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Bullet Time Tech Demo (slow motion)

Archive: 15 posts

Saturn Suit Tech Demo (http://lbp.me/v/zg48cc)
*link corrected*

This is a tech demo level for you all to try. I locked it with Comphermc's Lock box device. The code is 3011.

I really need players to test out this bot and try to make it break. The suit has the following features:

-Bullet time (slow motion for you and other objects around you)
-Stunts (diving, rolling, double jump, you can also dive through glass...in slow motion)
-Weapon selection with 2 weapons: positron blaster and positron saber

*NOTE* If you try to do too many stunts at once you will be fatigued and unable to move. That is a feature not a bug.

Please let me know if you find any glitches and HAVE FUN!
2011-03-29 02:14:00

Posts: 76

I will test!... so where do I use that code?2011-03-29 03:50:00

Posts: 199

Your Link doesnt work did you mean this one?
2011-03-29 13:29:00

Unknown User

its been qued!2011-03-29 15:56:00

Posts: 157

*please note the link was corrected for the lbp.me site*2011-03-30 20:13:00

Posts: 76

I'm in, adding it to my que sounds interesting.2011-04-01 14:13:00

Posts: 920

The slow motion was great: taking aim on the target dummy as it eased out of the basket was a real treat. I think the orb should still show where you're aiming, even it you're using the slash, personally. Couldn't get the jump through glass to work, but I was very clumsy with the diving, so it might just have been clipping or such. The fatigue feature might benefit from some visual indicator, perhaps an aura of some sort, or a bar, etc.2011-04-01 16:36:00

Kanada Ten
Posts: 87

OMG what can I say, I was totally blown away by your second part, Incubus Sector - Prologue and how this ties in with your Saturn suit demo. I went into the demo then was taken to the next part so that was unexpected. Part of me was saying this is way too scary and atmospheric for small children to watch and may give me nightmares. This is not a bad thing by the way. I'm keeping you on my radar for what's next.2011-04-06 12:06:00

Posts: 920

Sounds very cool! I'm gonna try and break that Bot!
2011-04-07 16:20:00

Posts: 121

Very impressed. Can't wait to see it in a full level. 5/52011-04-10 00:19:00

Posts: 38

That was a great costume!
It has a lot of abilities and they all can be used for epic things.
Can't wait for a full level/game/series using this costume!

Great work!
2011-04-11 09:40:00

Posts: 121

Thanks for trying it out guys. If any one is interested I'm looking for people to contribute to the Incubus sector series. If you watched the movie you'll know what im talking about: I wanted to have other creator's planets infected by the Incubus Sector. You would use the bot of course in your level and you could essentially make one of your own levels infected. I would link your level from mine so you would get all credit. It would basically be a mission on your own planet.2011-04-11 19:39:00

Posts: 76

sounds genius! i will give it a try once i have played your level and i will add you on psn2011-04-12 10:50:00

Posts: 1527

Unless intentional, the note with the unlock code is visible upon load. The firing is nice, the floating orb/targeting that returned to a static point was a great touch.

The roll/dive needs some work. It seemed a little floaty, which would be fine if it was to sound/look like the slo-mo effect. It also broke when I tried it to go under a ledge. The initial dive is a great animation but it could maybe have an impact sensor interrupter between it and the roll animation.

The bullet time could do with more effect in the global lighting/sound area but it does work well.

If I was in a postion to have my planet infected as part of you idea; I would. But as of yet, I haven't got anything worth your suit saving
2011-04-14 11:18:00

Posts: 1799

i was gunna have sackboy going home to see his mother with his girlfriend and then the plane crashing because they are under attack. then he does not have the suit but he knows there is a spare one at a hidden outpost so he makes his way with weakened powers to it. full of suspense and fear and the classic time running out feeling..... then at the end he goes to his mothers house and its on fire and he goes crazy and a huge beat-em-up scene with tones of enemies dieing and basically him being really cool to save his mother. what do you think??2011-04-14 12:50:00

Posts: 1527

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