Archive: 3 posts
On a whim, I decided to search "cyberpunk" on LBP.me and I stumbled upon this masterpiece. http://lbp.me/v/s7mrt- http://lbp.me/v/s7mrt- What is it? It is basically a retelling of William Gibson's book, Neuromancer, the novel which basically birthed the cyberpunk genre. This level has a great story, an entertaining cast of characters, fun, varied gameplay and STUNNING visuals. Maybe it's just me comparing to my own level's visuals, but I was really shocked by the art in this level. It's a globe trotting level, all created in LBP1 without a single level link. It's length and chock full of variety. Environments look beautiful and there are just so many of them, all with the same meticulous attention to detail. If you have any interest in sci-fi or cyberpunk, play this level. Heck, everybody, play this level. I absolutely adored it. | 2011-03-18 12:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Good stuff indeed! All the different locations you travel to and the detail put into them makes this stand out. I tried to read that book a long time ago but found it a difficult book to get into. I've been meaning to try again, but now I know what happens lol. | 2011-03-19 21:54:00 Author: zabel99 ![]() Posts: 179 |
I haz a sad. Because I got through almost all of it, just now - right up until boarding Freeside. Then I got in an elevator, did the grab-to-activate thing... and accidentally jumped, depositing me outside the elevator just as the doors closed and it disappeared downwards. And then I was stuck, forever and ever, in that dark corridor by the airlock. ![]() | 2011-03-19 23:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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