motorstorm apocalypse demo?
Archive: 37 posts
Hai, maybe you guys know this, Is the Motorstorm apocalypse demo released on PSN yet?? (on the EUstore) Because I cannot find it.... | 2011-03-16 19:08:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
Yes, it has. Last week in fact. | 2011-03-16 19:09:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
O:< then why cant i seem to find it? It search motorstorm apocalypse and it gave some trailers. And in demo i see only motorstorm (1) and pacific rift And store has updated cause i see, demos from today | 2011-03-16 19:15:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
It might have been pulled due to recent events. It's still on the server because I'm downloading it now but the link on the store is gone. | 2011-03-16 19:31:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Yeah, I know it took me a while to find it as well. I can't remember how I found it in the end though, sorry. | 2011-03-16 19:31:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Seriously, it's probably pulled down because the game is actually confirmed to be delayed in Europe due the Japan's problems. Polite from Sony if you ask me. | 2011-03-16 20:20:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Total - total idiocy if you ask me. Is there a level specifically set in Japan that features EarthQuakes, Tsunamis and Nuclear Meltdowns? No? Then it's got precicely ******* All to do with it then. ![]() People do know the difference between "real life" and "fiction" don't they?! - DON'T THEY?!!! I mean floods, earthquakes, forest fires, volcanos, mudslides or any number of "harbingers of the apocalypse" have been around since the dawn of time - did they only realise yesterday that "Oh hang on, real people are affected by this issue!" ; Is it not just as offensive to any culture that has had a recent natural disaster - like Haiti, or even the American South - for Motostorm to be setting a game based on natural disasters? If it's a logistics issue - like not being able to ship due to the events in Japan, then fine, I can accept that - but if it's a moral issue - then they don;t have a moral leg to stand on. Either release the game - or remove all reference to any real life events from ALL games - this includes World War 2 games, in fact War Games in general - any Car Games that feature car crashes - or any violence such as punching and kicking (you do realise people have been punched and kicked to death before right? - releasing a game with punching and kicking is incredibly offensive to them) Seriously peeps - get a grip ![]() | 2011-03-17 12:47:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I see people are trying to sell the copies that made it out before the delay for between 60 and 150 quid. Also play have april first as the placeholder date. | 2011-03-17 13:49:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I still don't see why they are delaying it... it's not even set in Japan?! Are they going to pull Homefront from the shelves aswell then, because there is a war happening somewhere - anywhere - on the planet? I mean, there are "Obvious Parallels" with current War-Torn countries and the plot line of HomeFront ?! Either the game is ok for release or it isn't - what happened yesterday or what's going to happen tomorrow is irrelevant... because IT'S JUST A GAME!!! And if they fear a media backlash - then fine, it's not like a little controversy ever hurt a games sales ![]() How about they release the game - and donate a % of sales profits to the relief fund? Surely that'd be a much more helpfull and amicable solution for everyone? | 2011-03-17 14:06:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
So you thought about this for the last hour? Just accept that it is delayed in some countries. It's not like it matters to you either way. ![]() | 2011-03-17 14:10:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Only I was hoping to get the game - so yes it affects me directly - in a much more 'real' sense than the Japanese earthquake affects me 'directly'. It's just a stupid, pointless exercise in pandering to easily offended idiots. Motostorm: Apocalypse has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - zero, nada, zip, bupkiss, - to do with the trajedy in Japan. Give me any good reason why it shouldn't be released, and I'll spit that reason back at you with an example of a game that WAS released that IGNORED a trajedy - simply because there wasn't a global media storm surrounding it. I wouldn't mind if this kind of thing was equally applied - but delaying this games release for this reason is pure hypocricy on behalf of the game industry. | 2011-03-17 14:16:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
So I played the demo track twice, can't see those scripted destruction set pieces getting repetitive at all. | 2011-03-17 14:19:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Give me any good reason why it shouldn't be released, and I'll spit that reason back at you with an example of a game that WAS released that IGNORED a tragedy - simply because there wasn't a global media storm surrounding it. Well, in that case there is no point in arguing anyway. ![]() | 2011-03-17 14:23:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Well, in that case there is no point in arguing anyway. ![]() Finally!!! Someone who "gets me"! ![]() ![]() So I played the demo track twice, can't see those scripted destruction set pieces getting repetitive at all. No more so than just racing around the same track 3 times with nothing happening what-so-ever | 2011-03-17 14:26:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
