The future of Pokemon
Archive: 39 posts
So now Black and White are released to the world. But, what comes next? What do you guys think? As is tradition, I think this time next year the third Gen V installment will be released(Pokemon Grey?). Im pretty sure most people would agree on that. However, what comes next? I think the year after that, in early 2013, Ruby and Sapphire remakes will be released. Logically, its the only way to go. They cant make a new generation because its too early, and all the games before R/S were remade already. Diamond and Pearl are too recent to remake, so the only logical option is R/S remakes. What do you people think? Discuss ![]() | 2011-03-14 03:04:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
I think the next step is having the POKe'MON pop out of the 3DS, and battle. ![]() | 2011-03-14 03:09:00 Author: The-Questor ![]() Posts: 1328 |
i can tell you one thing, there running out of elements from the periodic table and colors from the color spectrum for their titles | 2011-03-14 03:18:00 Author: wait wtf ![]() Posts: 853 |
i can tell you one thing, there running out of elements from the periodic table and colors from the color spectrum for their titles So true. I cant wait to see what they come up with next. Provided we dont all die at the end of next year ![]() | 2011-03-14 03:21:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
A pokemon mmorpg would seriously rule the world. btw I don't think a R/S remake is needed. Pretty sure that's the gen that introduced all the natures/abilities anyway. The only improvement would be the new phy/spec split may open up a few new options. | 2011-03-14 04:17:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
A pokemon mmorpg would seriously rule the world. btw I don't think a R/S remake is needed. Pretty sure that's the gen that introduced all the natures/abilities anyway. The only improvement would be the new phy/spec split may open up a few new options. I agree with both these statements. Personally I still have extremely fond memories of Pokemon Stadium, and being able to take my Pokemon team in Red and Blue and using them in the game. Wtf happened to that idea Nintendo?! It was awesome seeing my team come to life in 3D graphics like that! As for the remakes: while I have noticed a pleasant bump in visual graphics in Black and White, it doesn't seem like enough to really warrant remakes of Ruby and Sapphire. Nevertheless they'll probably do it. Also, am I in the minority when I say that Pokemon Snap was a lot of fun too? | 2011-03-14 05:01:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
i can tell you one thing, there running out of elements from the periodic table and colors from the color spectrum for their titles Im thinking Pokemon: Ultra Violet.... yeeeeah ![]() | 2011-03-14 05:07:00 Author: AA_BATTERY ![]() Posts: 1117 |
Simple, Pokemon Grey, Kyurem will be the legendary. Why? My only answer is that Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem have all the same encounter BGM and cut-into-battle animation thing. Although I can only assume... | 2011-03-14 05:19:00 Author: Limesta- ![]() Posts: 559 |
They will make their traditional directors cut version from black/white on the ds & then make a new set of games for the 3ds & then release a directors cut from those versions. Maybe a game on wii somewhere in there also & some more random spin off games. They have used the same pattern for well over a decade. | 2011-03-14 06:23:00 Author: IAmChavez ![]() Posts: 142 |
Slightly enhanced redo of black and white gap year 3ds generation a 3ds redo version or ruby/saphire remakes either can come first and the other will be the following year possible second 3ds generation. | 2011-03-14 10:43:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Pokemon Gray version of B&W i can see happening tho don't sound interesting. maybe they'll make a Yellow remake? i dono how i feel about a ruby & sapphire... seems to soon, the games have not changed all that much from then, i think they'll do something else, but the question is what? also i vote Pokemon Cherry & Blueberry as the names of the next new games and that they'll be on the next Gameboy system to come out 2 or whatever years later ![]() | 2011-03-14 11:07:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Lol cherry and blue berry XD I agree about Yellow it was amazing back then. And I also agree with midnight and patronus, A Huge rpg style pokemon game would be amazing. Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Snap are great games agree, I dont know who would hate those, but in case you didnt know a rpg like game came out for Wii, similar to what Midnight Suggested. Its called Pokemon Rumble, its not that so big of a deal but its pretty cool kinda. | 2011-03-14 18:04:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
