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I Just Got Fooled...****it!!

Archive: 10 posts

i just thought it would be cool if everyone shared thier day of april fools.

1.the girl i like just told me she was pregnant >.<
2.my sister told me there was a spider near the computer but she couldn't kill it i hate spiders.
2011-04-01 03:09:00

Posts: 177

A guy made a thread asking what happened in april fools, while it was still march.
Oh wait...

2011-04-01 04:22:00

Posts: 6707

lol, check out LittleBigPlanetarium (http://www.LittleBigPlanetarium.com). I'm so happy 2011-04-01 14:42:00

Posts: 352

Ah, but child. I do not be fooled, I do the fooling!

2011-04-01 14:59:00

Posts: 3262

xkappax tweeted about having just made a new level. Since I was sleepy I only wondered how someone could make a level that quickly, and I got fooled. 2011-04-01 15:06:00

Posts: 2536

my teacher asked me to get something
in the class room next to ours
sadly enough the item didnt exist
and i actualy believed it >.<
yes i can be pretty stupid at times
2011-04-01 17:47:00

Posts: 5482

my teacher asked me to get something
in the class room next to ours
sadly enough the item didnt exist
and i actualy believed it >.<
yes i can be pretty stupid at times

Long stand?
2011-04-01 21:37:00

Posts: 6728

nope it was such a strange word
i cant even remember it
2011-04-01 22:11:00

Posts: 5482

I did not get fooled by anyone, maybe except for life... When I woke up and took on a pair of kind of tight pants I made the button at the top pop out and fly around the room... I wonder if that was a message to make me eat less unhealthy stuff. Also, I managed to knock down a stable of paper used to drying the hands at school (after washing them), they were placed on top the paper dispenser and I tried to use that paper...

And lastly, I had a test and I think it went bad... Unless that was a trick too and it went well, but since life anticipated I would know that it went so-so, and knowing that we may not get it back at all because soon the teacher won't be able to judge the tests because they were eaten by a giant storm of grasshoppers that ate the paper... C:
2011-04-02 18:37:00

Posts: 1627

The barkeeper caressed my bum...:blush:
I got quite angry perhaps...
2011-04-02 18:52:00

Posts: 5112

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