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the lvl for sackbot newbies

Archive: 3 posts

my lvl on lbp2 will help out any people who want to use the advanced camera to make there sackbot lvls with the camera and sackbot for free and some epic music as well endless posibilitys from sonic unleashed lbp 2 style2011-03-29 20:09:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

This really ought to have been posted in Object Showcase or Level showcase. The "Everything Else LBP2" forum is not the place to sell your wares.2011-03-29 20:16:00

Posts: 2130

Moved to Object showcase for now. If you put the level name I'll move this to the level showcase.2011-03-29 20:20:00

Posts: 5983

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