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Where do you find the water material??

Archive: 4 posts

In what level do you find the Water Material at?? I need it for my level.2011-03-27 03:46:00

Unknown User

Eve level, Assilum (one with LBP1 characters), there place where you got ball on fireand you toast the vines, speer last vine and go to end of it and there gonna be 3 bubbles including water material

You might also want to consider funky clouds material at 0 brithness, it's also cool for water effect, specially in sunset/night scenery
2011-03-27 05:10:00

Posts: 3991

Wait okay i played the level i thought you meant and i still couldnt find it :/. Whats the level called?

And I dont think I have the Cloud material either lol
2011-03-27 17:15:00

Unknown User

patients are a virtue2011-03-31 17:04:00

Unknown User

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