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Protest against Critisism

Archive: 46 posts

Our LBP-PsP community is being trashed by unwanted protesters who state "LBP-PsP" is "garbage" we MUST stop these unwanted creators, before our Community Moon is ruined! Please, Help the cuase! Thank You.2011-03-23 21:29:00

Unknown User

What?! No, if you want stop actions beneath a certain standard then help the people who do such things get above that standard.2011-03-25 13:44:00

Posts: 1132

Do what *you* want but these guys do not like the *concept* of LBP-PsP so seriously *THINK ABOUT YOUR STATEMENTS* consider the opinions of the players, there are PsPers who will hate LBP-PsP no matter what and will keep critisizing. Think about that.2011-03-26 03:47:00

Unknown User

Just ignore the slackers dude. The people who love n like LBP PSP will keep it in there hearts. Let the slackers dis it, we can let them have their petty say and rise above it and try to keep creating decent levels.
To be honest I'm not sure what your on about as I've just woke up and am doing this via my phone while lying in bed, morning everybody.
2011-03-26 09:58:00

Posts: 232

Aren't you critizising them by doing this, tho?
Should we take care of you as well then? O_o

2011-03-26 10:30:00

Posts: 6707

But if we did that Leo, then we'd have to put ourselves down as well.

I don't know much about the PSP side, but I do know that they don't have as great of logic as in LBP2. And what some people rage on about is that some creators don't want the new logic.
2011-03-26 11:38:00

Posts: 1799

We'll certainly most of the levels now can't be classified as "good", so you guys certaintly need some criticism.2011-03-26 14:28:00

Posts: 673

Theres nothing to critize with my levels, so I suggest you double-check yourself .2011-03-26 15:24:00

Unknown User


I can see that this will be locked soon though.
2011-03-26 21:01:00

Posts: 440

Actually, it would seem that kakkon has no levels so there's nothing TO criticize.2011-03-27 04:26:00

Posts: 203

We'll certainly most of the levels now can't be classified as "good", so you guys certainly need some criticism.

He never directed that statement at Kakkon.
2011-03-27 05:13:00

Posts: 1799

I haven't been on LBP-PSP in a while,

So what... some guys are posting "LBP is Rubbish" levels and they are proving popular? Is that what's happening?

Are their levels any good?
Seeing as LBP levels are user made - if your level is rubbish - then you know who to blame
2011-03-27 08:57:00

Posts: 1970

tch just ignore them
theyre like three people who think
look how noobish we are
nothing to start protesting against
i mean use a whole level spot for three noobz
thats pretty dumb dont you think
(sorry if this comment sounded rude
im having a serious lack of sleep)
2011-03-27 20:16:00

Posts: 5482

I have a couple psp levels and im workin on a couple more, there not "as perfect" as i would want them to be but dont tell me what im tryin to say.2011-04-04 22:53:00

Unknown User

I have a couple psp levels and im workin on a couple more, there not "as perfect" as i would want them to be but dont tell me what im tryin to say.

I don't know what you mean by that last part there but....

If you're seriously admitting to yourself that they're not perfect, even for you, then you DEFINITELY should NOT publish them. Spend more time so that you're actually proud of your work instead of shoving out half-finished projects. If you're not proud of what you make, then no one's going to want to play your level, especially knowing you didn't try your best on it. That's my two cents worth...
2011-04-04 23:08:00

Posts: 1651

Hold on, so apparently people are making levels on LBP PSP to insult it? I don't get why people should do that. If they don't like the PSP version, they shouldn't play it. No-one's going to force them to do it, so why should they complain?

It doesn't make any sense to me at all.
2011-04-11 00:28:00

Posts: 27

Yea someone noted the hypocrasy of the situation.
2011-04-11 00:38:00

Posts: 1132

Well... It's likely they got LBP2. They just hating. Being a-holes.2011-04-11 01:57:00

Posts: 1799

I'm sorry, but im getting really bored of people critisizing the psp and/or its community...all games have communities which arent really true to the game's spirit. The only way to overcome them is too ignore them, they'll die down when they realize no-one is listening to them, its simple parenting but just with people you dont know...2011-04-11 10:56:00

Posts: 382

it is impossible to have a game with mainly user generated content without having more noobs than people actually putting in effort. And anyway how is this thread going to stop them?
(to be honest i don't actually know what you are talking about i don't visit the newest levels page anymore)
2011-04-11 23:06:00

Posts: 191

i don't visit the newest levels page anymore

nobody does, NOBODY muahahahaha
ok thats enough strange random stuff from my side
but thats the truth
just look at the most <3ed, highest :star:ed and the levels showcase here at lbpc
you dont need more to play some awesome, top-notch, amazing levels
2011-04-12 09:42:00

