Aceing the Negativatron is a pain in the bum
Archive: 36 posts
Especially the second part. When swinging/bouncing on the flying bounce pads, when you hit his head and it flings you back off (I dunno if this is a glitch or what) But it does NOT allow you to swing, you have to fall to your death or be lucky enough to land on the bounce pads below. I have encounted this problem every single time on this second part, and it's really starting to annoy me. | 2011-03-19 22:34:00 Author: smerf1 ![]() Posts: 108 |
If you practice a lot, it'll get easier. Believe me. | 2011-03-20 02:01:00 Author: Julianotis1 ![]() Posts: 110 |
You should time your jump onto the brain bubble so that the bounce pad platform will be close by. It's fine to stand on its head for a little while if you didn't take too long after the missile strike to get on. | 2011-03-20 06:00:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
just remember this. 1: play alone offline. 2: on 2nd battle, try your best to stay in the middle of the room till it's time to attack, and make sure to remember where the next part to swing is at before you attack, as it's impotent to have your escape ready. 3: on 3nd battle, jump to avoid the attacks, and toss the pies you'll get at his brains. hope that helps~ | 2011-03-20 06:21:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
1: play alone offline. Wrong. This level is actually much easier to Ace with exactly two players, in all three parts: First part: Have one person on each side of his head, never go underneath of it after getting in position. Hit the bubbles as they appear, you can usually do this within 30 seconds if you do it right. Second part: Do not stay on the Bounce Pads, as you would try to most of the time. Also, try to stay as close to your partner as possible. If you ever fall out of range of the platforms, use the other person as a grappling point and swing from them. Just make sure they don't let go of their grapple point! Third part: Stay together! One person should be the designated "grabber" at this point, otherwise you risk throwing your partner into the Negativitron. (On a side note, throwing pals is a great strategy if you aren't Acing it.) Jumping when you throw the cakes is useful if you have bad aim. And remember, his beams are only dangerous as they hit the floor; just stay on the far right side of the screen and jump when the beams come your way. | 2011-03-20 19:21:00 Author: Number7Million ![]() Posts: 248 |
Hehe, you know what, it's the darndest thing: I aced it when I wasn't even trying. I was out cold after a night on town, woke up and just started playing Story mode casually and for some odd reason I aced the final boss... ![]() But now I'm able to do it pretty much every time. Only thing that's really bugging me though is when things start to lag like crazy towards the end. One trick though. As the speed goes up, you have to time the jumps so that you don't risk landing on the next laser beam, if you catch my drift. Jump the moment you see it appear outside the negativitron mouth. That way, you land just as it disappears again under you sack feet. Keep at it! You can make it! | 2011-03-20 19:44:00 Author: Discosmurf ![]() Posts: 210 |
I aced it on my second time playing it. | 2011-03-20 19:48:00 Author: DarrienEven ![]() Posts: 217 |
I aced it....then my PS3 froze -_- | 2011-03-20 23:06:00 Author: vezonfan01 ![]() Posts: 293 |
Wrong. This level is actually much easier to Ace with exactly two players, in all three parts: I said that not because of gameplay, but because the game freezes after you complete the level while online, least it happens with a lot of people, even did on me. plus i also found the level easy to ace while alone but everyone is different~ most people while i play online just slow me down and get in my way. | 2011-03-21 02:53:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
With the grapple section, stay in the middle of the screen and use the grapple - don't rely on the bounce pads at the bottom. When kitting the Negativitron's Brain every 20 seconds or so, make sure you're holding to the right as you bounce on him, so that you can grapple the nearest platform. I feel your pain with the grapple not working but holding right an grappling does work. | 2011-03-21 12:49:00 Author: faulky ![]() Posts: 80 |
It's supposed to be difficult. It's the final boss after all ![]() I went to ace the last level immediately after I finished the Story. Took me roughly 1 hour practicing non-stop to succeed. The first thing I learned was to never take any risk in the first part. If you have to reach the other side of the beast's head and you're not sure if you can make it without being blasted, wait until the next chance. Don't rush it. In the second stage, I found that you should focus on hitting the bounce pads at all time (which may take some time to get used to due to the constant movement, odd gravity, etc.). Use the grapple hook only if you miss a pad. If you grapple, make sure you'll move to the right, because sometimes the device will betray you and latch onto a platform moving close to the Negativitron. If