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Five star ratings

Archive: 4 posts

This may be a fairly basic question but i've noticed that on the LBPCentral forums and sometimes in LBP2 game there is a five star rating besides the level or thread. I just wanted to know how you can rate the thread/level and how come not all levels/threads have a rating?


2011-03-30 15:17:00

Unknown User

I just wanted to know how you can rate the thread/level and how come not all levels/threads have a rating?

There's a "Rate This Thread" button on the bar just above the first post - any threads which have not been rated will... well... not have a rating.
2011-03-30 17:21:00

Posts: 2870

I was wondering that too, but you seemed to solve it.

This thread gets a five-star from me!
2011-03-30 21:32:00

Posts: 68

It just occured to me, this is so LBP1! Has anyone considered switching to happy/sad counts? 2011-03-31 10:18:00

Posts: 2284

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