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Discussion: Will the world end on 2012? Governments planning for something?
Archive: 45 posts
Please carefully read my article fully. This may open up your mind to a whole new way of life and wonderment.* I'm not out to scare anyone but this Japanese Disaster has really got me thinking about the big question...* Will the world end on 2012? I never really believed that it would, in fact I thought of it as nonsense, however, this earthquake got me thinking. I'm curious and for an Atheist like myself, I can't turn to a god for an answer but simple events in the past and present and the evidence of Science. *Is this a terrible event leading up to 2012? An apocalypse is very likely to happen in Japan if these nuclear reactors aren't cooled down before a meltdown. Did you know that on the 2012 website, the Mayans predicted that this earthquake would happen? Apparently so.* Are they correct about their 2012 predictions? Also, did you know that countries have been building secret bunkers under the ground and in mountains?* In the whole world there are said to be 1500 hidden all over the place. In the US there are approximately 50 and they are all linked with a top speed train network system. All stocked up with food, water and supplies. Underground cities unseen from the public. Are the governments preparing for something? Could it be the 2012 doomsday theory?! Another theory of this is that the governments worldwide want to reduce the population to 555 million! Are they going to kill everyone?* Look up DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) on YouTube and the web.* These conspiracies are interesting yet scary and frightful. Please comment on your thoughts after reading this. Let's have an interesting discussion about this 2012 theory and the governments underground bunkers.* This isn't a hoax and I'm not out to scare people, however, I'm very curious about the whole thing.* Keep it sound and no immature replies to each other.* Also I want to say:* Stay alive Japan! Everyone across the world is thinking of you! We respect all those families with the deepest of sadness for the loss of life in their family.* | 2011-03-19 02:30:00 Author: Apollo_xD Posts: 52 |
No ! | 2011-03-19 02:36:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
... I'm trying to think of a way to respond to this that won't get me an infraction, but all I can think of is by saying that I can't think of any besides saying that which I just said. In other words... /dies inside | 2011-03-19 02:38:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I know it is most unlikely but if you think about it, why are the governments preparing? | 2011-03-19 02:55:00 Author: Apollo_xD Posts: 52 |
Oh boy, here we go. Okay, for one thing the whole Mayapocalypse of 2012 prediction was stated not long ago (but not soon enough) to actually have been miscalculated by nearly 200 years: http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/10/26/1517242/2012-a-Miscalculation-Actual-Calendar-Ends-2220 More importantly, the Mayan calender ending didn't say the world would end when said calender did, rather it signifies a calender rollover like when we went from 12/31/99 to 1/1/00. Saying you can predict an earthquake in Japan is utterly redundant as Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone places on the planet. Although the quake was a truly catastropic one and as horrible as it may be, was inevitable but "world-changing" crises happen rather often. Governments have been building underground bunkers to avoid armageddon since at least the Cold War and people around America have been doing it practically as long. And why would governments actually want to try killing everyone? Granted, people have killed each other en-masse since before the dawn of civilization for petty reasons but complete mass-extinction benefits no one. Unless they're completely and utterly insane, they have to realize that there's no profit margin in either the short or long term. And even if a government wanted to for whatever reason, the only really "efficient" way to do it would be to nuke the planet to the point of uninhabitability but only America and Russia ever had the ability to do this, every other government that even wanted to try would be blasted into a crater by everyone else and that's only if their own people and neighbors don't completely turn on them beforehand. Thing is, bad stuff happens all the time, not to marginalize the disaster in Japan as it is the worst thing to happen to them in a long time but it doesn't spell the end of the nation much less the world. There is a tendency for humans to always fear that their generation is the last generation at least since the time of the Black Plague and some people even secretly hope for it out of the conceited notion that they will be one of the "saved" and their beliefs validated; Seventh Day Adventists even turned this sort of behavior into a religion rather then come to terms with the world not ending when their "founder" predicted it. Do I believe the world will end in 2012? I accept the possibility but I wouldn't bet on it happening any sooner then I would have bet on it ending in 1844, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2031, etc. The only event I'd absolutely count on in ending life on Earth would be when, billions of years from now the Sun turns into a Red Giant. But otherwise I'd rather enjoy my time left on the planet then worry about one of many, many "theories" on the eventual end. | 2011-03-19 03:16:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka Posts: 512 |