Lol cherry and blue berry XD I agree about Yellow it was amazing back then. And I also agree with midnight and patronus, A Huge rpg style pokemon game would be amazing. Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Snap are great games agree, I dont know who would hate those, but in case you didnt know a rpg like game came out for Wii, similar to what Midnight Suggested. Its called Pokemon Rumble, its not that so big of a deal but its pretty cool kinda. I spent many many many hours playing Pokemon Rumble. That game was so fun! I beat it twice, and I remember playing random areas over and over looking for shiny Pokemon. | 2011-03-14 18:07:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
Yeah I enjoyed it alot too, not sure why it got not so good reviews, its a good game, sadly I only played the demo but I would play it like 20 times lol, It was cool searching for the Rare pokemon etc. I wish they would make a 3rd person pokemon game where you can create your own trainer, from clothes, gender, whatever, and go places in a huge rpg style game, And the fights would be similar to Pokemon stadium one with todays awesome graphics and effects, the thing is obviously im sure they have thought about this, hope to see something like this in the future ![]() This is what I would like to see. But like Heist said, a MMORP would be sooooooooo awesome.. | 2011-03-14 18:40:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
lol I just noticed i wrote same thing in other words, sorry *deleted* | 2011-03-14 18:44:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
You know you can actually completely delete posts right? In the advanced edit section. | 2011-03-14 18:51:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
yup, deleted it. | 2011-03-14 19:00:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
yup, deleted it. Oh sorry I didnt realize what you were talking about. Anyway there seem to be all kinds of sweet twists they could put on the series to stray from the classic time. So many options, but which will Nintendo use, if any? | 2011-03-14 19:05:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
Well, I'd assume that we've gotta visit Kanto again in gen V. I mean, Nintendo has a pattern going on there... Gen I - You were in Kanto Gen II - You go to Kanto Gen III - You were in Kanto. (FR and LG) Gen IV - You go to Kanto (HG and SS) Gen V - ??? Starting to get tired of Kanto, though. ![]() | 2011-03-14 19:33:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
...you realize that Gen V IS Black & White, right? | 2011-03-14 23:44:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
My hope is a new region, biggest one yet, and it has almost every pokemon from every gen in it. So on route (1?) You'd be fighting Pidgeys, Lillipups, Sentrets, Zigzagoons, and Bidoofs. That way, you could really take your ultimate team through the game, with it being long enough to collect most members by at least halfway through. (Unlike most games were they give you some awesome pokemon right at the end, like Deino in B/W.) | 2011-03-14 23:52:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
Pokemon Creation maybe? idk just thinking out loud, but ive seen alot of custom drawn made pokemon out there that are as good as the originals. There was a game, from the same creators of Pokemon for gamecube, where you could do this same thing, in other like making a pokemon, from height, powers, whatever, however the game didnt stand out much. i forgot the name. But then again this isnt such a good idea lol, but However...It WOULD be awesome if you could maybe change color or add accesories (For example in SMB You can use Pikachu wearing Ash's cap). I think that would that would be pretty cool. It would make trainers and there Pokemon look more like, idk like more theres, there own personality etc, Kinda like the way you costume your sackboy/girl. I remember playing with my friend, my Mewtwo against his, but the feeling of seeing his was almost just like mine kinda bummered me lol, Imagine if however his Mewtwo had a Cloak of some sort and mine had his Robot Armor (the one he has in the First pokemon Movie). It would make things feel...like, like more umm... Idk lol I need a word =P Im trying to find it but I cant. | 2011-03-15 00:51:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
