help the animals!
Archive: 19 posts
Hello! you can call me galaxy if you want, well I have been working on my level for awhile now, but it's hard to get people to play any of my levels and most of them don't turn out to be the greatest either. In this level, you wake to find out your animal friends need some help, so start your journey by feeding your large rabbit. After feeding your rabbit you jump through some easy platforming areas and help out your other 3 animal friends, a bear who happens to be a scientist, an anti social mole rat, and a hard working dog. What you can expect is the level changing from a beautiful forest to a dump yard (literally lol). This level is fairly short even though it has a level link, but I added a lot of attention to detail in this one. Since im still a novice I dont expect the level decorations to exceed the MM picks, but some of the visuals i'm very proud of ![]() Anyways, i've been hoping that someone can play my level that i've worked really hard on and did my best. Also I wanted to publish this level on my birthday (which is today) so hopefully that will spark some sort of luck on my end lol. also, by playing my level I will personally go out of my way to play one of your levels in your world. thank you also sorry if theres any bad grammar, its very late for me right now and I stood up all night fixing the bugs in this level ![]() http://lbp.me/v/zjbrsk Bumping this level since I did a small update on the level and I want to post pics to spark a bit more interest, I was suppost to upload 3 pics, but I guess the ps3 did not send them all, but I manage to get one of the good pictures lol ![]() | 2011-03-31 09:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hey I have it queued, us 'low number of plays' folks got to help eachother out. I will leave you some feedback once played. Please try my levels if you like the links are in my signature. And by the way Happy Birthday! | 2011-04-01 04:10:00 Author: Ace29 ![]() Posts: 132 |
You really need to upload a few pictures to youer level so people get a better idea of it and will be more tempted to play. Also a better level description would help. Small summary or plot other then it being a simple platformer may help. I tend to ignore levels without a decent description or pictures. I understand how much time can go into levels and a bit more to finish it off with a decent description and pictures goes a long way. | 2011-04-01 10:45:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
Thanks for the advice, I already updated it ![]() | 2011-04-01 11:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Played your level...not bad. The junkyard portion was definitely the best part for me, there are some motor bolts that weren't motoring, don't know if that's how it was intended. The animals look good for the most part especially your junkyard dog, but that bunny at the beginning was pretty rough. The level definintely gets better as you play through it seems to me like you were learning as you created which is definitely a good thing, but to call the forest beautiful is a stretch. When I put out my first lbp2 level it was pretty much decoration-less, it's not too hard to dress it up a bit. You also had a speech bubble that got censored out I am pretty sure for the word 'open' ??? Weird censorship from mm. One last suggestion I would get rid of the light switches while getting the mole to come out, you can see enough without it or just make it stay on a little bit longer so that you can actually get across the obstacles while it is lit. Good luck with your level! | 2011-04-01 12:29:00 Author: Ace29 ![]() Posts: 132 |
queued up..... will play as soon as possible, ![]() also try my level ![]() | 2011-04-01 20:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for the feedback on my ugly rabbit, I updated the level by making a new one and fixing the lighting issue, but the motor bolts is something that Idont know how to fix. Sometimes they work and sometimes the level just dosnt move them at all ![]() | 2011-04-01 23:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi, I've found two glitches, below are a few images: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5187/5589636673_243d0bf27c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/littlebigdes/5589636673/) Here there is suppose to be a grab-able round material on a string so you can swing across. As you can see it's not there anymore. I swung over and the two blocks on the right squished me and the sponge, breaking it off. So when I came back, there was no way to get across. So I was forced to quit and start again. May be best to make the either shorten the string or the amount of swing you can get so it doesn't swing into the two blocks and get broken off. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5265/5590226514_70dffaf3b5.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/littlebigdes/5590226514/) As I was walking around and jumping looking at the scenery and the level I jumped into that round thing and got stuck. I could not get out. To make it worse, the character that was talking to me followed me and jumped in too and we both got stuck. Again I was forced to quit and start again. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5138/5590226380_b1a21bd338.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/littlebigdes/5590226380/) At this point in your level I felt a bit cheated. Due to the camera height and angle you are unable to see the rolling fire hazard below before you jump down. So I ended up jumping into the fire ball rather then trying to dodge it at first instance. Bit of a forced and unexpected death. This sort of unexpected death can be very annoying. I think placing a 'game' camera here that also shows what's happening below will make this area play out better. I also thought your combination of materials in the 2nd part was a bit off, doesn't quite fit in with the whole theme you have going on. I hope this all helps you in perfecting your level. Other than that I yayed it. | 2011-04-04 22:32:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
Thank you very much, for the advice. It looks like an easy fix too. As for the second part, did you mean the level link or the underground part? I wanted to do this to make it look like you're traveling so thats why I did the change up. There was suppost to be more to the 2nd part, but i'm not very creative and it was taking too much out of me to make up more original ideas. Anyways thanks for the play and review, I really appreciate it. | 2011-04-05 02:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Got it queued up, hopefully will get it played tonight, sounds like quite an original and cute idea! My level for F4F is in my sig, thanks ![]() | 2011-04-05 13:18:00 Author: agsrule ![]() Posts: 89 |
Thank you very much agsrule ![]() | 2011-04-05 20:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeap that would be the part you're going on about. I like to be thorough and see if I can break things when testing levels. I'm not destructive normally, but if I don't break something or try something diferent then what's intended then someone else will on your level and then they might rate it down and give you a boo. Plus I like to look around at scenery and walk over things which sometimes brings up areas where a player can get stuck. Glad to help. | 2011-04-06 10:18:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
