:27:00 Author: TheNerd ![]() Posts: 840 |
Im still here... im just at the ps3 aswell... ![]() | 2011-04-03 13:57:00 Author: Hellobob5 ![]() Posts: 382 |
I'm still here. ![]() | 2011-04-03 15:33:00 Author: blueyu2 ![]() Posts: 62 |
I'm still kicking in the forums. I hadn't been here in about a month and I'm really disappointed to see how downhill this whole thing has gone. Still, I only cry about half my day away so the other half will have to be used as the glue. I'm just hoping someone backed up their profile so they can restore this place : It really is too bad that, though we are all part of the same forum, this one barely gets any posts. With LBP 2 and the NGP announcement, I guess people think it's futile. But I want to bring hope. I for one, look at my PS3 attempts vs my PSP attempts and see "Beyond the Flower Patch" vs... Well, that's just it. Nothing. The problem is, the PS3 has so many cool features that it's tempting. I would like you all to not give into that temptation! At least, at the very least, we need to organize some kind of "Goodbye" project. This will be a disjointed project where a different creator releases a level every day as we let the LBP PSP ship sail away. This kind of contradicts my message of hope, but really, we need to end this thing in a big way! I don't care if you're great at creating or mediocre. We need something like this. Maybe it would be the spark to bring new life? Really, though, there is always this cycle. Less creators = less players. Less players = less motivation. Less motivation = flat line. Where am I going with this? Well, I'm admitting defeat (except for that project I proposed). With LBP 2 and NGP coming out, I don't really feel like pulling out my PSP. That, and the load times are awful! I feel really impatient booting that baby up. | 2011-04-13 15:13:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
With all these resignations I feel I should announce MY RETURN! (That is if anyone remembers meeeeeeee) | 2011-04-13 17:16:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
I remember ya bro!![]() | 2011-04-13 18:13:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
Fastbro? You left? | 2011-04-13 18:39:00 Author: Hellobob5 ![]() Posts: 382 |
-Val, you shouldn't call those levels "crappy". Though you stated it generally, it can still hurt people's feelings : Oh sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, and if I did, I'm sorry :blush: I just mean that a majority of the showcase has less effort put in | 2011-04-13 21:08:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Oh sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, and if I did, I'm sorry :blush: I just mean that on a majority of the showcase has less effort put in He does have a point to be seen there. I think he realizes that what he said earlier was a little harsh but it can't JUST be seen as that since it was all in good intentions, the majority of it being true. New creators, including several (not all) of the ones on LBPCentral don't seem to be putting in as much effort into making their levels stand out and are expecting amazing reviews when they aren't deserved. Sure it's been happening, but there's no need to take advantage of "Paula-esque" reviewers is there? (American Idol joke...Not a fan..just a reference that we need more "Simon Cowell's" around here) Since I don't want to single anyone out, you know who you are if you haven't been receiving the best of feedback from some of the more experienced creators. *IMPORTANT* YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE PERFECT :star::star::star::star::star: and a <3 FEEDBACK EVERYTIME JUST TO BE NICE WHEN YOU GIVE FEEDBACK. Everyone here either already knows you're nice and if not, it is assumed you are. When people ask for feedback, they want it! Tell them their levels need work and in what areas they can improve! Don't just tell them it's "Another great level by <insert creator name here>." Yes we hope it's that good but NOBODY IS PERFECT. That doesn't mean to point out things YOU PERSONALLY DON'T LIKE. I've done this, but after having it done to me I realized how much I didn't like it. Unless it's a major issue, leave those types of things out especially if it truly is one of the better levels in the showcase. By the way, I'm still here. ![]() Check out my current project here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=54678-Project-World&p=825953#post825953 Maybe I can even turn that into the community project Fastbro was talking about. | 2011-04-13 21:31:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
That doesn't mean to point out things YOU PERSONALLY DON'T LIKE. I've done this, but after having it done to me I realized how much I didn't like it. Unless it's a major issue, leave those types of things out especially if it truly is one of the better levels in the showcase. I gotta disagree with you here. While I may disagree with the assessment, if there's something you don't like in one of my levels (except Log Roll, which I really ought to unpublish), I want to know about it. I will either defend that thing or I will acknowledge that it was a bad choice. Now if what you have to say is "I don't like levels like this," yeah, keep that sort of thing to yourself. I may make tweaks to a level (though I probably won't) based on feedback, but I won't scrap a level entirely (except Log Roll, the red-headed stepchild of levels) just because it's not your cup of tea. | 2011-04-13 22:35:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
I'm with Woodbury on this one. Lost interest with your comment when read about the stepchild part! | 2011-04-13 22:56:00 Author: JetArtois ![]() Posts: 232 |
I gotta disagree with you here. While I may disagree with the assessment, if there's something you don't like in one of my levels (except Log Roll, which I really ought to unpublish), I want to know about it. I will either defend that thing or I will acknowledge that it was a bad choice. Now if what you have to say is "I don't like levels like this," yeah, keep that sort of thing to yourself. I may make tweaks to a level (though I probably won't) based on feedback, but I won't scrap a level entirely (except Log Roll, the red-headed stepchild of levels) just because it's not your cup of tea. But my point is that you haven't had this sort of thing done to you because of the lovely feedback being sent back and forth in the threads. I think I made it clear that feedback should be just that, feedback. By that I mean that feedback should be given to the creator for him or her to make changes and improve the level, or if the level truly is amazing, that should be said so. So yeah I agree that feedback such as "I don't like levels like this" should be held back, but I also think that it should be prohibited when a creator isn't asking for small things to be pointed out especially when possible players could be reading it and look away from the level because of it. I'm only saying that I think we should be more careful when posting feedback so as not to take away from (or build up hype for) a level that isn't deserving of said feedback. | 2011-04-13 23:18:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