Pokemon Creation maybe? idk just thinking out loud, but ive seen alot of custom drawn made pokemon out there that are as good as the originals. There was a game, from the same creators of Pokemon for gamecube, where you could do this same thing, in other like making a pokemon, from height, powers, whatever, however the game didnt stand out much. i forgot the name. But then again this isnt such a good idea lol, but However...It WOULD be awesome if you could maybe change color or add accesories (For example in SMB You can use Pikachu wearing Ash's cap). I think that would that would be pretty cool. It would make trainers and there Pokemon look more like, idk like more theres, there own personality etc, Kinda like the way you costume your sackboy/girl. I remember playing with my friend, my Mewtwo against his, but the feeling of seeing his was almost just like mine kinda bummered me lol, Imagine if however his Mewtwo had a Cloak of some sort and mine had his Robot Armor (the one he has in the First pokemon Movie). It would make things feel...like, like more umm... Idk lol I need a word =P Im trying to find it but I cant. I am Fang and I approve this message. Erm anywaays... I'm pretty sure there will be a third Gen. V game with Kyurem... it makes sence. I also have a good feeling that it'll have alternate forms if there is a third. Think of it: - Kyurem's appearance seems broken and incomplete... an alternate form could be one that repairs it. - If you aren't a reader of Poke-Interwebs, you might not know this, but there are three hidden moves in B/W; V-Generate, Cold Flare, and Freeze Bolt/Lightning. The last two correspond to Reshiram and Zekrom, but also are ice-type like Kyurem. This enforces the possibility of alternate forms of Kyurem (Kyurem represents 'without energy'. Alternate forms in theory could 'give energy' like a fire form [Reshiram] or electricity form [Zekrom].) Lol since I believed that there'll be a third version I'm kinda holding out for something like that. ![]() And a RSE remake is likely... the RSE fans are already dyin for it lol. I still wish for more trainer customization. I hate fighting clones of myself lol | 2011-03-15 01:08:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
My hope is a new region, biggest one yet, and it has almost every pokemon from every gen in it. So on route (1?) You'd be fighting Pidgeys, Lillipups, Sentrets, Zigzagoons, and Bidoofs. That way, you could really take your ultimate team through the game, with it being long enough to collect most members by at least halfway through. (Unlike most games were they give you some awesome pokemon right at the end, like Deino in B/W.) Yeah, that would be pretty awesome. Route 1 team ftw! Top percentage rattata go! I hate it how they keep the majority of cool pokemon/stones/items till AFTER the elite 4. Sucks all the fun out of it. What I think would be interesting, is that if say, you beat the game (and got all pokemon), you could start a new game (in a new game file!) with ANY pokemon you captured in your main game. With an item of your choice. Because the game becomes boring after all the gyms. And how about high levelled pokemon in the "second region" for once?! And get rid of the HMs for goodness sake. They are a terribly outdated waste of space. There are so many things that could make pokemon so much better. | 2011-03-15 06:55:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
And get rid of the HMs for goodness sake. They are a terribly outdated waste of space. I only just recently got my very first Pokemon game (Soul Silver) and I couldn't agree more...I thought I was the only one who thought that lmao | 2011-03-15 07:24:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
this is why you make a HM slave pokemon. get a pokemon and make all their moves HMs so your good pokemon don't have to waste their slots. me my self, I'd be happy if they add the option back later in a new game to have a pokemon follow or not again, the more options we have in the game the better, I hate how a game calls it self a RPG yet don't give you any story options, you always have to become a poke master etc. its not Role playing when you only have one set path you can take in a game, i think it be cool if you could become a member of team rocket or something, yeah they most likely not do that, but you know what i mean~ *mew | 2011-03-15 07:54:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Yeah, I always use HM slaves. The thing is they take up 2 pokemon slots out of a possible six in your party, so really, you only get to choose and use 4 instead of the full 6. Lately I been using Dragonite as a HM slave, as he can take a few hits compared to golduck/tropius/etc. HMs are very dated imo. Not sure why they haven't been removed/replaced. It also annoys me that there are like 3 water type HMs...plus waterfall/surf are the only good HMs. I might feel better if strength acted like return (as it gets stronger as you go), and cut/etc would be nice if they were actually useful somehow.. | 2011-03-15 10:53:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