I find irony on the "discussion" part of the title... But on a more serious note, with the signs changing and some other stuff, its been shown that the mayan calendar is off by hundreads of years, so either that was supposed to happen hundreads of year ago, or you still have hundreads of years to enjoy and find a way to leave the planet. | 2011-03-19 03:51:00 Author: Silverleon Posts: 6707 |
Please carefully read my article fully. This may open up your mind to a whole new way of life and wonderment.* I'm not out to scare anyone but this Japanese Disaster has really got me thinking about the big question...* Will the world end on 2012? No. I never really believed that it would, in fact I thought of it as nonsense, however, this earthquake got me thinking. I'm curious and for an Atheist like myself, I can't turn to a god for an answer but simple events in the past and present and the evidence of Science. *Is this a terrible event leading up to 2012?Nope. An apocalypse is very likely to happen in Japan if these nuclear reactors aren't cooled down before a meltdown.If there is a complete meltdown then there will be leaked radiation and the Japanese government will take steps to reduce it, cover it, remove it, or otherwise make sure that it has the least affect on the local population. It will not produce an "apocalypse." Chernobyl was the worst nuclear facility disaster in human history, and the immediate area surrounding that site is currently inhabitable. But eventually, over time, the radiation will dissipate and people will be able to live there once again. Heck, a team of journalists and scientists were actually able to go inside the plant for a short period of time recently. (Look it up, it's actually a quite interesting story.) Chernobyl was not an apocalypse. A nuclear disaster that rendered a big chunk of land inhabitable for quite some time, but not an apocalypse. Did you know that on the 2012 website...Let me stop you right there. Please let me know which of the 800 so-called "2012" websites you are referring to. ...the Mayans predicted that this earthquake would happen? Apparently so.*So the Mayans predicted the earthquake huh? Down to the month? Week? Day? Hour? I hardly think so. Look, they made a calendar. A pretty good one, actually. The most accurate calendar of its time, in fact. They designed it to go far into the future, most likely so they wouldn't have to keep asking for one of those little desk calendars for Christmas. They only have 365 days. Psh! This one was HUGE. It was like 1000 of those little desk calendars in ONE! So the Mayans make this calendar and it just happens to end in the year 2012, it works and the people rejoice, etc., etc. That's it. They most likely figured by the time the calendar ran out, they'd have figured out how to make a better one. True story. Are they correct about their 2012 predictions?Odds say no. Tales of doom and gloom largely attributed to the Mayan culture is mostly taken out of context or misrepresented. Don't believe me? Believe this guy (http://www.anthro.psu.edu/faculty_staff/docs/Webster_GermanyMaya.pdf). He's been studying Mayan culture for much longer than you or I. Also, did you know that countries have been building secret bunkers under the ground and in mountains?*Woah, woah, woah. First, if they are secret, then how do you know about them? If you know then it sounds like they are public knowledge. And if so, why are they not being discussed on public television, radio or other news outlets? Lastly, where do you get this information? In the whole world there are said to be 1500 hidden all over the place. In the US there are approximately 50 and they are all linked with a top speed train network system. All stocked up with food, water and supplies. Underground cities unseen from the public. Are the governments preparing for something? Could it be the 2012 doomsday theory?!You're starting to lose me. If you're referring to military installations or public shelters built to withstand and survive after a nuclear attack, sure. There's many more than 1500 of them around the world. But they're not secret. I'm sure the blueprints aren't out on wikipedia or antyhing, but it's no secret that governments would like to prepare for the worst in the event of a nuclear holocaust. You can buy a kit and build your own if you want for a couple grand, if that's what you want to do with your money. Another theory of this is that the governments worldwide want to reduce the population to 555 million! Are they going to kill everyone?*Oh boy. Here we go. Look up DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) on YouTube and the web.*I did. Lots of homemade videos with stock footage from existing underground military bases. Lots of suspicious music playing in the background. Ominous voice-overs and text on the screen with no references to, what are those things again...? Ah, yes, facts. These conspiracies are interesting yet scary and frightful. Please comment on your thoughts after reading this. Let's have an interesting discussion about this 2012 theory and the governments underground bunkers.* This isn't a hoax and I'm not out to scare people, however, I'm very curious about the whole thing.* Keep it sound and no immature replies to each other.