When people ask for feedback, they want it! Tell them their levels need work and in what areas they can improve! I'm afraid the problem is, sometimes they don't want legitimate feedback. I think some creators just want to hear they're great. :/ | 2011-04-14 01:33:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
I'm afraid the problem is, sometimes they don't want legitimate feedback. I think some creators just want to hear they're great. :/ Of course every creator wants to hear they are great. The problem, as I'm sure you were getting at, is when they can't take criticism. I have adapted a new policy of 2:1 for good levels with two points of good for every point of bad. Opposite for other levels. This isn't set in stone, but I feel that I have been too nitpicky without enough praise given. Also, it helps to give suggestions for every piece of critical advice you give. Still, there are people that refuse to hear about the bad. I really think we need to nurture the newer people (ironically, I am a super young creator). | 2011-04-14 03:14:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
I really think we need to nurture the newer people (ironically, I am a super young creator). You may be a super young creator, but you win respect points from val for that post ![]() | 2011-04-14 04:13:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Originally posted By Fading-Dream Of course every creator wants to hear they are great. The problem, as I'm sure you were getting at, is when they can't take criticism. I have adapted a new policy of 2:1 for good levels with two points of good for every point of bad. Opposite for other levels. This isn't set in stone, but I feel that I have been too nitpicky without enough praise given. Also, it helps to give suggestions for every piece of critical advice you give. Still, there are people that refuse to hear about the bad. I really think we need to nurture the newer people (ironically, I am a super young creator). I couldn't Agree More , Everyone Loves Getting Positive Feedback (Except for Woodbury Apparentley) and Everyone Hates Negative but It is always for the Best as This will Obviously help You Improve as your Creator, Working on these Problems allow you to Produce A real Star Of a level and Get you more Noticed, I hope This helped. Srry To woodbury im not a funny guy | 2011-04-14 11:03:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
I couldn't Agree More , Everyone Loves Getting Positive Feedback (Except for Woodbury Apparentley) and Everyone Hates Negative but It is always for the Best as This will Obviously help You Improve as your Creator, Working on these Problems allow you to Produce A real Star Of a level and Get you more Noticed, I hope This helped. Wow that was a shot. Umm clearly you don't realize what side I'm on of this? I never said I don't like positive feedback. In fact, I'm the one that said we need to stop giving this unwanted negative feedback. Maybe you should reread my earlier posts... | 2011-04-14 11:48:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
I couldn't Agree More , Everyone Loves Getting Positive Feedback (Except for Woodbury Apparentley) and Everyone Hates Negative but It is always for the Best as This will Obviously help You Improve as your Creator, Working on these Problems allow you to Produce A real Star Of a level and Get you more Noticed, I hope This helped. Umm rude much? (to woodbury). Also, maybe everyone hates negative in your mind, but I actually really like it. Sometimes I felt like the PSP side was too nice to me, and I really wanted to hear what they actually thought about my level at the time. | 2011-04-14 11:53:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Even if they do hate negative feedback, it's still the right thing to do. They will have read it, and while they may get upset, there is no way they can completely ignore it. If actual reasons are given (AKA, not enough interactivity. 'Try to add more switches&apos![]() | 2011-04-14 14:16:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
I'm lost in this topic now. All I know is if you want feedback then you have to accept what people say. I had some great feedback and advice for my Going For A Wander level and tryed to change it due to the feedback as it all helped. Ok there's still some issues but I'm happy with the level now and will be leaving it as it is (thermo full and sick of crashes). | 2011-04-14 18:34:00 Author: JetArtois ![]() Posts: 232 |
Hey, I'm a bit late to the party but I'm still here. My creating has been put on hold due to festering laziness to pull out my PSP, but...Yeah, I'm still here. ![]() | 2011-04-14 18:58:00 Author: The-Questor ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Hey im still here I've just been extremely inactive do to serious school problems thats all, its kinda sad that the psp side is now dying though. | 2011-04-15 00:16:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
Hey im still here I've just been extremely inactive do to serious school problems thats all, its kinda sad that the psp side is now dying though. Actually, not really anymore. Yeah people are leaving but plenty of us are still creating. There's a good amount of new creators peeking around the site on the PSP side and I think they have a great base to start from with all of the helpful tips and tricks in the tutorials out there. I think that every new creator just needs to know that their first level won't be their best and that they have to keep at it in order to improve at creating. I'm pretty sure we're all here for the most part (with the exception of a few who have left for various reasons such as animals eating UMD's, a common occurrence.) ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2011-04-15 00:31:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Well im glad to see that I was wrong about the psp side dying, hopefully it will survive the the NGP's release. Cross your fingers | 2011-04-15 01:07:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
On the topic of negative feedback, none of you guys lied to me about my levels being good right? Right... *extreme paranoia* ![]() | 2011-04-15 02:10:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
I have yet to play any of yours, mainly because the search function seems to search titles only, and not creators. Going to go download 'em all now and get back to you in the appropriate threads. Any preference on which level I should try first? | 2011-04-15 02:18:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