that happens, gain momentum as fast as possible toget away. Also, you can't count on the guys below. Trying to fall onto the platform they are steering should be your last resort to bounce up again. The last part is all about the pattern and reflex. The death rays are only lethal when they hit the ground, but they approach you much faster than it seems. It should be easy to memorize the pattern in which they come out. I just stood still on one of the sides near to the wall, jumping only when a blast came towards me (careful not to hit the plasmified wall). I only moved to the other side when the bubble on the Nega's head switched, and of course, to grab the cakes. Tossing the cakes into the bubble brains require a little practice too, but if you miss, wait until your next chance instead of trying to recover the cake. Even if you die in a previous stage, I recommend you to continue to the last one for practice it instead of restarting right away. And this is all the experience I have about acing this lil' *******, I hope it helped. With patience, reflex and a lot of practice you should do it. Good luck ![]() | 2011-03-21 13:09:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
I'm only lacking this piece of **** and Where In The World Is Avalon Centrifuge. Here's to hoping I get Negativatron in this session of tries.. Always die in the latter stages of part 3 Edit: There we go! haha ![]() | 2011-03-21 15:14:00 Author: Nudi ![]() Posts: 9 |
Edit: There we go! haha ![]() That was the last one I aced. I'm not sure but I think it took me more tries than the Negatrivitron himself, maybe because it's a fairly long level and the slightest mistake kills you. Good luck on that one. | 2011-03-21 16:22:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
in two player mode, in part three, I threw my pal and he killed both brains! ![]() | 2011-03-21 16:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I get really annoyed on the last part. Every time there is one brain left and i die! Every time i get there i die!!!! ARGGGHHH As soon as i die i return to pod and scream my head off!!! LOL ![]() | 2011-03-21 17:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44607-Acing-quot-Into-the-Heart-of-the-Negativitron-quot) may be of assistance. | 2011-03-21 19:55:00 Author: Jayhawk_er ![]() Posts: 403 |
I didn't actually find it too bad to ace, unlike my nemesis "Full Metal Rabbit!" :kz: | 2011-03-22 22:08:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
I didn't actually find it too bad to ace, unlike my nemesis "Full Metal Rabbit!" :kz: Totally agree, that one sucked, I still haven't aced Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge? I guess I'm just too darn lazy. | 2011-03-23 01:22:00 Author: Jayhawk_er ![]() Posts: 403 |
Totally agree, that one sucked, I still haven't aced Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge? I guess I'm just too darn lazy. Definately the hardest one to Ace in my opinion, and being a 2-parter makes it so much worse. Mind you, nothing in LBP2 is as bad as 'The Bunker' from the first game. | 2011-03-23 01:36:00 Author: Bovrillor ![]() Posts: 309 |
Totally agree, that one sucked, I still haven't aced Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge? I guess I'm just too darn lazy. Again, I didn't even find that one too difficult either. Did it on my second attempt I think..yeah, thats right, I remember I 100%'ed it, then died right at the end! ![]() For me, acing Full Metal Rabbit is definitely the #1 hardest thing 'game wise' to do on LBP2..........well, either that or "Dive In 25." ![]() | 2011-03-23 01:42:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
I tried to ace that lvl so many times...I also failed so any times....then I asked god if he could please help me ace it? Then I aced it...I believe in god a lot more now O.o | 2011-03-23 03:04:00 Author: Amigps ![]() Posts: 564 |
I found it quite difficult, in the middle part, try to stay on the bounce pads as much as possible, and when you hit a brain, hold R1 and use the momentum of the platform being oulled inward to throw you up back on the bounce pads. Also, Full Metal Rabbit was easy, the hardest part was the Meanies with the creationators while you were trying to squish them by bouncing on the bounce pads, and that was easy. The only one I have left is Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge. Did anyone else find "Bang for Buck" suprisingly difficult? | 2011-03-27 11:19:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Yea, Bang for buck, was surprisingly difficult. I found it hard when you had to collect a bomb and throw it at the other bombs, i kept accidentally moving right and blowing myself up, if you know what i mean? | 2011-03-27 13:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
it took me about 25 times but finally did it yesterday, what kept getting me was just making stupid mistakes, oh and I found out that there is a limit to how high you can swing yourself. I had too much momentum and went too high and died in the plasma ceiling. For some reason I'm having much difficulty with Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge. I have that one the camel one and Fight Of The Bumblebees left | 2011-03-27 14:18:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
