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Top Down Logic

Archive: 2 posts

I have created some reusable logic elements for a top down game. I have experimented and produced three movement types and a jump. You can try out all three and pick up the parts in the level above.

A jump can be created by wiring up two in/out movers and some timers. One moves out. The other moves to the back.

I created a relay with a dead-zone. I use this with my analog stick inputs. This will zero outs analog stick movements that are small.

The first attempt used the advanced mover. This produced a sprite that did not turn with you movement.

The second attempt used the analog stick rotators. This produced a sprite that feels like it would be good for a shooter

My third attempt used the advanced rotators. This produced a sprite that feels like it would be good for racing.
2011-03-20 22:37:00

Posts: 90

I'll check out your level later. I'm not working on a top-down level yet, but I like to dabble.2011-03-23 18:17:00

Posts: 920

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