GXY3: Castor's Crusade to the Dark Chateau by Player_beyond492
Archive: 1 post
This game was made by Player_Beyond492 known by many as Sackbot14. This game is a masterpiece in every way, the gameplay is flawless, the scenery is great, the music is unique (oh wait I made it) and the fun factor is unbeatable. This level series (yes it's a 6 part series) is mainly focused on a young sackbot named Castor and the antaginist is a thing (not sure what it's supposed to be) that tries to wipe out all other sackbots, during the intro Castor meets Auster another sackbot that tells him that he must defeat Argus' minions at Pippa Pass. So you embark on your happy journey defeating Argus' minions while Auster finds the elder of Pippa pass, you finally find him and then you go on your Tiltron to the Dark Chateau to confron Argus, you then attemt to destroy him in an epic boss battle that will always be remembered to people that have already played this, after you beat Argus you see the end cutscene and the see the credits (that mention me!!!) This level was told was deep in the cool pages, but should be much higher because it is very "cool!" thanks for reading here's the LBP.ME link: http://lbp.me/v/y2hyey | 2011-03-19 20:48:00 Author: Clivefan11 ![]() Posts: 106 |
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