... ... Message Deleted ... ... (Everyone was looking at the negative side of this post) ![]() | 2011-04-15 02:32:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
The NGP, if rumors of a port from PS3 are true, will completely overrule this whole discussion. It would seem as though the NGP would be better than the PS3 since you would get the full PS3 experience on the go with the entire PLAY, CREATE, SHARE, plus EVERYWHERE. The NGP is the next step in console gaming. ![]() Anyway, back to the current situation. I think I'm completely done with the PSP now. With an entire community getting infected and overruled by noobs that, after their first week of being here, expect to be respected by everyone, and quite possibly think they are one of the best when they are farther away than a cow is ever reaching the moon. ![]() I'm done. ![]() The PSP had a good run, but the PS3 is where everything is at right now. ![]() I'm afraid the PSP section is past the point of return. Any attempts to restore it to the way it was before are impossible. :colossus: It's time for the rest of the 'veterans'(with PS3s) to leave. :tophat: Nope. Although I may partially agree with some of the things you said here, that crossed the line and was too harsh to the new creators. Enough with this ranting of yours about how "The side of LBP PSP is doomed and no matter what the noobs can't save it." It's become clear that you simply don't care what becomes of this side so simply stop posting about your feelings when they're ripping on others or you're just bringing threads one step closer to being locked by mods. Yes new creators are joining and expecting to be seen as great and thinking they are but no matter what you claim, you did too in some form. You seriously went too far there and it was completely unnecessary for you to post that. | 2011-04-15 02:44:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Nope. Although I may partially agree with some of the things you said here, that crossed the line and was too harsh to the new creators. Enough with this ranting of yours about how "The side of LBP PSP is doomed and no matter what the noobs can't save it." It's become clear that you simply don't care what becomes of this side so simply stop posting about your feelings when they're ripping on others or you're just bringing threads one step closer to being locked by mods. Yes new creators are joining and expecting to be seen as great and thinking they are but no matter what you claim, you did too in some form. You seriously went too far there and it was completely unnecessary for you to post that. Actually I wasn't meaning the new people can't save it. Mainly because that's all it is now... new people. ![]() EDIT: Also, I said it's past the point of return, as in, the best creators are gone. Now it's time for new creators to take their places. It will never be the same since they are gone. | 2011-04-15 02:53:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
EDIT: Also, I said it's past the point of return, as in, the best creators are gone. Now it's time for new creators to take their places. It will never be the same since they are gone. You never know though, one of the new people may turn out to be awesome creators, mabie even better than Taffey. EDIT: just realized that you mean that it wont be the same as it was ,but hey it might be even better than it was. | 2011-04-15 03:46:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
mmmm...Taffey is yummy... anyways, I'm actually sad and (don't hate when I say this) HAPPY about the PSP side dying. Why? because all the wonderful sackguys (and sackgirls) i've met on these forums will be forgotten after the ''NGP side" takes over. But it is nice because the next gen will probably be 1000% better than the psp side ever was. And I will get the NGP, and hack my PSP with custom firmware to play NES, GBA, N64, and SNES games on it. It'll be the most epic combo ever. I will get a good PSN too. | 2011-04-15 04:00:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
And I will miss you all... EDIT:aceofthorns, I LOL'd at your post below this one ![]() | 2011-04-15 04:01:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
mmmm...Taffey is yummy... Well if you think human flesh tastes good then I guess your right then. | 2011-04-15 04:04:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
Yeah, I'm same with valmassoi. I'm in the process of transferring myself to the PS3 side. I'll no longer be making anything over here, sorry to those who would have liked cutscenes in your level, I'll probably just publish the half made level so you get the basics on it. Once I finish intermediate logic pack PSP I'm gone from level making here, im only using lbp2 now. I'll still browse these forums occaisionally and root out any non junky levels and give them a play. Good luck to you all who are staying. So I guess you can put me down as still here, but no longer making levels. Oh and ace of thorns: in response to your response to cory, NO, it will not be better. None of the recently emerging creators is yet comparable (sorry, no offense) to Taffey or the other stud creators who have left. Judging that eventually the dropout rate from this side will continue to decline, thay will leave and not have had a chance to improve to a taffey like stage. Too bad, being in a taffey like stage sounds awesome! | 2011-04-15 04:39:00 Author: Ricky-III ![]() Posts: 732 |
I hate to say "I told you so", but I kinda predicted this just over 4 months ago... This is something I've kinda concerned about for a while... I think that the PSP Side is beginning to... DIE! (Dun, dun, duuuun) Why, you might ask? Well let's go over the evidence and possible causes... 1.) The Lack of Levels - We've had a fantastic year of levels. But recently there has hardly been any decent levels published. (I'm excluding the 12DOC Project here!) 2.) The Lack Fresh Talent - Throughout the PSP's lifetime so far there has been fresh talent popping up from time to time. (Such as SketchNZ) But there hasn't been many new users within the past month that's really made me... WOW! 3.) LittleBigPlanet 2 - Possibly the PSP Side's biggest threat is LBP2. As quite a few of players on the PSP Side own PS3s, there is a high chance that some of them will by LBP2. (Admitadly, I have a huge project lined up for the game's release) 4.) The Big Names - The main factor that pushed the community from the beginning was the big name creators such as Amazingflyingpoo and Taffey. These creators have been moving onto other stuff recently. (Sorry if I sound like I'm bashing you guys. ![]() 5.) The Recent DLC Announcement - Probably the biggest reason for the PSP Side's decline. DLC was factor that kept some players within the community, hoping that Cambridge would add more stuff we wanted and making the create mode more stable. Unfortunately these things are extremely unlikely to happen now. Sorry to be a Mister Negative Pants but I wanted to get this off my chest. The shining light for the PSP Side is the 12DOC and Kindred. But I think we need something a little more permenent to keep the community together. (Such as contests) Any suggestions or thoughts? -Fastbro The Thread is here... (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=42046-The-PSP-Side-s-Future...) I think we may need to wait for the NGP to come along... It's saddening to see a community that was so busy and fun all but a few months ago, turn into this... (where did everyone go?) | 2011-04-18 10:51:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
