The Cursed Mansion, By Elhaz
Archive: 2 posts
The Cursed Mansion - By Elhaz (http://lbp.me/v/ysemf9) I'm lazy, so I'm going to copy some of what I wrote in this level's showcase thread... "I love this. I could just leave it at that I suppose, because it essentially sums up my feelings on the Cursed Mansion. There are many LBP levels I like, but very, very few that I wish I'd made. And, well, I wish I'd made this. This may well be my favourite LBP level to date, and as an example of how story telling can be done with the game it's a bit of a home run. It tells a good old-fashioned ghost story, and the attention to detail is evident from the beginning moments" Now, just because I'm lazy, don't assume for a second that this level is. I can't tell you a great deal about what goes on for fear of spoilers, but know that this lies somewhere between graphic adventure and interactive movie, and it's bloody brilliant. Go play it now. Off you trot... ![]() | 2011-03-18 22:07:00 Author: matneee ![]() Posts: 66 |
This has my recommendation as well. ![]() Great level with good gameplay, a fun story and a heap of polish! | 2011-03-21 01:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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