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Music by schm0

Archive: 12 posts

Hey folks,

This is my music showcase level and so far contains three original songs. The tracks are currently sitting in an otherwise empty level for your listening pleasure.

Let me know if you liked the tracks, or if you are interested in collaboration, either through composing or partnering to provide a unique song (or cover!) for your level.



EDIT: A fourth upcoming song is in the works! Stay tuned for an all original, spacey techno track from yours truly!
2011-03-27 03:17:00

Posts: 1239

Queued up and ready!2011-03-27 10:16:00

Posts: 631

Always on the look-out for new music - the right track can really bring a level to life

I'll take a peek this afternoon.
2011-03-27 12:30:00

Posts: 66

Is this the music the one were using in my level?2011-03-27 13:07:00

Posts: 280

Is this the music the one were using in my level?

For now, yes. There will be other tracks in the near future, including some of the stuff you didn't stick around to hear.

Anyways, like I said the level itself isn't a proper level which is why I posted it here. Once I get some more tracks and a proper music player I'll be putting this up in the Level Showcase. For now, it just goes here.

Thanks to all of you for playing the level and listening to the track (and the feedback!)
2011-03-27 19:05:00

Posts: 1239

It's a good track. TBH, It'd easily hold it's own with anything in that musical style commercially produced for games. I'll be keeping an eye (ear?) out for other stuff you produce2011-03-27 23:21:00

Posts: 66

I've added another original piece entitled Mummy's Lullaby... It's a slow building melodic lullaby that sprang into my mind as of late, and rings reminiscent of Egyptian pyramids. Just sit around to let the whole tune play out, I find it builds quite nicely and I'm happy with how simple and effective it is. It could potentially make some decent background music, although I think it may not fit just any level.

Thanks for all of you who've stopped by so far, and as always I appreciate feedback (or collaboration, if you're down!)
2011-03-29 05:02:00

Posts: 1239

Just played it!

I'm actually not really in favor of much purely synthetic music, but that's basically unavoidable with the instruments provided in LBP2...but you made great use of the synthetic sounds - and the tune produced, I believe, was really good and had a catchy beat; I thought it was great!

2011-03-30 05:01:00

Posts: 4193

Well, I've got good news on two fronts. An alpha version of my music player interface was just completed, I just have to make several tweaks and then it'll be ready for a proper Beta release. I'm going to have to do some significant fiddling with the logic, lighting and general appearance but it's working like I want it to, so the level itself should be getting a pretty big update soon enough.

I've also begun the beginning groundwork for a third song and will be toying around with some of those ideas tonight. Thanks for those of you who have stopped by to give me feedback, keep it coming! (Let me know if you're looking for some custom music for your level, even if what I've sampled so far isn't quite your style!)

If you haven't done so already, please head over to Cybersnake's level (http://lbp.me/v/zhr8wh) which features "Doo Biddy Bop" as the featured track!
2011-03-31 22:19:00

Posts: 1239

Pardon the double-post/thread revival, but I do have a new song I'm working on and I'm really excited about it. I'm really hoping to get some feedback, so if anyone wants a sneak preview, let me know!

Stay tuned for an all original, spacey techno track from yours truly!
2011-06-30 00:15:00

Posts: 1239

Nice music. If you have time could you make me some music. My level is a futuristic puzzle-platformer.2011-06-30 01:23:00

Posts: 385

Nice music. If you have time could you make me some music. My level is a futuristic puzzle-platformer.

I'll have to put the final touches on my piece before I can work on any projects... I may also have my own personal project lined up as well. As it says in my sig, requests are unfortunately closed at the moment.

But thanks for the compliment!
2011-06-30 01:48:00

Posts: 1239

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