A Question Thats on my mind Is Where as Alismuffins Gone He Has Obviousbly Given up on the Contest (Or so I think I dont know) But he Has been So Inactive Lately and Our Project Is Dying Out! Come Back Ali! ![]() | 2011-04-18 13:50:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Actually, based on the more recent comments, I'm glad everyone is leaving. Not to be rude, but you guys are being unbelievably mean toward the new people. Sure, the ratio has always been more bad than good levels, but by saying that new creators don't stand a chance is even ruder than I am being. Taffey (apparently the hero of LBP (wouldn't argue with that to be honest)) was never a "noob". He was always a renowned creator. Everyone improves. What would you rather have: A great creator that barely puts any heart in (not saying they don't) or a "noob" that has passion? Sure, it WILL take work, but as long as we stop insulting them and actually, I don't know, work on helping them to be good creators, we will get some good creators. You all seem to be in the mindset that you are 'above' the new people. While you may have more experience and fame, you are not. They are just as capable as anyone on here. Imagine being new and coming to this thread. Would you even bother with LBP PSP after it? Heck no! Still, you guys don't care if it dies, so you are okay with ripping the cloth out of fresh sock-people. I would almost go as far as to say it was bullying (I kid, I kid...) In my "Welcome" thread about a half year back, you guys said you were welcoming with new people. While I don't feel like I've been ignored or told to "get out" in any way, I do feel that there has been too much renown and leaning on a select few elitists. If one leaves, why should that be the end of everything? I published a level back in January and I kind of feel like the more renowned creators were given "special favor" and had way more interest than in mine. That is natural, but a level by a brand new person should not be judged before playing. Am I happy with the feedback? Yes. This isn't about my level anyhow. So, I hope this inspires you to be a bit nicer about the new people. Remember, the next Taffey could be browsing and you guys just put him off LBP PSP forever. He doesn't have a PS3, or finds it overwhelming, so we'll never see his levels. | 2011-04-18 15:29:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
Actually, based on the more recent comments, I'm glad everyone is leaving. Not to be rude, but you guys are being unbelievably mean toward the new people. Sure, the ratio has always been more bad than good levels, but by saying that new creators don't stand a chance is even ruder than I am being. Taffey (apparently the hero of LBP (wouldn't argue with that to be honest)) was never a "noob". He was always a renowned creator. Everyone improves. What would you rather have: A great creator that barely puts any heart in (not saying they don't) or a "noob" that has passion? Sure, it WILL take work, but as long as we stop insulting them and actually, I don't know, work on helping them to be good creators, we will get some good creators. You all seem to be in the mindset that you are 'above' the new people. While you may have more experience and fame, you are not. They are just as capable as anyone on here. Imagine being new and coming to this thread. Would you even bother with LBP PSP after it? Heck no! Still, you guys don't care if it dies, so you are okay with ripping the cloth out of fresh sock-people. I would almost go as far as to say it was bullying (I kid, I kid...) . I'm sorry not meaning to be rude but how very dare you, i've never seen this type of behavior towards the 'noobs' as you think we call them, in all my 1 year of being at this site, ive never seen anyone from the community be horrible or downgrading to a newbie, at the state that we are in, we're welcoming new people with open arms, hoping that we will last just a few years longer, i'm sorry but thats made me go into a big mood... ![]() | 2011-04-18 16:01:00 Author: Hellobob5 ![]() Posts: 382 |
I'm sorry not meaning to be rude but how very dare you, i've never seen this type of behavior towards the 'noobs' as you think we call them, in all my 1 year of being at this site, ive never seen anyone from the community be horrible or downgrading to a newbie, at the state that we are in, we're welcoming new people with open arms, hoping that we will last just a few years longer, i'm sorry but thats made me go into a big mood... ![]() I really wasn't intending to come across as harshly as I did, but my view still stands. In other threads, there have been reference to noobs and saying there is no hope of them being as good as any renowned creator. When someone new joins, I know that you are all very welcoming to them. This wasn't meant to be as much of an attack as it came across. But scroll up and you will see that many are referring to "veterans" and saying anyone with skill needs to leave. I do admit that much of my wording is overly harsh, so I apologize if anyone is offended. That's not my intention. I am trying to refrain from quoting direct speech that does this as it singles people out, which I hate to do. Things like "ripping the cloth out of sack-people" was a fair bit exaggerated. But saying things like no new talent compares to the things the legends did is harsh as well. Aside from some exaggerations, I think many of my points are valid. | 2011-04-18 19:35:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
seriously, my question made this a big discussion i like it ![]() but, please dont be so rude and mean against each other its really bugging me | 2011-04-18 19:50:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Everyone calm down!!! If people put more/some time in making levels instead of going on about how LBP PSP is dying we would all be ok! If I had a PS3 I'd still make levels on PSP, as I wouldnt be able to take a PS3 to work or play it when the missus is watching rubbish TV. Just haven't got any ideas as yet, but when I do, I'll get creating. | 2011-04-18 20:07:00 Author: JetArtois ![]() Posts: 232 |
Actually, i'm thinking about making a series of website like levels, the minigames will be in lbp central's page... | 2011-04-18 23:43:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
