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Teleporter System

Archive: 11 posts


A controlinator based teleportation system for you to use in your levels. Works with 1-4 players, and allows you to jump back and forth between locations. Copyable so you can rip it apart and study the logic. If you wish to republish this level and claim it as your own invention, please feel welcome to do so. Ungreth doesn't really care about taking credit, so long as someone finds the teleporter useful.

I know there are a variety of teleporter demos, tutorials and prizes out there already, but I've been told by people who have tested it that this is the best system they have seen so far. As far as I can tell it functions perfectly, it's very easy to install in a level and it's gentle on your thermo, but I'm open to any constructive suggestions for improvements.
2011-04-01 18:26:00

Posts: 2130



Could you comment on the above thread? The super-simple version jules is apparently able to use ok just didn't work for me...how can that be...I'm at a loss?

I came up with something similar to yours to emit just the required # of DCS for the # of players in the level. Seems safer than to rely on split-second timing where the emittor needs to destroy the DCS just after a player is ejected but before they have a chance to enter an open one...
2011-04-01 20:18:00

Posts: 1214



Could you comment on the above thread? The super-simple version jules is apparently able to use ok just didn't work for me...how can that be...I'm at a loss?

I came up with something similar to yours to emit just the required # of DCS for the # of players in the level. Seems safer than to rely on split-second timing where the emittor needs to destroy the DCS just after a player is ejected but before they have a chance to enter an open one...

Dunno. My system doesn't use movers so it's hard to comment. Is it possible that the other system uses an unlabelled tag somewhere and you have another unlabelled tag of the same colour somewhere in your level, which would interfere with the logic?

Also, you're right that my system doesn't destroy the DCS set-up (not until you've teleported again to enter the other area anyways). Since it's invisible and can't be re-entered anyways, there's no reason to destroy it until the player has gone from location A to location B and then needs to return to return to location A again, at which point it needs to be re-emitted. Even in this case, it's not technically destroyed...just demitted/remitted using the "destroy oldest once max reached" feature of the emitter.
2011-04-01 21:22:00

Posts: 2130

K, I just had a look how mine was set up, and its 4 separate emitters emitting 4 holo's with a DCS on (regardless of the amount of players) , set to 0.1 lifespan. The thing I may have done differently to you guys is set a player sensor attached to each holo which immediately triggers the auto eject. Tested with 4 local sacks and it's fine....2011-04-01 22:07:00

Posts: 1156

K, I just had a look how mine was set up, and its 4 separate emitters emitting 4 holo's with a DCS on (regardless of the amount of players) , set to 0.1 lifespan. The thing I may have done differently to you guys is set a player sensor attached to each holo which immediately triggers the auto eject. Tested with 4 local sacks and it's fine....

My system only emits enough holo/DCS for the number of players in the level. I also included an auto eject feature, but in my design the input comes from the "active" output (PS button icon), not from a player sensor.

It feels weird talking logics like this. I'm an art nerd, not a logic geek. I think I need to start smoking again.
2011-04-01 22:18:00

Posts: 2130

Hahaha. I know exactly what you mean.2011-04-01 22:24:00

Posts: 1156

> The thing I may have done differently to you guys is set a player sensor attached to each holo which immediately triggers the auto eject.

This has to be it...I'll try this out sometime this weekend.


This is LBP quirks and weirdness (since stuff like the DCS is a black box) more than it is logic. Also, jules and I weren't using movers....that was hcwcmatt.
2011-04-01 22:37:00

Posts: 1214

Hahaha. I know exactly what you mean.

Reassuring to know I'm not the only one.

I actually built this system months ago and had no intention of publishing it, but I got annoyed by all the whiny "I made it and he copied me" threads recently, so I thought I'd set an example by publishing a copyable logic demo with an open invitation for anyone to republish it as their own work, should they wish to do so. As I've stated before....it's not about who made it, it's about who played it. As long as the logic gets used constructively to enhance the quality of another creator's level, I don't care whether that creator got the logic from my demo or copycatX's demo.

Probably a pointless exercise, but whatever...I've been feeling bored lately and it gave me something to do.
2011-04-01 22:41:00

Posts: 2130


Wiring a player sensor to eject from the DCS works great! The player sensor makes all DCS eject...so you won't exit one DCS and try to enter another...and I guess the player sensor actvates slightly after the DCS activate signal and that somehow makes a difference. So simple...doesn't get easier than this.
2011-04-02 05:12:00

Posts: 1214


Wiring a player sensor to eject from the DCS works great! The player sensor makes all DCS eject...so you won't exit one DCS and try to enter another...and I guess the player sensor actvates slightly after the DCS activate signal and that somehow makes a difference. So simple...doesn't get easier than this.

In practice, such a problem never actually occurs though...not once in the several hundred times I tested the system before publishing it. Maybe because my system only emits enough DCS to cover the number of players present and all players auto enter their respective DCS simultaneously. Also, this means less logic components, since the active output is already a feature of the existing components.
2011-04-02 11:15:00

Posts: 2130

Ungreth, your design functions perfectly, as did mine. As for more components, Jules may have at most 3 unneeded DCS...but it's only for .1 seconds and then they get reclaimed, so it's pretty thermo friendly. It's also something I think anyone can understand, even the logic impaired.

Teleporter bill of materials:
1 sensor/switch of any type at source to activate a tag.
1 tag connected to above.
1 tag sensor at destinaton (max radius) connected to emitter.
1 emitter to emit 1 triangle of holo + player sensor wired to eject of 4 DCS.

I'm not sure I even need a teleporter now (may uses level link), I enjoyed checking out your design, glad you published this level.
2011-04-02 17:17:00

Posts: 1214

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