Musical kind of problem :(
Archive: 6 posts
I`m making anniversary lvl for the contest and i`m stuck since i want to make a simple happy birthday tune as you ride a trolley but not being as talented in musical arts as i would want to be i can`t really make it myself. I arranged distance between sounds quite correctly (at least i think so grr) and i have necessary number of notes but it`s time to adjust the height of those sounds and here it get`s difficult ![]() ![]() it goes like this: -tum----tum--tum----tum----tum----tum --1-------2----3------4-------5------6 -tum----tum--tum----tum----tum----tum --1-------2----3------4-------5------6 -tum----tum--tum----tum----tum----tum----tum --1-------2----3------4-------5------6-------7 -tum----tum--tum----tum----tum----tum --1-------2----3------4-------5------6 6,6,7,6 Quite simple in theory ![]() ![]() ![]() I use Piano High sound | 2008-11-26 17:45:00 Author: yohil ![]() Posts: 20 |
I'd have to check, but I think each adjustment of an instrument pitch setting is one half note up or down. It's just a matter of getting the notes, working out the intervals between the notes, then adjusting the sliders the right amounts. That's all just theory however, but I'm pretty sure that's how it's done. It should not be too hard to find a printed version of happy birthday on the net, and you will be glad to know the song is not copyrighted. ![]() | 2008-11-27 04:29:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
if you know musical notation then you need to find a score sheet with the song on it. If you play guitar then you know that ever fret is 1/2 step (i will not go to deep in to it) and on piano that from a white to a black key is 1/2 and a black to a white is a 1/2 (But in the exception of B to C and E to F or the other way around because they are only a half step and are each 2 white keys on the piano) Same thing on the slider, if you push it to the right once then you will go up one half step. And left you will go down a half step. simple right? ok lets try this out lets say you want to go from F (the bottom space on the staff) to B (the middle line on the staff) you will go: F#—>G—>G#—>A—>A#—>B so you will move the slider 6 times to the right. ok now lets do something a little more complex, with a change of B and C or E and F. this time we want to go down the staff from D (the second from the top line) to Eb (E flat)(the bottom line of the staff) you will go: Db—>C—>B—>Bb—>A—>Ab—>G—>Gb—>F—>E—>Eb so you will move the slider 11 times to the left If you need anymore help understanding the notation on the score of the sheet music then please ask and i can help you with your troubles, oh and i just remembered there might be a key signature infront of the cleff (treble cleff or bass cleff, but this song will be in treble so do not worry) and if it does then ask me, tell me where the sharps and flats are in the key signature and i can tell you what key and what difference it makes in how you play the song. Ask if you need further help, in either sending me a PM or just responding in this thread Cheers! | 2008-11-27 04:50:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
if you know musical notation then you need to find a score sheet with the song on it. If you play guitar then you know that ever fret is 1/2 step (i will not go to deep in to it) and on piano that from a white to a black key is 1/2 and a black to a white is a 1/2 (But in the exception of B to C and E to F or the other way around because they are only a half step and are each 2 white keys on the piano) Same thing on the slider, if you push it to the right once then you will go up one half step. And left you will go down a half step. simple right? ok lets try this out lets say you want to go from F (the bottom space on the staff) to B (the middle line on the staff) you will go: F#—>G—>G#—>A—>A#—>B so you will move the slider 6 times to the right. ok now lets do something a little more complex, with a change of B and C or E and F. this time we want to go down the staff from D (the second from the top line) to Eb (E flat)(the bottom line of the staff) you will go: Db—>C—>B—>Bb—>A—>Ab—>G—>Gb—>F—>E—>Eb so you will move the slider 11 times to the left If you need anymore help understanding the notation on the score of the sheet music then please ask and i can help you with your troubles, oh and i just remembered there might be a key signature infront of the cleff (treble cleff or bass cleff, but this song will be in treble so do not worry) and if it does then ask me, tell me where the sharps and flats are in the key signature and i can tell you what key and what difference it makes in how you play the song. Ask if you need further help, in either sending me a PM or just responding in this thread Cheers! Well i understood nothing of what you wrote here ^^" , as i said i`m just plain stupid if it comes to music so creating a simple tune like that is a pain in the a** but my lvl won`t have same effect without it and if it will come to this i will give up the idea of implementing it ![]() | 2008-11-27 15:48:00 Author: yohil ![]() Posts: 20 |
Here is a link to the score for Happy Birthday in PDF format. http://everynote.com/goods.1/HappyBirt_PP_.pdf The notes are easy enough to read this is a very basic song, so if you have a friend taking music or a music teacher you can contact ask them to write down the notes for you, sorry I don't have time to do it currently. EDIT, Oh bugger it here you go, this is the first verse. Treble Clef 3/4 time GGAGBC GGAGCD GG G(octave higher)ECBA FFECDC Cheers QuozL | 2008-11-27 17:09:00 Author: QuozL ![]() Posts: 921 |
ok fine i will help you out and not go through the entire process and try and teach you but i will tell you how many times to move the slider left or right from the last note you just did just follow along and i will put a letter (L for left and R for right) and then the number of how many times you move the slider. just make sure you have the spacing right or it will not sound right ^^ Start: hmmm wait i do not know what the starting note is when you start out with the sound object so i will find that out soon but i will do the rest for now 0 R2 L2 R5 L1 L4 0 R2 L2 R7 L2 L5 0 R12 L3 L4 L1 L2 R8 0 L1 L4 R2 L2 L5 0 R2 L2 R5 L1 L4 0 R2 L2 R7 L2 L5 0 R12 L3 L4 L1 L2 R8 0 L1 L4 R2 L2 Well there you go that is how many times you move the slider from the last note and you can do this by moving the slider then copying the music object and then placing it at the right spacing and moving the slider as many times in the order that is up there (sorry if it is long but if you do not understand musical notation it has to be like this, hope it helps anyway) Cheers! | 2008-11-27 20:48:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
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