*They are designed to be scary and frightful. They are the brainchild of delusional people who think that the government is always out to get them and thus they take things that they do not understand, extrapolate, and then come up with their own theories about what they don't know. It's mad libs for paranoid people. The same people believe that our airliners are actually conducting secret experiments by spraying the world with toxic chemicals to study the effects (they aren't, unless you have a deadly allergy to fuel exhaust and/or steam). Or that the swine flu vaccine was actually designed to kill billions of people (it didn't.) Or that 9/11 was an inside job (it was actually two airplanes with a full tank of gas and buildings built in the 50s and 60s that were not designed to withstand the combined catastrophe of major internal and external structural damage and high temperatures from fire.) I'm not sure where you are getting your sources, but I can tell that you are an intelligent and impressionable person. Approach everything you read in the world, including established science and purported facts (heck, even the stuff you learn in school), with a healthy dose of skepticism. Research the issues. Don't limit your research to conspiracy sites or YouTube. Read scientific journals, government reports, and news articles from reputable sources. Come to your own conclusions. See what makes sense to you. Is it likely that our governments are orchestrating an international effort to exterminate the human race? Or is it more feasible that the sheer logistics of achieving something like this on an international scale is not only highly improbable, but filled with so many flaws, problems and loopholes that it makes the possibility of such an occurrence virtually zero? I'm sorry to say this, but the Mayans were just primitive people who lived in a different age. A time when the gods ruled the sky and the stars told their fate. Heck, they used to sacrifice their own on altars and played games by kicking around the severed heads of human beings. There is simply no way they could predict days, weeks, let alone hundreds or thousands of years into the future with any sort of reliable accuracy. The Mayans did not predict any sort of disaster, the world's governments are not doing anything secret in preparation for a mass extinction or apocalypse, and there will be no apocalypse in Japan. A nuclear meltdown would be bad for Japan, but it would not mean the end of the world. | 2011-03-19 04:00:00 Author: schm0 Posts: 1239 |
Ok schmo answered everything, repeat 2012 thread is over now? Please? | 2011-03-19 04:19:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
DUMBS? Really? I beleive that word describes the 2012 theory fairly well however. And as someone above me stated, the calender was read wrong. People really need to get over this whole "end of the world" faze. Do people want the world to end or something? | 2011-03-19 04:26:00 Author: JamesDNaux Posts: 757 |
Well, it's safe to say that schm0 just about summarized our collaborative thoughts in a logical manner. But since I'm posting in here anyways, I'll just throw in my prediction: the world isn't going to end, but I'm pretty sure some idiot is gonna do something really stupid that day. Oh, and there might be some people going out and killing themselves. Let's hope it's not one of us. | 2011-03-19 07:25:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Forget ancient Myan predictions. Someone somewhere has predicted every single year will be the last year. There is nothing that makes the myan prediction any more valid. In fact actual Myan scholars are the ones who dismiss the notion of a prediction of apacalypse... as that is a christian notion. Some people even believed it enough to commit mass suicide rather than face "the apocalypse".... unfortunately for them, they were wrong, because we're still here. But it's worth knowing the risk. For instance... there is a 1 in 12million chance that in any given year the earth will be hit by a meteorite sizeable enough to destroy a large percentage of life on earth (70-80% of all life wiped out) They estimate that a large super volcano erupts roughly every 60 million years, ejecting enough matter into the atmosphere to plunge the world into an ice-age, which would be catastrophic to the human population and we are over-due for an explosion. & You have more chance that you will be wiped out in one of these mass extintion events than you have of winning the lottery. But trying to predict exactly when and where any of this will happen, is akin to trying to predict exactly when the national lottery will payout with the exact numbers 1,2,3,4,5 & 6. ie, you can't predict it. There is the same chance that 1,2,3,4,5,6 will be the lottery draw as any other set of numbers... but it's still quite unlikely to happen during our lifetime (or the lifetime of the lottery). If the mayans have some kind of uber accurate prediction method, then it would have been nice of them to have written it down, or told someone about it - because that kind of accurate prediction method has many uses. Unfortunately, you will be hard pressed to find any independantly verified evidence that the mayans even made a "2012" apocalypse prediction. And we are talking about a margin of error of millions of years. So in summary. yes, there is a real danger that the world could end in 2012. But it is the same level of chance as it ending in 2011, or 2010, 2009, 2008 etc - or 2013, 2014, 2015 etc. And it is such a miniscule chance, that you should be far more concerned with being killed while crossing the road, (which is far more likely to happen) than you should with being wiped out with the rest of the human population of the earth in a mass extinction event. I hope that puts your mind at rest. | 2011-03-19 07:46:00 Author: Macnme Posts: 1970 |
