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Ice Hazard

Archive: 14 posts

OK here we have my Ice Hazard recreation that was done a couple of weeks ago If you play the lvl http://lbp.me/v/ytdhrm then you will get the Sackbot and tag to use "OG" Ice hazard in you own LvL.
If you stand on a meterial with the "Ice tag" attached to it for 3 seconds or more then you sackboy gets stuck in a block of ice. The ice is grabable by other players and slides nicely down slopes. to get out of the ice you need to shake the controller to shatter the block. Enjoy and please leave feedback
2011-03-23 15:09:00

Unknown User

Very interesting. Media Molecule actually had ice in the game early on but took it out. So I'll check your level out later when I can.2011-03-23 18:19:00

Posts: 920

Cheers littlebigdes I look forward to hearing what you think. I have some plans so that you can't collect prize bubbles while in the ice block but I haven't done them yet. I've been working on "sackboys quest for lucky charms" http://lbp.me/v/y5ghjv

I have just realised that the sackbot I give away at the end of this is wearing my outfit which incluedes something from the monster pack, does this mean that anyone with out the monster pack cant get the prize? Does it even matter seeing as it is told to copy the players outfit?
if its an issue I will re publish it with a basic sackbot without an outfit.
2011-03-23 19:50:00

Unknown User

I have the monster pack so it wouldn't make a difference to me. But may cause problems to others that don't have it. I'm saying that because I recently played a tutorial level and copied it over to my moon only to be told that I could not access it due to having the correct History DLC pack, so it became useless to me. May be best to keep it simple to minimise any problems, unless anyone else can comfirm.2011-03-24 15:09:00

Posts: 920

this looks awesome, cool idea. will try it out this evening2011-03-25 00:57:00

Posts: 8424

Re published the Level this morning making sure that there is no DLC issues any suggestions or comments on changes would be great.2011-03-25 14:30:00

Unknown User

I just tried this and I can't use the sackbot because it says I need "The Pirates of The Caribbean Costume Pack".2011-03-26 16:17:00

Posts: 62

I'll check it out and let you know when I republish it sorry
I'll copy everything over on to a fresh sackbot that should sort it out.
2011-03-26 18:36:00

Unknown User

Just tried it not too long ago, I'm impressed. How come there's two of me at the end of the level?2011-03-26 19:14:00

Posts: 920

So it works on sackboys too like an actuall hadard? Awesome! I'll try to check it out soon.2011-03-27 01:44:00

Posts: 263

OK its now all sorted turns out it wasnt a costume issue it was the Glass I used for the ice!! it originaly came from the pirates pack :/ I have also updated the prize so now you dont just get 1 sackbotr but 4 already to use

Technicaly it works on Sackbots that look like the player ( a little smoke and mirrors ) this also why there are two of you when you get to the finish you and your sackbot.
2011-03-27 19:42:00

Unknown User

Sounds great, I think of some great gameplay ideas for this! I'll check it out 2011-03-27 20:53:00

Posts: 1893

Hi Guys just thought id post a link to the youtube vid of my Ice Hazard hope you enjoy.
If you play the level you will get 4 sackbots all set up to work like the ones in the video.


2011-04-01 13:47:00

Unknown User

I'm watching it now oh that's why there's two of me at the end. Silly me.2011-04-01 13:53:00

Posts: 920

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