Fetch Quest II: Rise of the Potty Mouth
Archive: 7 posts
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=32557&d=1301204137 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=32555&d=1301204136 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=32554&d=1301204135 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=31858&d=1299399048 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=32558&d=1301204139 http://lbp.me/v/zcf7nw | 2011-03-27 06:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
LOL I keep breaking it. Attempt #1: The rocks above the kraken fell in such a way that I couldn't get into the tunnel. Probably a 1 in 100 occurrence. I might've been able to move them out of the way enough to proceed if I really put my mind to it but I opted to restart instead. Attempt #2: Killed the boss beyond the blue door, but haphazardly fell back down into his chamber after pressing the button. I seemed to be stuck down there, so I attempted to scale the bubble chute on the right. The wall fell out of the side of the chute and I fell into the water outside. Attempt #3: Got past the blue door, fell down to the secret clam by complete accident. It opened up and the top of the shell broke off along the way. (I really hate bolts sometimes too haha) I killed the lizard, realizing this time that the whole room is grapple-able. Warped out of there, now with the green key, except the orange fruit is stuck on a ledge high above, the one that led to the blue door. Attempt #4: Ran into a floor-emitter issue when coming out of the water from the kraken, elevator tweaked on me when the floor didn't appear due to me trying to make a hasty exit from the cage. No other real glitches, made it through okay. The toilets maybe have their mouth radii set a little high cause the first one catches you mostly off camera, and the third one can talk to you while you're on the roof of the crab shack. Part 2 looks great other than the issues I ran into. The level making shop is awesome. Still great characters, clever humor, distinct style. Looking forward to more misadventures. | 2011-03-30 04:02:00 Author: discokrakken ![]() Posts: 108 |
LOL I keep breaking it. Attempt #1: The rocks above the kraken fell in such a way that I couldn't get into the tunnel. Probably a 1 in 100 occurrence. I might've been able to move them out of the way enough to proceed if I really put my mind to it but I opted to restart instead. Sounds like a rare occurrence indeed. Yes, you can push the rocks around, but that shouldn't happen unless you swim in while the rocks are still falling. But that is dangerous. Don't do that. Attempt #2: Killed the boss beyond the blue door, but haphazardly fell back down into his chamber after pressing the button. I seemed to be stuck down there, so I attempted to scale the bubble chute on the right. The wall fell out of the side of the chute and I fell into the water outside. I would never have thought to climb that. I'll check it out when I get off work. I suspect that the button (brain) that destroys the material to drop the prize bubbles might be taking out part of the wall. Attempt #3: Got past the blue door, fell down to the secret clam by complete accident. It opened up and the top of the shell broke off along the way. (I really hate bolts sometimes too haha) I killed the lizard, realizing this time that the whole room is grapple-able. Warped out of there, now with the green key, except the orange fruit is stuck on a ledge high above, the one that led to the blue door. Yeah, the clam pops its top a lot. I played with it forever and decided to leave it that way. Making sure the player earns the points and get back out of the area was more important. Most friends playtesting did not stay in that room long enough to see it happen. Yes, the entire lizard room can be grabbed and grappled. This made me laugh. It's pretty easy to climb back up if you fall. I'm brainstorming some ways to make sure the fruit doesn't get stuck. I may have to replace it with something more efficient. Attempt #4: Ran into a floor-emitter issue when coming out of the water from the kraken, elevator tweaked on me when the floor didn't appear due to me trying to make a hasty exit from the cage. No other real glitches, made it through okay. I see what you mean. Jumping at the exact wrong time can cause problems, but it seems you either make it behind the crab shack or you have to swim down and re-enter the elevator again. And don't jump this time! The toilets maybe have their mouth radii set a little high cause the first one catches you mostly off camera, and the third one can talk to you while you're on the roof of the crab shack. Did this bother you? I made it that way so they can taunt you and make you want to find your way to them. Even though some are easier to get to than other. Part 2 looks great other than the issues I ran into. The level making shop is awesome. Still