No more so than just racing around the same track 3 times with nothing happening what-so-ever True. Guess I was just expecting a bit of random on things maybe having the destruction happening in either lap or some things not happen every time. | 2011-03-17 14:56:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Which game was it again... Split Second? Weren't the track events in that triggered by the players? That would have been a better way of doing it | 2011-03-17 14:59:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I think people don't grasp why they delay such products because of a tragedy. It's only to prevent loosing some sales. Right now there are people affected emotionally or directly by what happens in Japan. And this concern also all the Japanese people all over the world. Let's face it, they are everywhere. Right now, anyone affected by not feel like buying a game with a cataclysm setting so why would I try NOW to market one to them? Why would I ignore this and put this game on the shelves even if I potentially lose those sales? I am sorry but delaying this a little bit is SMART. This lets some time for people to swallow what happened and then after that they will hand over their wallet. Never forget that everything related to a game release is always thought and done from a business standpoint. | 2011-03-17 15:06:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
If anything it would increase the sales of the game, as any backlash falls into the "no publicity is bad publicity" category. They would have sanctimonious news agencies around the world condemning them as Evil and Heartless - simulteaneously showing off footage from the game - convincing everyone that it is a better - more shocking - game than it actually is. That may be why the delayed it actually - even that gets them extra publicity ![]() | 2011-03-17 15:51:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Mkay, so it seem i just have to wait a little longer, ah well, i will stick to BLUR ![]() | 2011-03-17 17:56:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
If anything it would increase the sales of the game, as any backlash falls into the "no publicity is bad publicity" category. They would have sanctimonious news agencies around the world condemning them as Evil and Heartless - simulteaneously showing off footage from the game - convincing everyone that it is a better - more shocking - game than it actually is. That may be why the delayed it actually - even that gets them extra publicity ![]() I don't think this principle of is true. It comes from the thought that "the more exposure you have, the more people will know about you". Wich is true but not necessarily good. Looks at hollywood celebrities and their up and downs. Someone like Angelina Jolie and Bratt Pit are staying "on top" wayyyyyy longer because they cultivate positive press. All the while Chris Brown rushes to sell an album. So nah, it's not ANY publicity that is good for your product, not at all. I don't believe in this and it seems that Motorstorm people aren't either. Unless, as you said, they consider this delay a publicity stunt but I doubt it goes that deep. | 2011-03-17 18:07:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I just don't get the double standard. How many people are killed by gunfire and war each day around the world? How many people each year? We are talking 10's of thousands... a much bigger scale of human tragedy than even an earthquake or tsunami. And yet gun play and war is a primary feature of most games on the market. Motorstorm is a racing game - you just race around a course - you are not actually causing earthquakes or tsunamis to happen. Where-as in gun-play games you are actually shooting at people in order to kill them - something that happens in real life everyday. Surely that is FAR more tasteless and insensitive to the victims of those gun deaths than Motorstorm is to victims of an earthquake? It's the same difference. | 2011-03-18 09:56:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I just don't get the double standard. How many people are killed by gunfire and war each day around the world? How many people each year? We are talking 10's of thousands... a much bigger scale of human tragedy than even an earthquake or tsunami. And yet gun play and war is a primary feature of most games on the market. Motorstorm is a racing game - you just race around a course - you are not actually causing earthquakes or tsunamis to happen. Where-as in gun-play games you are actually shooting at people in order to kill them - something that happens in real life everyday. Surely that is FAR more tasteless and insensitive to the victims of those gun deaths than Motorstorm is to victims of an earthquake? It's the same difference. Don't make all this fuss...it's a game... I want to play the game too but I'll wait...worsdt thing it could happen is that I could die while waitin'...but then playing games won't be a problem anymore ![]() | 2011-03-18 10:07:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I'm not the one making a fuss... I didn't delay the game based on the current media flavour of the month. ![]() | 2011-03-18 13:01:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I just don't get the double standard. How many people are killed by gunfire and war each day around the world? How many people each year? We are talking 10's of thousands... a much bigger scale of human tragedy than even an earthquake or tsunami. And yet gun play and war is a primary feature of most games on the market. Motorstorm is a racing game - you just race around a course - you are not actually causing earthquakes or tsunamis to happen. Where-as in gun-play games you are actually shooting at people in order to kill them - something that happens in real life everyday. Surely that is FAR more tasteless and insensitive to the victims of those gun deaths than Motorstorm is to victims of an earthquake? It's the same difference. There's no double standard, you answered your own question. War is not a problem anymore because it's to the point that it's banalised now and doesn't influence entertainement. What happened in Japan is unusual, grand, spectacular and this attracts wayyyyyyyyyy more attention therefore affect wayyyyyyyyyyy more people. Basically it's the difference between a common tragedy and a extraordinary tragedy. As for the shooters being popular, it will be that way for a freaking long time anyways and this, regardless what could happen in the world. The shooter is appealing to many people simply because it appeals to the very basics of our nature. The gun is the extension of the hand and "shooting" is the next thing after "hitting". This is understood and extremely visceral, "natural" if you like, and appeals to a trememdously large mass simple is one of the most simple expression of violence. | 2011-03-18 15:13:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
