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StrikeWing: New transformable fighter

Archive: 22 posts

Hey all!

I've been inspired by Ccubbage to finally work on the next chapter of StrikeWing, so I've been working non-stop on a new transformable fighter to test the limits of LBP2 and bend the fabric of the universe itself! ... or maybe not that much.

It's finally got most of the features and kinks worked out, so here's a video demonstration:


Still got a couple of issues to fix, but I think I'll start working on the level proper in a few days.

For those wondering, I based the design on the VF-1 from Macross, one of my favorite fighter/mecha designs:
2011-03-28 19:04:00

Posts: 2536

That is amazingly Awesome man, I wish you would make a Gundam or Transformer level in lbp2 with those same mechanics, that would just be profesional quality just like that one^ 2011-03-28 22:14:00

Posts: 1019

:O Ive had many try to impress me with their objects but this is by far the coolest thing I have ever seen! Besides a few cosmetic touch ups (mostly concerning material and shape choice for the weapons) This is the perfect fusion of epic vehicles, epic firepower, and epic robots

EDIT: I also love how it is friendly towards collecting upgrades!
2011-03-29 00:06:00

Posts: 1924

Gil, this is awesome!!! I love the transformations. They look great. Really like how you used the extra layers to create depth with the wings. This will be a worthy sequel!2011-03-29 00:51:00

Posts: 1465

Wow, amazing.2011-03-29 20:10:00

Posts: 81

thats flat out amazing. esp the addition of the black jet pack thing2011-03-29 21:43:00

Posts: 82

Wow!!!!!!! The original Strikewing was one of my favorites... I must have played it 20 times. It was done about as well as it could be done in LBP1, but the controls were never as crisp as the visuals or design. I'm really looking forward to playing this incarnation! The ship looks flat out awesome!2011-03-30 03:30:00

Posts: 4430


I've managed to refine the few remaining kinks (some loose joints and the gun getting stuck), and it also works perfectly underwater from my tests (that will come in handy!).

This new fighter moves a lot faster -- and more precisely -- than its predecessor ever could. It's also much sturdier, so it can gleefully crash into things without losing an arm or leg. Since I didn't have to worry about size constraints, I made it about twice as big, allowing for much more detail and additional moving parts.

Hopefully I'll have enough thermo to fit in five stages this time, like I originally wanted for the first StrikeWing. Not taking any chances though, so I'm making a Title screen + Intro + Instructions level, and the main level will be a sub-level.

Although it seems that four fighters on the screen at once is too much for LBP2. I think I won't have any choice but to limit the number to three.
Although that's still two more than the original had.
2011-03-30 05:21:00

Posts: 2536

Nice! The likeness is very strik(ew)ing! I'm just missing the massive missile spreads and a Minmei song in the background (dunno if it was there, I don't have sound right now).2011-03-30 08:40:00

Posts: 2284

Cool stuff.

I noticed that you launched some rockets with an arc. You can make them straighten out by activating several zero strength rotators. My method for doing this is to turn on a microchop which just has 4 zero strength rotators. This will sort of act like a local-space gyroscope.

Alternatively, you could make them point in some specific angle using a joystick rotator.


2011-03-30 15:09:00

Posts: 5338

Oh, the arcs are voluntary. The missiles fire in an arc so that they explode at the center-right of the screen when properly zoomed out (they have a 1.5s fuse, but also explode on impact). The missiles in fighter mode also have a slight arc so they end up slightly above and slightly below the line of fire for a greater spread.
I could try to give them a higher rotation and make them straighten out partway though. I'll see if it works right for all modes.
2011-03-30 15:51:00

Posts: 2536

Well, I only brought it up because, for me, rockets should either fly in a straight line or lock on to a target. I guess it's not a huge deal, I'm just finicky.2011-03-30 17:24:00

Posts: 5338

Simply awesome!!!
I love when you transform from the jetfighter to the mech, for a brief moment it seem that the mech has a......nevermind...
2011-03-30 19:56:00

Posts: 5112

You mean it doesn't have a flying boxing glove or pair of glasses anymore? All that, uhm... "productive" work for nothing! ;_;

This looks pretty awesome and where do I recognise that music from?

