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[Race] - Formula 1 - Monza Track [1-4 players]

Archive: 19 posts

Hey there, i just made my second level in LBP2 and it took quite a while to make it. So i hope you enjoy. Leave your feedback and the level that you would like me to leave a feedback.

Welcome to Monza - Italy, race with the fastest cars in Formula 1 and go for the gold trophy. Enjoy the lovely view of Monza!
Ghost Car is available for 1 player.
Click Here (http://lbp.me/v/z7x9t-) to go to the LBP.me page.
2011-03-21 23:16:00

Unknown User

You should make a level were even one person races against others.2011-03-22 00:15:00

Posts: 3

I could do that, but i think that the Ghost car is a better option... =]2011-03-22 02:09:00

Unknown User

ok i played it and here's what i think:


+ well designed
+ cars look very good
+ easy to control! i played other racers before and it was very difficult most of the time but you did a good job here
+ nice details, especially the champagne at the end
+ ghost car


- some of the zoomed in areas made it difficult to follow the track and my friend died because he was not in sight
- as i entered the stadium, i hit the first light and it went all the way down not really a negative point but considering my driving skills something like this had to happen


Make the areas more zoomed out.


Really good racer with smooth controls and a good design. I liked it Keep it up!
2011-03-24 14:07:00

Posts: 84

Wow, man. Thanks.
It took me a long time to make this level, so its good to see that it was worth it.
About the zoomed areas, i dont know why, but when you are in a certain direction, the camera zooms in, dispite its set to zoom out... I already tried to fix this problem, but i got no results... I will try again...
Thanks anyway! =)
2011-03-24 20:48:00

Unknown User

In return for feedback on my Clone Level:

- Excellent general driving gameplay. one of the best top down driving levels I have played. Smooth, responsive controls mixed with not too insanely fast manoeuvres.
- Intro movie ideas: Maybe add beep sounds to the red lights coming on? Maybe pan the cameras around the track a little more?
- Consider changing the champagne to emit water drops for realism.
- Agree with some of the comments about zooming but I don't want to repeat everyone
- Maybe add some score bubble chains along the track for those feeling more adventurous. Chains of 5+ for multiplier benefits.

Hope that helps. Good level.
2011-03-25 21:41:00

Posts: 80

I added a few things yesterday, and i am still working on your other suggestions.
I added:
- Exhaustion pipes, that leave smoke behind
- Red lights that flash when you are in reverse
I tried to add water drops in the champagne, but after i tested it, i preferred the other champagne.
Thanks for the feedback. =)
2011-03-26 13:55:00

Unknown User

Hey igordennis, i just played your level and here is what i think:
- Great track design, it felt like the real one
- The car looks very cool
- I liked the smoke effect of the exhaustion
- The intro is really cool
- I agree with Faulky, i think you should add some bubble points
- About the zooming, i think that if you havent fixed this problem, its because you already tried and it didnt work

Great level, with some really cool efects and a smooth driving.
2011-03-26 21:17:00

Posts: 1


- Sad music for the tutorial isnt exactly a perfect fit?
- Maybe some sound effects when the red lights light up?
- Music should be backround levels, with crowd jeers and boos, car effects etc at the forefront.
- Perhaps making a mini-version of the monza track in the bottom-left corner of the screen? It would help to see where were going.
- ^ if that's too difficult, perhaps make a neon sign of the corner ahead (like rallying) that emits just before each corner?

Hope that helps. Can you check out my Calmity cavemen level please?
2011-03-26 22:43:00

Posts: 85

When I last played it a few days ago, I thought it was very good. The car designs were great to look at, and the handling was exceptional. My only problem was sometimes the controls would turn too sensitive and I would veer off. Besides that, the controls kept pretty tight. Nice visuals too, btw.2011-03-27 20:48:00

Posts: 105

Hey, guys, thanks for the feedback. I added bubble points around the track.
I am working on the mini map. =)
2011-03-28 23:16:00

Unknown User


I've checked your level a few days ago (5 to be exact) and I was waiting to try the multiplayer before writting my feedback. I saw that you have done some changes and will try it again to see that.

Overall, it's a good level. The feeling of the car is really great, the track is well designed. The only issue that I remember was the already mentionned camera beeing too close during the race.

Thanks for your feedback my level and founding that bug

Good level, I've queued it to give it a second try !
2011-03-29 11:05:00

Posts: 262

Thanks for the feedback, Slurm
I have put a lot of work in this level. =)
2011-03-30 17:02:00

Unknown User

Hey, i just added some new pictures.2011-04-06 23:33:00

Unknown User

I just played your level and here is what i thought:

+ The design was very good with some really cool details
+ The car ran smooth and the controls were easy
+ I liked the exhaustion effect
+ I liked the intro, it looked really nice
- At my first lap, i didnt knew the track, so sometimes i got off the track, so you should put some signs or something

It was a great level with some really cool designs, i enjoyed playing it!
2011-04-11 23:43:00

Unknown User

Aaaaugh I'm sooo sorry it took so long, I queued it, got your message, still forgot to play, and finally did!

I liked it, top down racers are really awesome imo. I thought the car controls were great, I thought if you added acceleration to the car that would've been a little more realistic but it wasn't that big a deal. I loved getting those whole strings of bubbles and getting the 150 point bonus for them, it was good to reward that. Also that part at the begining with the two quick turns didn't slow me down at all, at least if it did I didn't notice, maybe add a barrier or something of some sort to discourage going straight through it. And I would have zoomed the camera out a little more at some parts because it was sort of hard to see ahead at the speed you travelled. And the champagne at the end made me chuckle.

Fun level, got a yay from me!
2011-04-18 23:38:00

Posts: 403

Thanks for your feedback Jayhawk_er.

Aaaaugh I'm sooo sorry it took so long, I queued it, got your message, still forgot to play, and finally did!
Dont worry about it. =]

I thought if you added acceleration to the car that would've been a little more realistic but it wasn't that big a deal.
I already tried, but it didnt work so well, so i let it this way.

Also that part at the begining with the two quick turns didn't slow me down at all, at least if it did I didn't notice, maybe add a barrier or something of some sort to discourage going straight through it.
I already added the effect that makes you slower when you get off the track, so i dont know what to do.

And I would have zoomed the camera out a little more at some parts because it was sort of hard to see ahead at the speed you travelled.
I dont know why, but this always happens at the same point of the track, dispite its set to zoom out...

Fun level, got a yay from me!
2011-04-19 16:43:00

Unknown User


Finallyyyyy got a chance to play your level.

Overall, I'm really impressed with the track design and layout overall. The cars looks spot on as well.
- I feel that guardrails on turns might help keep the player 'on track' (excuse the pun) rather than shooting off into the distance if they miss.
- On one of the first turns, the game itself seems to lag. It becomes a little choppy always on the same turn right after the start line.
- Race car wheels can get caught on the checkpoints at times if you come too close, causing the car to stop.

Overall, I really enjoyed the level. There's just a few things that could be fixed but it's honestly one of the best top down racers out there. Nice job!!

2011-04-19 20:20:00

The inFamous Sack
Posts: 54

This is good race the car handles very well and the the course isn't overly taxing. Played it on my own definitely would be fun for multi, trying to stay on the point line. The champagne throwing is great too! One suggestion for the cut scenes at the beginning, the actual shots from the camera look good but the transitions seem a little hard and i think you got bleeped for 'analog'. Please try any of the my levels in my sig. Thanks.2011-04-20 20:44:00

Posts: 132

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