I don't think anyone even bothers to research these things themselves, like the mayan calenders for example (Please look up for yourself what they were used for). Don't believe this over exaggeration of 12/21/12. Yes, something is going to happen. No, the world will not end. | 2011-03-19 07:52:00 Author: Unknown User |
well, according to NASA, its not the end of the world, but the end off the "era", i.e the end of the world, as we know it so no some time inbetween 2008 and 2015, the world will still be here, just, different... They also said, that if anything, its caused be the world being perfectly lined up with the center of our galaxy, and the weather will go NUTS!!! (BTW, hi guys Im back from my monthly long break of playing other games ) | 2011-03-19 08:28:00 Author: YEAH_NAH Posts: 775 |
Why would the goverment want to reduce the population, the more the merrier...right? Well if they want to kill of the people on Earth, we could go to planet Green (search it on the internets). | 2011-03-19 09:21:00 Author: Doooomguy Posts: 68 |
Look up DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) on YouTube and the web.* Hahahahaha! Read between the lines mate. Im sick of people jumping to conclusions after this Japanese disaster, I think it's a downright selfish view. "Oh, never mind about the thousands of homeless families, will I be ok?!" I for one can't wait for 2012, just so I can laugh in the face of all the conspiracy theorists. I have been to the Mayan temple ruins in Mexico. I know, from first hand experience that the Mayan descendants today think the "2012" thing is complete rubbish. Instead of worrying over something based on speculation and paranoia, why not think about how you can help people who actually need it. | 2011-03-19 10:06:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt Posts: 1477 |
Ever since that stupid movie about 2012 came out, all I've been hearing is "the world is gonna end that year" quotes. I have a right mind to go punch the producer of that movie but that will only put me in jail. Bottomline: 2012 is just like the other superstitous things like Friday the 13th, breaking mirrors, the Y2K scare, and all that other nonsense. I say why worry about when the world will end when you could be enjoying your life before anything happens. We all know the world will end someday but, we cannot determine when. Stressing about it just makes things worse. Live life to the fullest. | 2011-03-19 10:49:00 Author: siberian_ninja15 Posts: 444 |
Well theAmerican government has those transport links for easy transport between its bases. Area 51 has loads of fancy stuff and rubbish sercurity because it keeps public interest away from more important facilities. The other locations just do research. | 2011-03-19 14:03:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
Another chapter to add to my "2012: The Facts" paper: "Deep Underground Military Bases: Don't Fall For DUMB Videos" Also, I would like to know more of your sources as well. | 2011-03-19 20:27:00 Author: Patronus21 Posts: 266 |
I for one believe him. No not really lolz | 2011-03-19 23:49:00 Author: AA_BATTERY Posts: 1117 |
My sources in this case are a combination of asking the right people the right questions and a little bit of cracking. | 2011-03-19 23:55:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0 | 2011-03-20 00:15:00 Author: ryryryan Posts: 3767 |
I dont know but just in case im preparing my radaway and my plasma cutter. | 2011-03-20 00:31:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
It's all very interesting but confusing. Apparently in 2013, scientists said there is most like to be a solar storm which will cause electronics to malfunction and break, etc D: WOO we survived 2012... Oh man now there's a solar storm at the start of 2013! O_O Also you should look up the "New World Order" It's a conspiracy that all the superpowers and world leaders are forming a secret alliance or already have done apparently. Their aim is to reduce the world's population by 80% D: I know it's very unlikely that this is true but in our society these days, anything is possible. All these conspiracies really make you think, huh. Any thoughts on that topic? My friend also mentioned to me that if you type a certain phrase into the internet, the government either blows up your house or gets you? :S Weird. Also, these DUMBS are apparently called DUMBS because the public is to dumb enough to realise what is going on. Also there are theories by people who worked on them that aliens and children are being contained here in some sort of slavery sentence! They just get kidnapped at night D: Whoa, this planet is full of craziness. Now I'm not saying that I believe in this, however, I'm curious and conspiracies often get me thinking and are quite fascinating.. Any thoughts on this post? P.S try my Apples Here... Apples There platforming level xD | 2011-03-20 00:52:00 Author: Apollo_xD Posts: 52 |
Any thoughts on this post? I have thoughts, but I'm not allowed to say them. | 2011-03-20 00:58:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