It is a double standard though. As you've just highlighted... it's what-ever the worlds media is attracted to that month, will dictate our current morality for that month. Surely the Nazi Zombies mode in CoD completely trivialises the suffering of the 6 million, and millions more civilians, that died at the hand of the Nazis. I don't see CoD getting removed from the shelves any time soon ![]() | 2011-03-18 16:34:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
If you are really desperate you can import from the mainland. I think it's only been pushed back in the UK as far as Europe is concerned (also, this gives you more fuel to rant ![]() Amazon.fr for example (http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B004DNW9Y0/ref=s9_pop_gw_ir02?pf_rd_m=A1X6FK5RDHNB96&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1HSBV3Q8AZ5F23KS2JCF&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=171732807&pf_rd_i=405320) | 2011-03-18 16:53:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Oh, out in Italy too (http://www.amazon.it/Sony-Motorstorm-Apocalypse/dp/B004O0U4SK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1300463997&sr=8-1) | 2011-03-18 17:00:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
If you are really desperate you can import from the mainland. I think it's only been pushed back in the UK as far as Europe is concerned (also, this gives you more fuel to rant ![]() And I'll probably have more fun doing that than playing the actual game ![]() | 2011-03-19 08:03:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Apparently there is a cutscene in the game where someone kicks over a cardboard model of a city and says "There goes Tokyo". Does that make the delay more understandable? You decide! ![]() | 2011-03-19 13:57:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
*shrug* Tokyo was relatively unaffected though. Am I the only one that knows the difference between "fiction" and "reality"?! I mean, Left 4 Dead 2 was set in the Deep South (Louisiana) - and features Hurricane force winds and flooding as a main aspect of the game - did anyone complain?! And why are they releasing RSS feeds for Motorstorm that lead to 404's? (http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/news/articles/detail/item346264/The-People-vs-MotorStorm-Apocalypse/?site_locale=en_GB) | 2011-03-21 16:03:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Am I the only one that knows the difference between "fiction" and "reality"?! Reality - Company has to weigh up the risk of media witch hunt, for being "insensitive", which can damage corporate image, affect stock and give a tangible affect on profitability. Fiction - The game actually has no affect on anyone and doesn't hurt anyone, therefore no one will care about them being insensitive to an ongoing tragedy. If you can take a pummeling for raising $100K in funds for a tragedy in the wrong way (http://www.techflash.com/seattle/2011/03/microsoft-sorry-for-bing-quake-tweet.html), then you can certainly be pummeled for profiting on selling an entertainment product that appears to have some vague relation to said tragedy too close to the time of the tragedy | 2011-03-21 16:30:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Wow Mac, do you really care THAT much about a demo? :l I mean, you DO have the option of, oh I don't know...letting it go maybe? Its done, no amount of complaining by one person's really gonna do anything anyways. | 2011-03-21 17:03:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
& they're delaying it for 2 weeks?! Well, yes, 2 weeks is obviously a long enough time for everyone to forget about the horrible tragedy - I'm sure those people that survive the victims will have forgotten all about their pain and hardship by then, and will be eager to relive it in game form ![]() If it is so insensitive, then why not ban it outright? Really, what is the point in delaying it by only 2 weeks? A little controversy never hurt a games sales - if anything, the opposite is true. & it's not like it's got *anything* to do with what happened in Japan anyway?! - It's just political correctness and idiotic over-sensitivity. I'll say again - There are wars going on right now - so why not pull all war games from the shelves? Or do the war dead not deserve any sensitivity? (if it isn't the media's hot topic of the week?) And those war games aren't a "vague relation" but a direct comparison. | 2011-03-22 08:49:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
We don't know how long the delay is. Play - April 1st Game - TBA Gamestation - TBA Gameplay - June 1st Amazon - In stock. Dispatched from and sold by Online Game Shop. ?44.95 HMV - July 18th ShopTo - March 31st | 2011-03-22 10:36:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Hmm. Can't remeber where I read it was 2 weeks, and am now struggling to find a source. But how long is long enough to be continually over-sensitive on 'percieved' insensitivity? Surely, if there really is an 'obvious parallel', then it will never be acceptable to release the game? baring in mind that I recently had a photo of Sackboy dressed as Hitler modded because it "could be percieved as offensive" (to holocaust survivors?); So what are we talking for the delay here then? 70 years?! "Don't Mention The War!!!" Fact is, they are just waiting till the media's attention is focused on the next shiney object that'll grab it's attention - so that they won't be villified by the press, rather than actually caring about the victims. How Noble ![]() Lets not let rationality get in the way of some good old fashioned media hysteria | 2011-03-22 11:17:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
http://www.mcvuk.com/news/43604/Motorstorm-gets-new-UK-date | 2011-03-22 15:35:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Ah... well it's good to know that they are still so concerned with the unintentional possibility that they might happen to accidentally cause offense to someone who might possibly have a relative/friend/aquaintance who might possibly have been affected by some aspect of the Japanese disaster but was still not distraught enough to stop buying/playing PS3 games ![]() Am I really the only person that thinks it was a totally unnecessary precaution? (& The fact it's only the UK shows it's only the UK press they were worried about) | 2011-03-22 15:53:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
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