Simply awesome!!!
I love when you transform from the jetfighter to the mech, for a brief moment it seem that the mech has a......nevermind...
Well... it's nothing compared to Jehuty in the first ZOE game. You know the scene I mean. o_o
2011-03-30 23:37:00

Posts: 2454

You mean it doesn't have a flying boxing glove or pair of glasses anymore? All that, uhm... "productive" work for nothing! ;_;
That was all on the old model, which suffered an unfortunate encounter with a black hole (along with several Mm objects and a horde of buffalo).

This looks pretty awesome and where do I recognise that music from?
It's from the mission against the Alect Squadron in Ace Combat X. I would have put something more Macross-y, but unfortunately not everyone likes that kind of music.
2011-03-31 04:21:00

Posts: 2536

like the design. Can objects move int eh 3d layers? One of these days I may use the 3D thing...perhaps when they release the tool I will. Just wondering I was amking a jet level, and the issues I ran into was the small size of the MM level area. The player can fly from one side to another in just a few seconds, and the carriers they are on take up 1/3 the level length each, so slowing the jets make is more obvious as you fly past them. I tried to hide the walls the best I can, bit for good flying views I had to zoom out...thus making it impossible to fully hide the walls. Just wondering if you try hiding the walls too in a flying level, or is it un avoidable for a fast flying vehicle to hit the level edges.2011-03-31 09:20:00

Posts: 822

It's from the mission against the Alect Squadron in Ace Combat X. I would have put something more Macross-y, but unfortunately not everyone likes that kind of music.


You know, this would be great for a Thexder/Firehawk kind of game...
2011-03-31 10:28:00

Posts: 2284

Just wondering I was amking a jet level, and the issues I ran into was the small size of the MM level area. The player can fly from one side to another in just a few seconds, and the carriers they are on take up 1/3 the level length each, so slowing the jets make is more obvious as you fly past them. I tried to hide the walls the best I can, bit for good flying views I had to zoom out...thus making it impossible to fully hide the walls. Just wondering if you try hiding the walls too in a flying level, or is it un avoidable for a fast flying vehicle to hit the level edges.
Unfortunately you'll hit the level boundaries eventually in any vehicle. The best option to give the illusion of endless flight is to use a scrolling background, which is what I'll be using.
2011-03-31 13:02:00

Posts: 2536

I was afraid of that. I have done tricks to hide the bottom and top of the level. but witht eh camera angles and vs mode, it hurts many options. I don't want to nix the vs mode...but I may end up just having a level link for the vs mode instead. But I still run into the issue of the carriers being too big to move unless I have one emit at a time...which ruins vs...argh. I really wish they had a no boarders level or larger level. 2011-03-31 18:40:00

Posts: 822

Hey, I haven't worked on this in a while!

But now that I've finally taken time to continue, here's some teaser pics of the progress on Stage 1:

StrikeWing squadron ready for launch.

Some enemies on the prowl.

More enemies, isn't this just a friendly neighborhood?

I've finished the menu level, including the intro and controls tutorial, and I've also finished with the launch sequence on the stage proper. Once I make the stage 1 boss I'll be able to polish up the gameplay elements and maybe start looking for help making enemies/backdrops/musics.
2011-07-05 05:48:00

Posts: 2536

great job! on the mech and taking away 4 hours of my day, lol i clicked on the link and then 4 hours later i am an expert on macross and robotech, lol great job2011-07-21 03:49:00

Posts: 157


That looks incredible, amazing how it transforms. Stuff like this that makes me think twice about posting my object, lol.
2011-07-23 15:29:00

Posts: 232

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