Nyeh, I sometimes play in. I just cant wait till MM conjures up LBP2PSP. | 2011-04-19 02:11:00 Author: Cactii ![]() Posts: 426 |
I have sereously not turned on my psp for like four months now. I guess I already left, but I was still kinda checking the forums...but oh well, everything has to come to an end. I am now officially leaving, and will delete my LBPC shortcut from my browser now. I still hope the psp will survive as long as it can, and I am wishing everyone here the best of luck for their levels. PS: I actually have a PS3. But I just think creating on the psp was always more fun, since the expectations for levels never were as high as on the PS3. I got LBP2 on launch day, played it through a whole night, was tired in the morning, turned it off and never came back. I can say that I have played the first 2 games to their fullest, and at the end of the day, Its not just a game. It was litterally a part of my life. I am now wildly guessing the NGP will cost 600+$ like the PS3 in the beginning, and I know that I cant afford that soon, since I just bought a 3DS. So well, this is it. Goodbye. *sends his sackboy out of the room* *regrets his decision* *gets him to come back* *realizes that everything has to come to an end* *runs away screaming* | 2011-04-19 18:41:00 Author: Wertpol ![]() Posts: 264 |
Goodbye. Well I'm sorry to see you go wertpol. Sorry I didn't mean to double post. | 2011-04-19 23:41:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
Well I'm sorry to see you go wertpol. Sorry I didn't mean to double post. You can click "Edit Post" to edit your own post and change things. Also, I noticed that on your first post you failed with your quote. ![]() | 2011-04-19 23:44:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Fixed it, thanks for telling me how to do that WoodburyRaider. | 2011-04-19 23:58:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
Sice everyone is, i am announcing my retire ment from psp, ive been glued to my PS3 since i got it, only going on my psp to check how well my level's doing. I wont leave this site, i'll be on the PS3 side though....goodbye peoples of the PSP, thx 4 the mmrs ..... See wertpol's post for futher details... | 2011-04-20 09:50:00 Author: Hellobob5 ![]() Posts: 382 |
everyones retiring ;_; i cant retire until i rip off get a ps3 thats goin' to take a loooooooooong time you guys arent getting rid of me for some time ill be stickin' here for some time like a post-it or bubble gum ![]() | 2011-04-20 10:01:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Oh I will Be Around Longer Than I bet You thought as I have A Secret Thing Coming! Anyone Guess....*hint* Originally Cancelled, But This Hazard As Come Back To Life Bet No one Can Guess (You Would Of have to of been To LittleBigLand To Know) So I am Going To Be around For a while. SO nysudyrgh There Is no Reason To Keep That Hang in there, This Butter Has Just Begun! *edit* nysudyrgh Guess: WRONG I meant that Hang in there By my name At the List | 2011-04-20 11:04:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
i wasnt about to leave even if i get a ps3 i would stick here for a while like jet said its portable and you can play it when the other folks are watching rubbish TV ![]() guess: never opun a time ? EDIT: ive just joined LBL now im gonna track it down >=D | 2011-04-20 11:08:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Hi Im working on a great new level at the moment it'll be published soon | 2011-04-20 12:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ok, once I finish intermediate logic pack PSP, I'm gone, sorry. I wont even be on the forums anymore, there isnt anything new to read around here anyway. I havent really picked up my PSP since I got LBP2, and the create mode is so buggy and unchanged, it's kinda just getting old. I'm not leaving becasue there's 'noob' creators or anything, its just the PSP side has lost it's zing in the levels, threads, and Create mode. Especially create mode. It hasnt been updated in a year. It's just getting old. From now on catch me on the PS3 side. Toodles ![]() | 2011-04-22 05:41:00 Author: Ricky-III ![]() Posts: 732 |
Hehe...I'm the subtle creator that's never noticed but i'm still here. In a sad, sad attempt to motivate us all i've conjured a community project: Cyber Sack(kinda sounds like cybersora...). Ya wanna help? Only 2 people,excluding me, are gonna help. Pwease? *starts to beg* | 2011-04-22 06:53:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
did you count me in ? | 2011-04-22 12:18:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
did you count me in ? yes...nysudyrgh... ![]() | 2011-04-23 06:12:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
I know I said we could save this... but... I just got an hdmi cable for my PS3, and LBP 2 felt like a whole new game. Everything loaded fast, I had no glitches or errors. It was just more fun. Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to create on LBP 2. My problem has been that create just isn't user friendly enough and far too time consuming. I'm picking up mod nation racers today and doubt I will return to creating on LBP. That doesn't mean I won't play levels, but it's rather a waste of time to spend 100+ hours making one level (psp is about 30). So, I'm okay with not being famous or creating great levels. Sorry guys, thanks for the memories... | 2011-04-23 18:15:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
Guy's who's back? ![]() | 2011-04-23 20:40:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Hey,Velcro. Nice to see you,but you weren't missed at all Enough talking about the minor things,let's talk about the big things. I'M BACK!!!! I've been inactive for almost five months!. There's so many new people.Man,I had No0bs for breakfast ![]() I certainly don't like how things are going on the psp side,but does that means it'll be like that forever? Well,at least, I don't think so.Just wait when people get grounded for getting bad grades and their mothers take away their tv's...Yeah,you know were I'm getting at ![]() I don't have my psp right now (It's in a pawn shop),so I can't play or make any levels ![]() I'll certainly make levels,but not right now. As for the people who don't know me,well... I'm that guy who was so popular and awesome that it was necessary for me to leave. You may have seen me in scoreboards ![]() So check it out if you feel like it...it's my first level :blush: I can see that apart from all the new people and the disheartening,apocalyptic,hopeless state the psp side is in...Everything is all the same. Oh,and Taffe's dead.You can blame these guys:http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/27500/Squirrel-27982.jpg | 2011-04-23 21:06:00 Author: Balgarino ![]() Posts: 377 |