D: DUCKS! That is all. | 2011-03-20 01:03:00 Author: Apollo_xD Posts: 52 |
Hey, don't worry about the New World Order. I mean just because world leaders all have each other's phone numbers it doesn't mean they are going to kill us. | 2011-03-20 01:08:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
Only 21 more months of this crap then we get a break while the crazies of the world agree on the next date they can convince likeminded persons is going to be the end of the world. | 2011-03-20 01:36:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
My sources in this case are a combination of asking the right people the right questions and a little bit of cracking. Lol my bad for not being clear. I want Apollo's sources. As it stands he's spouting BS which can be disproven simply by asking a couple of intelligent questions. I'd rather look at his sources so I can disprove them line by line.... and by asking a couple of intelligent questions. | 2011-03-20 02:40:00 Author: Patronus21 Posts: 266 |
My friend also mentioned to me that if you type a certain phrase into the internet, the government either blows up your house or gets you? :S Yes...just email "Banana" to Internet@gmail.com Just do it on someone else's IP...or your own if your in to that sorta thing. | 2011-03-20 02:44:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
My sources are wikipedia and the official 2012 website (First one that comes up in search) That's all I think. Is that banana thing true that if you email it? Wouldn't be suprised if it worked lol xD | 2011-03-20 06:08:00 Author: Apollo_xD Posts: 52 |
yes...but of course my sources are wikipedia and the official internet website...first one that comes up... | 2011-03-20 06:50:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
Wouldn't be surprised if this dude is a troll, guys. Leave him be. All that needed to be said has been said, he's a lost soul. But just in case... can you show me the Wikipedia page where it says we'll be hit with a solar storm in 2013? That would be nice to see. | 2011-03-20 08:12:00 Author: Astrosimi Posts: 2046 |
My sources are wikipedia and the official 2012 website (First one that comes up in search) That's all I think. Is that banana thing true that if you email it? Wouldn't be suprised if it worked lol xD ....you do realize that there's a reason why most decent teachers won't let you use Wikipedia as a source on papers, right? At the very least you should look at their references to see what those websites have to say, if they're even credible websites. Also, I googled it, and I kid you not when I say that this is the first one that comes up (http://www.whowillsurvive2012.com/), so I'd rather you not be vague about it. Just post the url already. Though I have a feeling once you do what I'll be witness to is a website that looks like it hasn't had its layout updated in over five years (including gifs that they probably really do think make the website look cooler), various links to every single time 2012 has been mentioned on TV (or by any famous person) in some vain effort to make themselves look credible, and of course it wouldn't be complete with a place to buy 2012 merchandise! How do I know this? Because I have a lot of experience with these type of sites, and they all have a formula where all the variables come together to equal BS + PROFIT(for the site owners). | 2011-03-20 08:35:00 Author: Patronus21 Posts: 266 |
But just in case... can you show me the Wikipedia page where it says we'll be hit with a solar storm in 2013? That would be nice to see. We're in a period of higher solar activity and the chances of a significant coronal mass ejection are higher, there was one last month that brought the northern lights much further south then they normally appear. http://www.geek.com/articles/geek-cetera/suns-coronal-mass-ejections-reach-earth-tonight-20110217/ This cycle is predicted to peak in 2013 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_24 and theres the possiblity of some technology being damaged. A solar storm in 1859 took down the telegraph system. | 2011-03-20 09:40:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
Please carefully read my article fully. This may open up your mind to a whole new way of life and wonderment.* ...Will the world end on 2012? ...Is this a terrible event leading up to 2012? ...governments worldwide want to reduce the population to 555 million! Are they going to kill everyone?* I don't know what your idea of life and wonderment is, but mine surely isn't about dying or convincing everybody that the world WILL end. | 2011-03-20 09:51:00 Author: illuminationx Posts: 860 |
No I'm not a troll. I'm a human actually. You don't have to comment on my thread and yet you continue to go on. I can't remember the source of that 2013 thing but I saw it and I also watched a program about it a while back. If you have nothing good to say, don't comment. | 2011-03-20 14:06:00 Author: Apollo_xD Posts: 52 |
Maybe you got the idea from that movie "The Knowing" ? Did anyone else notice that in the movie 2012, the giant submarine things were "Made In china"? :L | 2011-03-20 16:54:00 Author: Tawarf Posts: 457 |
