Galactron-Ball (With video)
Archive: 1 post
Hello everyone! Lately I've been working on a level together with Ratchet_PSN (Also known as Bludgaboy at YouTube). Galactron-Ball is a simple game where you and a friend compete against each other in a Volley ball kind of game. The objective is simple. Throw the ball to the other side of the arena and make it hit the ground. Also don't hold the ball for too long or you'll be penalised. We have also given you the option to choose different levels of gravity along with a music selector. I focused more on the design aspects, while Ratchet dealt with the logics. We had a great time creating it, so we hope you'll enjoy playing it ![]() LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx5xGWxdv6o&feature=feedu http://lbp.me/v/zbxgqm | 2011-03-27 19:27:00 Author: VenemoX ![]() Posts: 197 |
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