Hey,Velcro. Nice to see you,but you weren't missed at all Enough talking about the minor things,let's talk about the big things. I'M BACK!!!! I've been inactive for almost five months!. There's so many new people.Man,I had No0bs for breakfast ![]() I certainly don't like how things are going on the psp side,but does that means it'll be like that forever? Well,at least, I don't think so.Just wait when people get grounded for getting bad grades and their mothers take away their tv's...Yeah,you know were I'm getting at ![]() I don't have my psp right now (It's in a pawn shop),so I can't play or make any levels ![]() I'll certainly make levels,but not right now. As for the people who don't know me,well... I'm that guy who was so popular and awesome that it was necessary for me to leave. You may have seen me in scoreboards ![]() So check it out if you feel like it...it's my first level :blush: I can see that apart from all the new people and the disheartening,apocalyptic,hopeless state the psp side is in...Everything is all the same. Oh,and Taffe's dead.You can blame these guys:http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/27500/Squirrel-27982.jpg Hey man I'm sure you didn't mean it but I hope you can see how that first part I highlighted in red above sounded a little harsh. Anyways I'm glad you're back, when PSN goes back up I'll download your level since I can't remember if I've played it yet. ![]() When you get your PSP back try out my "PSP Creatinator" and "PSP Mario 2010" levels and leave me some feedback on the threads. Yes the creatinator is like the PS3 one only it's not a tool since it uses a glitch. ![]() Guy's who's back? ![]() VJ Glad you're back my man! Sorry to hear about your accident hopefully you get better. ![]() | 2011-04-23 22:23:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Hey man I'm sure you didn't mean it but I hope you can see how that first part I highlighted in red above sounded a little harsh. http://images2.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/6967609/calm-down-bro-it-was-just-a-joke.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Cool-Dog | 2011-04-23 22:50:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
Balgarino.... Velcro?! Yay! I love the PSP side again! :3 | 2011-04-23 22:56:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
Oh, I see how it is. In other news, I'm going to be taking a break from LBP (and probably LBPC) for a day or two because working on my current level has turned into a bit of a chore. | 2011-04-23 22:58:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
When Taffey makes a post, I'd say I would love the PSP side again too. | 2011-04-23 22:58:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
Oh, I see how it is. In other news, I'm going to be taking a break from LBP (and probably LBPC) for a day or two because working on my current level has turned into a bit of a chore. BlackWolfe, I looooove your level andI can tell I'll get along with you on the PSP side. But I hung out with these two on the PSP aaaaaages ago. It's just nice to see some familiar faces. | 2011-04-23 23:51:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
Yeah, its like family reunion! Did I just say that out load? EDIT VJ, balgrino, Fastbro, ricky3, questor, coxy, cheesebo, valmassoi... almost all the people who were involved in 12 DoC have turned up in the thread at some point. perhaps Nightangel will turn up or something. lol | 2011-04-24 00:00:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
BlackWolfe, I looooove your level andI can tell I'll get along with you on the PSP side. But I hung out with these two on the PSP aaaaaages ago. It's just nice to see some familiar faces. Hehehe. Okay, need to start adding <SARCASM></SARCASM> tags to my posts. Was being silly. | 2011-04-24 00:15:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
WAIT!!! D: People are actually coming back. O_O :blush: Remember when I said impossible? Uh. It might not be impossible, but it still seems so until Taffey and AFP come back. :/ Also, I was supposed to be on the next Pocket Moon Podcast. ![]() EDIT: Maybe everyone needed a break from their PSPs. *Runs a few pages back and deletes negative post.* | 2011-04-24 01:33:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
Taffey and poo do have lives outside of lbp *SHOCK HORROR* They also need a time when they are both free with skype access before they can do the podcast. if you're in it then I'm sure they will tell you some possible times. | 2011-04-24 01:49:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
I think I'm still here...wait...THIS ISN'T THE LBP2 FORUM! *leaves* Just Kidding! ![]() | 2011-04-24 01:59:00 Author: Night Angel ![]() Posts: 1214 |
if you're in it then I'm sure they will tell you some possible times. Uh, Taffey told me on 3/16/2011 that they were going to record the week after that. (That was the last message I received about that from him.) That turned out well. ![]() ![]() | 2011-04-24 02:06:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
EDIT VJ, balgrino, Fastbro, ricky3, questor, coxy, cheesebo, valmassoi... almost all the people who were involved in 12 DoC have turned up in the thread at some point. perhaps Nightangel will turn up or something. lol http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/8/26/128957437513277774.jpg The funny thing is that ricky wasn't in 12DoC and yet, I wuz... I was in 12doc, unxpectid. | 2011-04-24 02:07:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
I thought he was at the start... ahh well memory isn't what it used to be. sorry silver. | 2011-04-24 02:25:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
Nothing What???? I don't know why you are reading this. | 2011-04-24 02:26:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
I don't know what you're talking about cory. BTW, that's a very bad picture you just posted. How inappropriate. | 2011-04-24 02:32:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
There's text at the bottom of that pic? Evidently my eyes are not what they used to be. Wait I already knew that, didn't I? ![]() | 2011-04-24 02:34:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
WAIT!!! D: People are actually coming back. O_O :blush: Remember when I said impossible? Uh. It might not be impossible, but it still seems so until Taffey and AFP come back. :/ Also, I was supposed to be on the next Pocket Moon Podcast. ![]() EDIT: Maybe everyone needed a break from their PSPs. *Runs a few pages back and deletes negative post.* I love how the people who doubted the PSP are acting subtle about it. ![]() At least one of them is taking action. ![]() | 2011-04-24 03:13:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Here's a checklist for what needs to happen: -Taffey and AFP need to make a new podcast. -Taffey needs to publish that level he said he was making (heard via Podcast) -Ali needs to post. -I guess everybody forgot about poor Salieri? ![]() -B3 needs to rage on someone. -CS has to stop B3's rage with funny lolcat pictures. | 2011-04-24 03:23:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