Please carefully read my article fully. This may open up your mind to a whole new way of life and wonderment.* I'm not out to scare anyone but this Japanese Disaster has really got me thinking about the big question...* Will the world end on 2012?* Ah, yes; "Two birds would fly into two buildings in 2001 AD..." BIRDS>? So... End>? All we have to do is split the Earth in three, Norway is Archonia, America North and South are Nikesisia, The Rest... Gemotronia... END. Split, If you split, there will be an end... The Earth will never end; it is round... Until it gets split, but at the same time we do it to some other planets so that we are round again... Know what I am talking about? Maybe not...? | 2011-03-20 17:08:00 Author: Unknown User |
WARNING! LOTS 'O TEXT! It's all very interesting but confusing. Apparently in 2013, scientists said there is most like to be a solar storm which will cause electronics to malfunction and break, etc D: Solar flares can produce an electromagnetic storm, which in turn can knock out electronics. They are a natural phenomenon. Solar activity works in cycles, and activity is currently the higher side of the cycle. The only problem I have with your statement is the word "will," in which you imply that an electromagnetic storm is predetermined to have a specific outcome. If you were to say that such a storm "may" cause such damage, this would be a true statement. But just like tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, a solar storm is just as unpredictable. WOO we survived 2012... Oh man now there's a solar storm at the start of 2013! O_O So which is it, the world ends in 2012? Or no? Also you should look up the "New World Order" It's a conspiracy that all the superpowers and world leaders are forming a secret alliance or already have done apparently. Their aim is to reduce the world's population by 80% D: Any thoughts on that topic? The crazy cooks that concoct and fabricate these myths are largely driven by a healthy dose of paranoid delusion. They are the same people I referred to in my original response (you know, the ones who think we're being poisoned by airplanes, or that 9/11 was an inside job.) To speak from personal experience on the subject, I've visited some NWO forums in my day, just to see what it was like. You think the moderating is bad here? Just try inputting rational thought, facts, or links to sources on an NWO forum. You'll find how quickly the people there react to/delete/ridicule anything contrary to their own crazy conspiracy. Add to the fray the spouting idiots who are free to practice their right to speech, such as Alex Jones, and you now have hordes of mindless followers who believe anything and everything that is said or written as if it were sacrosanct. Everyone who does not espouse or believe the same theories conveniently become "sheep" and those who try to speak up (with rational thought, sources, links, etc.) are labeled as "shills" and government agents. They consider it a compliment when you call them crazy, or respond to your questions with indignance ("Why would I answer your question when there is no possible way you could ever understand. Open your eyes, man! It's all around you! Wake up!") Once you're pulled in, every major event in the world is suddenly a "false flag", and nothing in the world is actually as it seems. Every event that happens is just a secret covert operation by Government X designed to implement Conspiracy Y in order to Implement World Domination Scheme Z. I can't put this any more simply than I did before. These sorts of theories are truly Mad Libs for the paranoid delusional. Anyways, one topic in particular that was fresh on the minds of that forum at the time was the swine flu. The general story went something like this: the new and improved swine flu virus was genetically engineered by our own governments. The ones that weren't killed by the swine flu would then be exterminated by the clever design of a "vaccine" (quotes their own, not mine) that would either immediately or slowly kill the population of the world. It turns out their theories were not only lacking facts or had any credible source to back them up, but, as we now know, nothing of the sort happened. In fact, quite the opposite. A vaccine was developed and distributed to targeted populations across the world, primarily children and the elderly. The swine flu was contained and the most vulnerable populations protected by vaccination. During the same time, I had left some comments for a poster of a YouTube video stating my objections to what had been posted. I got a lot of vitriol and gibberish in response, but we began a dialogue of sorts. I challenged him with articles, initial results from clinical trial testing, and quotes from government officials and the companies manufacturing the vaccine. We continued on like this for some time. Slowly over time I grew impatient. I wasn't getting anywhere with the guy. Rather than test my patience daily, I decided to lie in wait. A year after his last comment, well after the swine flu had come and past, I quoted his last comment back to him and asked him what he thought. Looking back, the words he had written seemed like the ravings of a mad man. He quickly apologized, told me he must have gotten his facts mixed up, and I didn't hear from him again. True story. Have you ever bothered to look up any source material or background for these alleged secret organizations? You'll mostly find that the sources don't exist, or the theories they purport are so ridiculous and far-fetched that trying to find any evidence in contrary to the theory doesn't exist. Bottom line: There is no New World Order. There are no plans for such an "alliance" or any other group to reduce the world's population. I know it's