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Just a few pics for the walking mech on ceilings and the over heat for guns...

Archive: 3 posts

Two pics below are of a ceiling walking mech with jumping.
Simple leg structure, feet sticky when touch ground, other unstickies when not on ground (toggle between each other)
Squencer with battiers hooked to pistons set to directional allow to steer left or right in the walk patern. Make sure feet are not sticking to surrounding items of mech like legs.
Just a zommed out view

Transport 2nd player mini gun
Two directional timers one up one down, once overheats the counter at the bottom turns on all the effects and sounds, also activates the XOR blocking out R1 affecting the timers. Once second timer makes it back to zero then restes counter...and will work again. Gun holo set to dimmer linked to timer to glow red as it gets hotter.
2011-03-19 22:50:00

Posts: 822

Awesome, Logic looks like, :eek: /Minds asplode. But I suppose this is for a new level that you have planned or something of the sorts?2011-03-20 03:15:00

Posts: 606

Someone was asking for some ideas, so I just mad e a little thread to show the setting I used. I had the items as prizes on ther level...but it was a big level, and I think they needed 100% prizes to unlock...so this was easier. The only downside is the boards have a bunch of other logic on them...so it is not quite obvious how they are set in the images.2011-03-20 09:02:00

Posts: 822

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