Here's a checklist for what needs to happen: -Taffey and AFP need to make a new podcast. -Taffey needs to publish that level he said he was making (heard via Podcast) -Ali needs to post. -I guess everybody forgot about poor Salieri? ![]() -B3 needs to rage on someone. -CS has to stop B3's rage with funny lolcat pictures. And that one Frez guy needs to post something random. ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2011-04-24 03:27:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
And that one Frez guy needs to post something random. ![]() ![]() ![]() I don't get it... Are you trying to make sure the PSP side dies or something? http://verynoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/serious-face.jpg | 2011-04-24 03:30:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
I don't get it... Are you trying to make sure the PSP side dies or something? http://verynoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/serious-face.jpg Haha something about that guy...I just can't put my finger on it...but it bothered me ![]() http://masterdev.dyndns.dk/drslog/not_sure_if_serious.jpg | 2011-04-24 03:31:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Haha something about that guy...I just can't put my finger on it...but it bothered me ![]() http://masterdev.dyndns.dk/drslog/not_sure_if_serious.jpg Maybe it was the fact that he spammed the forums even though he didn't have a PSP? | 2011-04-24 03:37:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
Maybe it was the fact that he spammed the forums even though he didn't have a PSP? Maybe...maybe... Did he ever get banned? ...*Goes to check his profile*...EDIT: No, he's just really inactive now. Either way someone should probably go check on him... | 2011-04-24 03:41:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
Maybe...maybe... Did he ever get banned? ...*Goes to check his profile*...EDIT: No, he's just really inactive now. Either way someone should probably go check on him... Found him... http://westwood.wikispaces.com/file/view/spam-big.jpg/31059659/spam-big.jpg | 2011-04-24 03:46:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
Found him... http://westwood.wikispaces.com/file/view/spam-big.jpg/31059659/spam-big.jpg That's..just....creepy........ But definitely him. ![]() NOW BEFORE WE GET BANNED FOR SPAMMING AND TO GO BACK ON TOPIC.... So let's start a list of who's creating and who's playing, who's browsing the forums and who's gone for good.. | 2011-04-24 04:03:00 Author: WoodburyRaider ![]() Posts: 1651 |
im still here and im still creating levels (if they stop crashing) | 2011-04-24 04:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
So let's start a list of who's creating and who's playing, who's browsing the forums and who's gone for good.. That list would change too often. ![]() | 2011-04-24 04:32:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
I don't know, this week I saw a girl and I said hey. Ended up in a 4 hour long conversation, with another custom T-shirt, deep conversation about life, some hugs, a phone number and a loving goodbye. Did I mention that was the second time I had seen her in my life?(the first time was 5 weeks ago when I passed her by chance whilst walking (yes I my mind is really like an all absorbant sponge) I thought he was at the start... ahh well memory isn't what it used to be. sorry silver. I dont think so. ![]() | 2011-04-24 08:53:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Here, taking a quick break from creating because it was starting to feel like work. Except Persona is such a level grind that it's starting to feel like work too, so I'll probably get back to creating tonight. I got a nice 12 hour nothing-happening shift to fill, after all. | 2011-04-24 12:54:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
I've been creating a new level, and playing a few too so hopefully I'll be a bit more active than usual around the forums ![]() | 2011-04-24 13:07:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
I've been creating a new level, and playing a few too so hopefully I'll be a bit more active than usual around the forums ![]() I'm a happy Fastbro. ![]() I myself have two levels in the works, the first of which should be rkeady sometime this week... | 2011-04-24 13:39:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
oh, is it imagi-corp ? or something even better ? im interested anyway ![]() go! fastbro, i choose you ![]() | 2011-04-24 14:47:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
*Looks at 100+ post thread.* So the PSP side is dead right? *Looks at signs of Kindred project resurrection* So the PSP side is dead right? *Looks at Imagi-Corp 2 and Project World threads* So the PSP side is dead right? http://www.myonceamonthcooking.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Confused.jpg | 2011-04-24 15:28:00 Author: Silver39 ![]() Posts: 1703 |
I might try to make a good PSP level. All my levels suck. XD *Runs over to PSP and starts brainstorming ideas* | 2011-04-24 15:35:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
I might try to make a good PSP level. All my levels suck. XD *Runs over to PSP and starts brainstorming ideas* nonsense the tester and saving valentines day are awesome | 2011-04-24 15:37:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
oh, is it imagi-corp ? or something even better ? im interested anyway ![]() go! fastbro, i choose you ![]() Imagi-Corp 2, is the second one. It hasn't been started 'create mode' wise. Although the plotline is sorted and the level list is almost finished. The first level has the working title 'The Clocktower'. I guess you guys can tell what the setting is via the title... | 2011-04-24 18:35:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
I Guess No one Has Noticed That Mr Muffin himself Alismuffins has Sneaked Out the door And Hasnt been active in months.![]() http://norberto.co.uk/sad_panda.jpg So Three of the best have lefted us Alismuffins , AFP , Taffey Its day's like this that dissapoint me! But at least I got you guys ![]() | 2011-04-24 20:36:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
maybe ali is inactive because theres stuff going on in real life like me i had to take a break on creating because my school resuls were rather bad butim back now ![]() | 2011-04-24 20:43:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Go chat with taffey on twitter or something. He gave out his twitter name in pocket moon podcast ep 5 PSN_tsr13 | 2011-04-24 21:36:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
Wait...what the **** is happening here?! Is this some kind of resurrection?! Geez, I leave this website for 4 days and suddenly everyone is back?! There are some seriously strange happenings here... Could someone pleeease tell me what is going on here?! | 2011-04-24 22:22:00 Author: Wertpol ![]() Posts: 264 |