very unlikely that this is true but in our society these days, anything is possible. All these conspiracies really make you think, huh.Make me think, yes. Make me believe? Now that's another story altogether. You are free to come to your own conclusions, but I urge you to re-read my original post. Research this stuff yourself. Ask yourself: how plausible is theory X? My friend also mentioned to me that if you type a certain phrase into the internet, the government either blows up your house or gets you? :S Weird.So does your friend know from personal experience? Did his house blow up? Was he kidnapped by government agents? Let's say this actually did occur, however unlikely. So what would this entail? You say "into the internet." Well, you can't just open a door and *poof*, there's the internet. I assume by this statement you mean into a Google search or something. So, the government intercepts this person's message and says, "Bob, we've got another one. Initiate explosion sequence at 123 Main Street!" and *BOOM* your house explodes? Or say instead they decide to send some Men in Black over to pick you up. So, in order for this story to "get out" the MiB would have to kidnap/arrest an individual, explain why they were kidnapped/arrested, and then release them back for them to tell their story to the world. Do you really believe this to be likely? If it were true, what would happen if the entire world started typing this phrase "into the internet?" Would all of our houses blow up? Would we all be kidnapped? Over time, just by asking a series of simple questions, this theory can be dissected into what it really is: a very poorly concocted internet rumor. My sources are wikipedia and the official 2012 website (First one that comes up in search) That's all I think. Is that banana thing true that if you email it? Wouldn't be suprised if it worked lol xD Only one way to find out. Also, these DUMBS are apparently called DUMBS because the public is to dumb enough to realise what is going on.Was that supposed to be ironic? Also there are theories by people who worked on them that aliens and children are being contained here in some sort of slavery sentence! They just get kidnapped at night D:Wai-... what!? Whoa, this planet is full of craziness.Agreed. Now I'm not saying that I believe in this, however, I'm curious and conspiracies often get me thinking and are quite fascinating.Now here's the part that gets me. If you don't believe any of this, why are you on LBPC writing about it? Something tells me that you find them more than just "fascinating." Something tells me that part of you actually believes some of this stuff to be true. | 2011-03-20 19:51:00 Author: schm0 Posts: 1239 |
I'll just sit patiently and wait for John Cusack to drive by with a limo. | 2011-03-20 19:57:00 Author: BasketSnake Posts: 2391 |
Shm0, you really don't like the NWO concept do you? Most world leaders are just good mates. Apart from business, chatting and the occasional get together not much happens between them. Same goes for the mafia or the freemaasons, they all know each other and they all talk a lot. | 2011-03-20 20:11:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
Think of it well, if it was real, shouldn?t governement be building something like a bunker? | 2011-03-20 20:24:00 Author: ALEXhatena Posts: 1110 |
Think of it well, if it was real, shouldn?t governement be building something like a bunker? No need for a bunker, they've already got a secret high speed underground transport network that goes to the super secret rocket launch pad which will take them to the super super secret mars base. | 2011-03-20 20:32:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
We're in a period of higher solar activity and the chances of a significant coronal mass ejection are higher, there was one last month that brought the northern lights much further south then they normally appear. http://www.geek.com/articles/geek-cetera/suns-coronal-mass-ejections-reach-earth-tonight-20110217/ This cycle is predicted to peak in 2013 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_24 and theres the possiblity of some technology being damaged. A solar storm in 1859 took down the telegraph system. Oh, well, you see, there we go! Some good sources right there. Nothing to worry about, nonetheless. And apologies for the troll comment. I've really bumped into more of them than I would normally care to and so I'm a bit hair-trigger with people when it comes to that. | 2011-03-20 20:46:00 Author: Astrosimi Posts: 2046 |
No I'm not a troll. I'm a human actually. You don't have to comment on my thread and yet you continue to go on. I can't remember the source of that 2013 thing but I saw it and I also watched a program about it a while back. If you have nothing good to say, don't comment. 1. I specifically asked for the url of the "official" 2012 website and I also wouldn't mind seeing more of the specific wikipedia articles you read. Didn't think this would be so hard. 2. If there's any part of my comments that genuinely is a solid piece of advice, it's this: DO NOT watch the History channel for information regarding 2012, Nostradamus, or anything relating to the end of the world. This is because they have long since decided that hype gets them better ratings than facts (which admittedly is true, but you see the problem hopefully). | 2011-03-20 20:49:00 Author: Patronus21 Posts: 266 |
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