In my way, I counted 1 to 8, then 7 to 1 on the Stage 3 of the fight. That way, I can know when it comes. | 2011-03-28 12:32:00 Author: OveReAction ![]() Posts: 50 |
I aced it the first time, probably pure luck. | 2011-03-28 14:45:00 Author: Flamento ![]() Posts: 352 |
I aced this thing maybe 20-30 times for other people... 1) If alone, nail a brain on side and instantly fly under him to the other side, you should manage to bump around the other side before he starts his attack. IF you are a sissy, wait until after his attack completes. IF with 2 people, have a person on both sides at all times and he'll go down in like 10 seconds. 2) Try your best to get as high as possible. Try to be on the floating bounce pads (Not the one that clive and avalon drive) but if you think you'll miss landing on one then let yourself fall and grab the sponge, if you are already high in the air then you can fall far and get enough momentum to fly back up. You can take your time to hit the brain when the platforms line up, I think there's plenty of time to get there. 3) His attack array is 8 lasers wide. Be on the far right side and count. When it starts changing direction, you'll want to jump the 7th laser. Why the right side? Because there is an attack immediately after this that hits roughly half the playing field at a time and it begiins on the left - being on the right means you can safely land when the attacks get faster. He does one or two full rounds of the 8 single row lasers depending on how far into the fight you are. After this he does 2 sets of alternating 4-laser wide attacks - LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT After this he does 4 sets of a full 8-laser wide blast. You MUST jump to avoid this. Immediately after this he will become tired and fall to the ground, he alternates his location and starts on the left so stay on the right and get him with the cake. AFter this he will fall on the right so be sure after the 4th full width blast to gun it to the left side every 2nd time or he'll fall on you. | 2011-03-28 14:56:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
I have LBP2 since it's release, but have yet to play it (I'm in canada, unopened collectors LBP2 and PS3 are in Ireland) Is this level harder to ace than the bunker? The Bunker was pretty hard. Acing it requires many casualties. I seriously need it mailed over here before i go mad. | 2011-03-28 22:48:00 Author: MegaBlob ![]() Posts: 291 |
For some reason I'm having much difficulty with Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge. I have that one the camel one and Fight Of The Bumblebees left The camel one is easier if you have more people (because you have more shots at a time of course). | 2011-03-29 00:09:00 Author: Number7Million ![]() Posts: 248 |
It certainly is a pain. I'm only doing it to get Higgenbottom though. | 2011-04-08 18:06:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
check this vid out:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8VL7cmqNMg | 2011-04-08 20:24:00 Author: ShiftyDog ![]() Posts: 293 |
I said that not because of gameplay, but because the game freezes after you complete the level while online, least it happens with a lot of people, even did on me. plus i also found the level easy to ace while alone but everyone is different~ most people while i play online just slow me down and get in my way. play with someone you know. not random people. and i have played that level online a bunch of times and it has never frozen. the 2 player thing is true but on third part you may accidentally throw you partner in the rush to throw the cake | 2011-04-09 21:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
For some reason I'm having much difficulty with Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge. I have that one the camel one and Fight Of The Bumblebees left I aced the camel one 1st time (3rd time if couting times when i only went for bubbles and didn't try aceing and died for fun ![]() | 2011-04-15 19:01:00 Author: Iop330 ![]() Posts: 40 |
I said that not because of gameplay, but because the game freezes after you complete the level while online, least it happens with a lot of people, even did on me. plus i also found the level easy to ace while alone but everyone is different~ most people while i play online just slow me down and get in my way. Cleric forgot to check for traps. Cleric is dead. | 2011-04-16 21:21:00 Author: Cronos Dage ![]() Posts: 396 |
I nearly aced it but this guy wanted to join me and I got killed. playing OFFLINE helps unless at the 3rd part you want to throw a sackboy/sackgirl and get two of the negativitrons brain in one throw. | 2011-04-18 19:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
At least you're not going through what I am... I aced it and my system died, so now I am gonna have to re-ace it... Bummer | 2011-04-19 03:09:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
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