Well basicly people have pointed out how the community IS alive because there are SOOO many people saying its dead in this thread. NOW they see reason! Community=Alive People= Positive Ps good to see you again Wert | 2011-04-24 22:54:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
Well seems like the community is STILL ALIVE... Oh stupid people saying it is dead, I really WANT YOU GONE... Umm...did anybody get that? | 2011-04-24 23:05:00 Author: Wertpol ![]() Posts: 264 |
I leave for, what, a day? Suddenly, it's a... well, not a resurrection. Turns out people are getting sick of stabbing this thing and are working to stitch it back up. I want to be part of this, but until Cambridge feels like fixing the game, I say forget it. Plus, Modnation Racers is keeping me busy. That game's level creator is AWESOME! | 2011-04-25 07:42:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
Wert ? Are you back ? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYZ. Wert is back. ![]() Thats good, i liek your levels. and its bad to have a one of our good creators gone. ![]() I even used capitals and full stops in this comment. ![]() | 2011-04-25 10:07:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Heya everyone! Just dropping in on this thread ^^ Unfortunately it does seem that many of the pioneers of LBP PSP have indeed left :c I'm going to miss them all! I, however am very busy with university and my girlfriend so I have not been able to post as much as I would have liked to, let alone create! That said, I have not left you all. In fact I think that my studies in university will be very helpful in aiding my thought process for level creation. Anyways it's great to see so many new creators and players around here ![]() The PSP side will never me dead. Even if I have to create a few phony accounts and post arguments agiainst myself xDD As for my other LBP committments, Im very sorry but I am in no current state to be able to keep up with those at the moment :c Im having enough trouble keeping on track with my university work xD Anyways, feel free to message me anytime and Ill do my best to reply as soon as possible! If I dont reply, don't be offended. It's just that I'm busy >.< Glad to be back, -Alismuffin ![]() | 2011-04-25 12:59:00 Author: Alismuffin ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Heya everyone! Just dropping in on this thread ^^ Unfortunately it does seem that many of the pioneers of LBP PSP have indeed left :c I'm going to miss them all! I, however am very busy with university and my girlfriend so I have not been able to post as much as I would have liked to, let alone create! That said, I have not left you all. In fact I think that my studies in university will be very helpful in aiding my thought process for level creation. Anyways it's great to see so many new creators and players around here ![]() The PSP side will never me dead. Even if I have to create a few phony accounts and post arguments agiainst myself xDD As for my other LBP committments, Im very sorry but I am in no current state to be able to keep up with those at the moment :c Im having enough trouble keeping on track with my university work xD Anyways, feel free to message me anytime and Ill do my best to reply as soon as possible! If I dont reply, don't be offended. It's just that I'm busy >.< Glad to be back, -Alismuffin ![]() I Guess No one Has Noticed That Mr Muffin himself Alismuffins has Sneaked Out the door And Hasnt been active in months. ![]() http://norberto.co.uk/sad_panda.jpg So Three of the best have lefted us alismuffins, taffay , AFP Its day's like this that dissapoint me! But at least I got you guys ![]() he just posted nys wins ... again ![]() | 2011-04-25 13:10:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Hello Everyone. I am MrObycyek. I was tipped off about this site by SeekingTruth86. I was initially put off from signing up here after having read quite a few negative posts about noobs and the psp side dying etc. However, I think there is life in the psp yet and that coupled with the recent renaissance that seems to have taken place on this site in the past week or so has convinced me to join up here. A man can only lurk in the shadows for so long after all! I have had lbp psp since launch day but only published my first level in February of this year. I have now published six in total. my levels are inspired by Metal gear and feature the activities of Big Boss and his MSF unit in the years after the events of PEACE WALKER on the PSP. I plan on making quite a few of these msf levels set in different regions of the world and getting more and more complex (I hope!) as I get better with the create mode. In future I am also looking to publish some of my original ideas as well. I am always busy but usually manage to find time to create and so I should be active for the foreseeable future. My published levels so far are: MSF:The Chilean Encounter MSF:The Chilean Encounter Part 2 MSF:Train Escape MSF:Train Escape Updated MSF:Field Test MSF:Aid Convoy WE WANT WATER (Just kidding!) I have had a few hearts so far although there seems to be two separate scoreboards for my levels when I checked them online. I have almost finished MSF:Aid Convoy part 2 and am also working on levels set in Morocco and Eritrea. I welcome any feedback good and bad. I hope to master create mode and I figure here on this site, with the tutorials and the seasoned pros , is the best place to do that. "Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time." Disraeli. | 2011-04-28 17:36:00 Author: MrObycyek ![]() Posts: 50 |
Are you the Mesiah? coming to ressurect the PSP side of LBP, i bloody well hope so!!! | 2011-04-28 20:22:00 Author: Hellobob5 ![]() Posts: 382 |
he is, so are you. everyone her whos still creating is. even i am. off-topic: check meh sig its gonna save the PSP-side ![]() | 2011-04-28 20:30:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
What? Messiah? I... Never mind... At least its positive. | 2011-04-30 00:37:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
I'm still here. Kind of late to the party. Have a couple of levels going. | 2011-05-18 04:13:00 Author: Captain Rule ![]() Posts: 360 |
This stinks. I got in trouble and can't play psp anymore... CAN YOU GUYS PLAY MY LEVELS OR TELL ME HOW THEY'RE GOING??? I'll just sulk and wait for this week to be faster so I can enjoy my psp amomng other things (SIX FLAGS FIELD TRIP FRIDAY WOOT!). And sorry for spamming. now on topic: I love this forum. Am I considered a "budding creator" yet Ali? This community lets me improve, interact with, and inspect levels. plus it introduced the LS competition to me and I (which I find unbelievable) won a ribbon. | 2011-05-18 06:14:00 Author: sackboy7789 ![]() Posts: 280 |
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