great characters, clever humor, distinct style. Looking forward to more misadventures. Thanks a lot. I won't have a lot of time to work on the level this week, but I will keep all your suggestions in mind and implement changes soon. Thanks again for your feedback. | 2011-03-30 15:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sounds like a rare occurrence indeed. Yes, you can push the rocks around, but that shouldn't happen unless you swim in while the rocks are still falling. But that is dangerous. Don't do that. That's entirely doable if you get close enough to the kraken before it disappears. Risky but doable. I see what you mean. Jumping at the exact wrong time can cause problems, but it seems you either make it behind the crab shack or you have to swim down and re-enter the elevator again. And don't jump this time! Yup, I admit, this was only because it was my third or fourth time coming up from the kraken. It's only a problem when someone is familiar with that section of the level and is trying to speedrun/critical path it. Did this bother you? I made it that way so they can taunt you and make you want to find your way to them. Even though some are easier to get to than other. In that case, they do well to accomplish the desired effect. It's just rare that a camera angle doesn't bring a speaking character into the center of the screen, as jarring as that often can be. The implementation of speech bubbles on the toilets is unconventional with good reason and succeeds at the intended purpose, so this is a win for creative player motivation IMO. They make you hate them pretty good from afar! | 2011-03-30 18:11:00 Author: discokrakken ![]() Posts: 108 |
I fixed the problem with the far right wall in the lizard room. A simple gluing was needed. No more falling into the water if you try and climb it. Though, for the record, there's no reason to do so. ![]() I also did a few other tweaks. The pistons on the door leading to Potty Mouth were not supposed to be visible. I added a jump pad under the orange fruit in case it gets stuck. I fixed a very small issue with the scoreboard. | 2011-03-31 05:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
hello there another enjoyable experience ![]() remember you dont have to use brains or build things out of dissolve for a destructable/climbable building or enemy,use a destroyer and a score giver if you want to reward a kill.or use a material tweaker to make a normally non grabbable material grabbable. so you can build like say the dragon out of any material you want,and put a destroyer on it. another thing i enjoyed was reading your thoughts on the level,i hope you do this in future ![]() ![]() | 2011-04-04 19:50:00 Author: gigglecrab ![]() Posts: 232 |
... another enjoyable experience ![]() The little crab was positioned between the water and the crab shack. It seemed logical. I'm sure he didn't mind being next to the mermaid tho. the level worked fine and nothing broke,and no parts frustrated me or dragged on,though i wasnt sure if i had to jump off the dock into the water at first. the little pottymouths reminded me of fable with the gargoyles,i enjoyed killing them all for insulting me. There is actually a huge design flaw in the level. I don't know if anyone else has found it, but it's really big. Sadly, my thermal is full and I can't get the program to allow me to fix it. Luckily, everyone seems to miss it and it's not something that stops the level from being playable. I seem to have little choice but to leave it as is. The mermaid tells you the kraken is in the water below. Perhaps I should make her dialogue more clear. Kythca and I discussed the gnomes from Fable III as I built the mini-potty mouths. It was a fun idea, and though I did not intend to steal it, I'm okay with borrowing the idea. remember you dont have to use brains or build things out of dissolve for a destructable/climbable building or enemy,use a destroyer and a score giver if you want to reward a kill.or use a material tweaker to make a normally non grabbable material grabbable. so you can build like say the dragon out of any material you want,and put a destroyer on it. Yup, yup. The crabs were originally set up with a impact detectors and a kill switch, but I like the brains better. They're fun. I honesty wasn't thinking about the grabbable material in the lizard area. I used it for it's color/design. After all the problems he gave me, I'm glad it worked out the way it did. You have no idea how much I hate that boss and his room. another thing i enjoyed was reading your thoughts on the level,i hope you do this in future ![]() ![]() I'm sure all my levels will be built along the lines of the first two, so I am likely to include the hidden area rewards and a hidden "developer's room" feature from now on. | 2011-04-05 02:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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