Posts: 5482

I look at the newest level page...
2011-04-12 10:34:00

Posts: 1132

I look at the "Newest Levels" page long enough to hit the square button on my PSP once it's done loading. Every once in a blue moon, I flip through and look for a level with an intriguing name and description.2011-04-12 12:29:00

Posts: 299

Kakkon, shut up! If you dont like that they critiize your levels either ignore them or listen and change them for better. Also, ignore the people going around saying LBP PSP sucks now. The only reason it sucks is becasue these threads are dead and the great original creators have left!2011-04-15 04:50:00

Posts: 732

it is impossible to have a game with mainly user generated content without having more noobs than people actually putting in effort.

Just thought I'd point out my love of dehumanizing noobs!
2011-04-15 05:39:00

Posts: 164

this thread won't stop noobs... there's too many of them!2011-04-15 16:42:00

Posts: 106

Kakkon, shut up! If you dont like that they critiize your levels either ignore them or listen and change them for better. Also, ignore the people going around saying LBP PSP sucks now. The only reason it sucks is becasue these threads are dead and the great original creators have left!

thats not true
those threads arent dead and theres new blood
like jet, B-K, me, woodburyraider, wert, blackwolfe, ... who are still putting effort in this
theyre all on a distinguished road to become the top of what is left
and there are some other original creators left
im lookin' at darcyh, cyber sora (i mentioned you did you see ? im not as cold as coxy) VJ, dizzy ?, spark ?
hellobob5, sketch, ...
there still life in our small community<3
2011-04-17 20:07:00

Posts: 5482

thats not true
those threads arent dead and theres new blood
like jet, B-K, me, woodburyraider, wert, blackwolfe
theyre all on a distinguished road to become the top of what is left
and there are some other original creators left
im lookin' at darcyh, cyber sora (i mentioned you did you see ? im not as cold as coxy) VJ, dizzy ?, spark ?
there still life in our small community<3

I've been around a lot longer than most of those "new" creators buddy...
2011-04-17 20:10:00

Posts: 1651

oops sorry woodz i forgot that
but you ARE one of are better psp-creators here
2011-04-17 20:37:00

Posts: 5482

thats not true
those threads arent dead and theres new blood
like jet, B-K, me, woodburyraider, wert, blackwolfe, ... who are still putting effort in this
theyre all on a distinguished road to become the top of what is left
and there are some other original creators left
im lookin' at darcyh, cyber sora (i mentioned you did you see ? im not as cold as coxy) VJ, dizzy ?, spark ?
hellobob5, sketch, ...
there still life in our small community<3
:O did you just mention me as an original creator? with all those other amazing people?
2011-04-18 01:59:00

Posts: 191

Well now I see the criticism of LBP PSP as nothing more than a challenge. Let them say what they will, but really they are nothing more than people who do not like pushing the boundaries of possibility. LBP is all about creativity and pushing the boundaries that we are given. The most successful creators are those who push for the unexpected and accomplish through persistence something that was deemed impossible on PSP. Our prime subject of proof, AmazingFlyingPoo.
Can you imagine Now and then being a simple platformer or a simple RPG? Would it not be lost within countless "noob" levels due to it's simplistic visuals? I'm not saying there is anything wrong with his visuals mind you, though one would agree they were not quite par with Salieri's. Clearly what kept Now and Then on the highest rated page was the creative barriers crossed in it's creation. How many of you have seen another level that deals with time quite like it?
Another proof of the popularity of thinking outside the box is Eagerneph's level Sound of Music. I have no idea how he did so much of that stuff! I am seriously dumbfounded at sections of this and so it is small wonder he earned his place in the highest rated levels so quickly.

Of course achievement in gameplay is absolutely not all that LBP PSP fans dig. Breaking the boundaries in visuals is too another favourable aspect. Want proof? Look at how high rated SketchNZ's levels are? They broke the boundaries of the supposed incapabilities of the PSP to create eye candy. The success of Salieri also rides partly on his achievement in visuals. Unfortunately achievement in visuals will not grant you success unless you can pair it with even the simplest form of gameplay. It is an art in itself to create stunning visuals and incorporate gameplay effectively. I know I really struggle with this.

So what about the other successful creators? I can guarantee that every single level on the highest rated has been crafted to break the boundaries of create mode and leave in the dust the low expectations of "PS3 is better" fan boys and girls.

Seriously guys. Just keep at it, have fun and don't give up! If you want to build an underwater level, find a way to do it! There is always a way.

Keep creating!

2011-04-25 15:24:00

Posts: 1328

Seriously guys. Just keep at it, have fun and don't give up! If you want to build an underwater level, find a way to do it! There is always a way.

