Archive: 4 posts
Hey, my name's Alex. Heard about LBP for a long time since I'm closely affiliated (both by friendship and being an alumni) to the video game development program at a local college. Since it was only for PS3 though I never got it. Well fast forward to circa a few months ago my friend shows me LBP2 and I just decided on a whim to go buy a PS3 and LBP2 and fell in love with the game. Usually in games where it lets you create levels there are usually a lot of limitations and I have gone as far back as Commodore 64 days with game creation kits, however I was (and still am) super impressed with LBP2, and it's massive fun! So that's basically it. Messing around in create mode right now is trying to ruin my life much in the same way that World of Warcraft did when I used to play it. hah. Haven't published anything but that's because I've been in ADD on crack mode. I'll come up with a new idea and work on that for a while. I have like maybe 4-5 levels that I have going on and just move back and forth from when I get bored. One of them is almost ready for at least an initial release. Bumper cars on steroids. Think what happens if you get thrusters at 85% or higher on all 4 sides of a vehicle, and then give 15 sackbots access to 15 of these with Logic that is set up so they try to kill you, and each other in the process. It's great to be here, I've already learned SO much from reading various posts! ![]() | 2011-03-22 19:16:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Welcome! Glad ya made it! Be sure and post your levels, that is when you finally get one of them done! lol Have fun! | 2011-03-22 19:50:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Welcome to central mate ![]() | 2011-03-22 22:50:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
Thanks guys. @rpg maker: Digging your FF remake dude. that looks sweet. | 2011-03-23 15:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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