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Health & Damage Logic Pack: Range of 1-864000!

Archive: 7 posts

This level gives you my logic pack. Everything you need to produce a health and damage system which can use any value from 1-864000.

There is a tutorial for this: How To Create A Highly Variable Health And Damage System (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=53194-How-To-Create-A-Highly-Variable-Health-And-Damage-System-%28Updated%29).

I hope you find it as useful as I do.

F4F used for new ideas or problems with the device.
2011-03-20 10:53:00

Posts: 1136

Queued it, your tutorial is very helpful, thank you 2011-03-20 12:39:00

Posts: 142

Well, I added a way to see the logic while in the level. It's not an exact replica, since some of the wires needed to be disconnected, oand some didn't show up, but at least it's something.

Also, I forgot there was an object showcase forum. I suppose this should be moved there, since this 'level' is pretty much just for the logic pack.
2011-03-20 20:47:00

Posts: 1136

Queued. I'll take a look at it, i think i can use this for whatever action game i make in the future2011-03-22 20:32:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

Sorry everyone, I just found out I posted the wrong prize. It was unable to deal damage properly. I messaged everyone who had played it about the change. If you find any more issues, please post them, since I am currently using this system as well and would like to know of any issues I may have missed.2011-03-23 00:00:00

Posts: 1136

Looks great, /Queues.

...Be back with Feedback!
2011-03-23 04:44:00

Posts: 606

Good news everyone!

A method to display how much health the unit has left has been found.

The issues are that it would mean you could no longer adjust max health, and max health would be limited to 288000. I'll make two separate logic packs, 1 for the adjustable max health but no display, and another for display but no adjustable max health.

I'm going to post both new prizes in the level when they're made (the current prize does not have the adjustable max health logic yet), so when that occurs, I'll post an update.

EDIT: Ran into a rather significant issue that prevents any other type of display from working. Only method to display health is through comparisons (see either in the logic pack or in tutorial for explanation)
2011-03-25 07:09:00

Posts: 1136

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