Shhhhh don't tell them my ideas! I found a way to make water but I'm still perfecting it. It'll be in Project World hopefully.
2011-04-25 15:31:00

Posts: 1651

Hey, don't leave me Or Jhawk23 out of this! Yes, the noobs are starting a revolution, but I personally feel that the noobs help me. I look at one terrible level and think to myself, "You can make something way better than that!" especially because most of the "new" levels are "we want real water" or "ideas for update 2.06" or "Halo 3 club"
(at least that's what it was until i lost my wi-fi)
2011-04-25 15:35:00

Posts: 276

Hmmm, it seems everyone is getting caught up about nothing, yeah i suppose i havent been a light carrier in these dark times, i'm not criticising anyone here, but if we keep complaining about level status its just gonna make us look bad. Does it really matter if out levels are in the highest rated pages, it shouldnt, Everyone should be happy that they are part of this community and not compete with others for popularity, you'll gain it in time. Look guys, fighting amonst each other isnt going to help, we're pushing each other away when we should be pulling ourselves together as a force and showing the PS3 community what we're really made of, that we are not the bi-product of a less succesful LittleBigPlanet, but that we are the ones who made it great...2011-04-25 18:59:00

Posts: 382

Don't get carried away hellobob.

I think we should just drop these 'who is left' threads, and start creating epic PSP levels!
2011-04-25 21:45:00

Posts: 2333

Ignore people trying to put you down. I heard a phrase once, something a long these lines 'All evil in this world is due to that the good do nothing to stop it' They don't want to stop it, you do.

I would highly recommend building up your strength. Look around the forum, some people also hate what is happening on PSP. If you can create a HUGE network of protestors, and actually BE BOTHERED to do something, maybe change could be made.

I do not have LBP PSP, so I do not know if it has online on it or not. If it does, this will be able to boost your strength, otherwise, use a fansite (Such as this), to contact each other on, to work out your next move. Good Luck Revolutionary PSPist.
2011-04-25 22:01:00

Posts: 103

"Now and Then" was nice, but "Here and There" was an achievement.2011-04-26 09:56:00

Posts: 299

Don't get carried away hellobob.

I think we should just drop these 'who is left' threads, and start creating epic PSP levels!

should i delete mine then ?
we dont need it anymore after all

2011-04-26 16:46:00

Posts: 5482

should i delete mine then ?
we dont need it anymore after all


Don't delete it because some meaningful stuff went on in it and I'm sure there are plenty of meaningful quotes to be scavenged eventually.
2011-04-26 22:07:00

Posts: 1651

yeah that and the fact that our positive community will just ignore those soggy old miserable threads anyway.
So save yourself the trouble and dont bother deleting it.
2011-04-26 22:25:00

Posts: 1132

Nothing will go without criticism from someone. For example, I personally did not enjoy Destiny or Destiny 2. Does that make these levels bad? Far from it; they just did not appeal to me, whereas they may be other people's favorite levels.

That being said, you shouldn't always ignore criticism. The best way to handle a comment such as "the PSP side sucks" is to ignore it, but there is such a thing as constructive criticism. If someone tells you that the visuals in your level could use more polishing or maybe some more stickers, then you shouldn't let that criticism get you down, but use it to be better in the future.
2011-04-26 23:22:00

Posts: 181


*Comes out of lurking in bush.*

Well of course, summer is around the corner you know.

Er, I mean... I'm not back! I'm just, um....


*Points randomly, then hides in bush.*
2011-04-27 02:04:00

Posts: 5551

*Comes out of lurking in bush.*

Well of course, summer is around the corner you know.

Er, I mean... I'm not back! I'm just, um....


*Points randomly, then hides in bush.*

Oh ya, summer. The time of the year when everybody has fun away from their PSP. I remember it...
2011-04-27 02:12:00

Posts: 1703

Oh ya, summer. The time of the year when everybody has fun away from their PSP. I remember it...

Exactly. But luckily it's springtime right now!
2011-04-27 02:18:00

Posts: 1651

Oh ya, summer. The time of the year when everybody has fun away from their PSP. I remember it...

Fun Fact: Kindred was started around summer because of our flexible schedules.

2011-04-27 05:47:00

Posts: 5551

*Comes out of lurking in bush.*

Well of course, summer is around the corner you know.

Er, I mean... I'm not back! I'm just, um....


*Points randomly, then hides in bush.*

HAH, you wont distr ... ooh was that a bird ?
Ow, I mean ... argh ****** he's gone
I WILL GET YOU CYBER ventus SORA eventually.
2011-04-27 13:27:00

Posts: 5482

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