Hey man, thanks for the play and feedback on my level! ![]() The good - I thought the idea was a cute one, and there are some nice gameplay ideas in here. The best section was undoubtedly the cave, a great mix of gameplay and art design, although the rotating rollers was also done really well and a unique idea. The not so good - As others have said, this level is breakable, it just lacks a bit of polish here and there. The one bit that I noticed was here: http://i3.lbp.me/img/fl/173d0871ba187445c6ef6f76af07d2d9c82ff8f5.jpg This button isn't stuck down, and if I had have ran into it with anymore force it would have went into the gas pit. Also, the bit just at the start of Part 2 of the level, I think you need an infinite or double life checkpoint virtually immediately, as the section with the electricity is quite tricky especially the first time. I lost my lives and had to repeat, which was frustrating. Also at that bit, the third switch is too close to the electric wall, and when doing it first time my Sackboy actually got electrocuted when pulling the switch! I also wasn't overly keen on the scenery at this part of the level, seemed a bit out of character with the bits before and after. The good news is that these are all fixable issues, and that overall I enjoyed your level - keep creating because I think with practice you have the potential to make some fantastic levels! All the best ![]() | 2011-04-08 13:55:00 Author: agsrule ![]() Posts: 89 |
Thank you very much! You're right it is fixable so i'll make sure to take care of all that today. As for the scenery, If you can point me to a thread where someone gives advice on how to design a level that would be great! My problem is I'm not really good with colors, decoration, and scenery, but i'm getting very good at the logic system. Thanks for the feed back and motivation ![]() | 2011-04-08 22:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi, Galaxy!))) Happy belated Birthday to you!))) I hope, I'm not too late to wish you a happy wind of creativity, that ought to give us even more quality and fun creations as yours... Played your lvl with great pleasure. A carrot gave me an instant smile. I have to confess, I had a little battle with those black rubber wheels that turn different ways each time. Very creative idea, I loved it! For some unknown reason, after a first set of wheels the Checkpoint did not work for several times. Donno maybe it's a glitch, maybe I did not hit it properly... Also there was a problem for 2 players to go through a row of appearing dark steps. If one Player goes through, another one falls between those steps and crushes. So, I suspect the timing or sequence of steps has to be fixed. Sorry, I have no suggestions how to do it, cause I'm a newbie in a bud myself))))). Other then that, I love this cute platformer, it's design and lots of challenges and interesting paths. Awwww and the orange antennae girl is sooo adorable!)))) Thank you, Galaxy! Good job and way to go. I'm gonna heart you and wait for more of your levels. If you ever have a chance, please visit my level, see how I did. I might need to fix something... I played for checking it so many times, im afraid my subtlety is numb by now. ))) | 2011-04-16 23:31:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Im going to queue some of your levels ![]() | 2011-04-17 02:41:00 Author: Aven1981_UK ![]() Posts: 51 |
Hi Galaxy, I played your level. It's a lot of give and take, but don't lose heart, I just want to help you get better. ![]() 1. It's unnecessary to feed the rabbit at the beginning; you can actually push your way past the gate and sneak under. I really like that rabbit though. In fact, I like all of the animals throughout the level (except for the mole, cause it's a sackbot). They have a certain charm to them cause I can tell you were really trying with them, so they have a unique look. 2.During the part with the fireball spewing basement, I'm unsure what the timers are supposed to show me...are they there for decoration? 3.Ace29 is right about the mole section. You don't need to turn on the lights since you can see perfectly fine when it's dark. You could make it pitch black with global lighting, and have small lights which illuminate your light switches. Then when the were turned on, overhead lights would turn on and illuminate the danger for a few seconds. 4.Speaking of the mole section, I was disappointed to see that you used a sackbot for him. i was hoping to see another custom creation. 5.Overall I think you were using too many materials. It's best to pick a few that compliment each other well and use those throughout. Also, us your thin layers more, they can really help to add depth and detail. 6.Also, use stickers that work better with the environment that you're creating. It all seemed rather haphazard. 7.I did find this level to be funny, especially the animals dialogue. It works well. In conclusion, I think you summed it up best: "My problem is I'm not really good with colors, decoration, and scenery, but i'm getting very good at the logic system." Practice, Practice, Practice! If you would like any advice in the future, just let me know. ![]() | 2011-04-18 18:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hello everyone and thanks for the feedback and motivation. Currently I haven't been able to fix any of the issues because not only has things in real life been a bit in the way, but I have also been on a scavenger hunt for new material for my newest level. I'll answer some of the questions though, the fire ball area with the timers is to help the player have an idea when the fireball is about to launch, I know it seems useless, but I want to help out the players get through the level as smooth as possible. As for the mole rat being a sackbot, I had a feeling that would be an issue so i'll update it to make it look original ![]() Thank you for the rabbit part on how you can just crawl right under it btw, Ill fix that tonight. For the cave area when the platforms come in and out, I will make sure to put a one player recommendation on the title. In the junkyard area the motor bolts seem to do what they want sometimes, this has been an issue for me since I started making this level. I would test it over and over, but then someone would say its not working again thus repeating a fix and so on. I honestly think its a game glitch thanks for all the feedback once again. As for learning on designing i'll make sure to ask some of you on how to design even though I looked up some threads on how to design for the last few weeks, but learning is eternal. As for the next level I will publish, It will be a co op and possibly a single player with a sackbot as a partner so everyone can play it. I currently canceled my other level since it was turning into a mess, but thats another story. thanks everyone ![]() | 2011-04-18 22:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for a feedback of "Cybernetic Adventures Gamma" in both review and LBPC. This is a good level. VISUALS: The level has good use of the decorations and materials. The animals are well made, too, but I think you need to give them more polishing with corner edit. SOUND: The variety of musics are a bit random, but they're good ones. GAMEPLAY: This level has some good obstacles. I forgot what needs to be fixed, but I don't see any problems or bugs. OVERALL: Nice level. A yeah vote. | 2011-04-19 21:08:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
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