It's been about 9 years since I last played pok?mon so forgive me if my knowledge is out of date or a little bit rusty. It shouldn't be too hard to tweek the way HM's operate, they could make it so that when you have acquired the HM and beat the gym that lets you use it any Pok?mon that is compatible with the move can use it to pass obstacles in the field without the need to learn it while still keeping the option to teach them as a move if you feel they would be useful in battle. | 2011-03-15 11:55:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
True would be nice if they made is so the HMs were not so useless outside of getting to places. i think i agree with Rabid-Coot that long the Pokemon are able to use HMs they should be able to even without learning them, because its annoying always having to have 1 or two HMs slaves on the team just to get to places. *mew | 2011-03-15 12:41:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I'm a bit worried about where Pokemon is heading. I mean, seriously, they're going back to the old "Let's use colors as our pokemon games subtitles!" days. on the other hand, there is a small chance that new pokemon generations may include either stage three pokemon (i.e. charmander, charmeleon, charizard, charviathan) otherwise, i'm worried... | 2011-03-15 20:07:00 Author: junk-Warrior7 ![]() Posts: 276 |
I like how B/W did it more, they just made the main path of the game use barely any HMs, while they left some spots hidden which could be accessed by using an HM. | 2011-03-15 21:28:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
there is a small chance that new pokemon generations may include either stage three pokemon (i.e. charmander, charmeleon, charizard, charviathan) otherwise, i'm worried... Admittedly I think that would be pretty cool. But the only way I think that could work is if they're ridiculously strong and they take until level 70 or something to evolve. They could be the next legendary Pokemon. | 2011-03-15 23:51:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
I can't believe like the rest of you that Gen VI won't just be more minor upgrades & better graphics + 3D usage on the 3DS, it's so obvious already. I will still buy the next versions myself though because I just like the game as it's always been, I personally don't want it to change drastically. I would love them to make a pokemon MMORPG though that would be awesome. | 2011-03-16 01:19:00 Author: IAmChavez ![]() Posts: 142 |
If you want to know the future of Pokemon, just look at the past. It's doesn't change. ![]() Note I'm not dissing Pokemon. I just got White the other day (playing it now actually) and I love it. It's my first Pokemon game since Red/Blue/Yellow when I was a kid, and honestly it's still ridiculously familiar even though I missed a number of generations. The music, structure, even many sentences! Lol. But i still love it. Infact I bought a DSi XL just to play it (mario 25th edition... tis lovely ![]() | 2011-03-16 03:04:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
With each generation adding roughly 100-150 new Pok?mon will we eventually reach a point where the franchise collapses because theres just too many species? | 2011-03-16 13:41:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
With each generation adding roughly 100-150 new Pok?mon will we eventually reach a point where the franchise collapses because theres just too many species? Black/White has handled it very well though, with only limiting to 150 till you become the champion. It's basically feels like the original games up to that point. | 2011-03-16 14:20:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
With each generation adding roughly 100-150 new Pok?mon will we eventually reach a point where the franchise collapses because theres just too many species? Neh, if i know anything about Art and designing characters, and i do, you can always design more characters no problem. and most of the time they only add about 80 new pokemon per-game. B&W been the first game sense Red and blue to have a full 150 plus new pokemon. one thing tho from what i was reading when they are designing new pokemon they have fear of them looking to much like their last games, so they over do some of the looks, but that's silly, in real life lots of animals look alike and have related looks. sounds like to me they just need better/new design artists if they are having trouble at all. i wish they do more simple designs like in their old games, the new stuff just looks to harsh a lot of the time. *mew | 2011-03-16 14:26:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I'm not talking about designing on their end just the quantity there'll be as the generations pass. In a few generations/10 years if the current rate of growth continues there'll be a generation with the normal new 100-150ish species and if they keep the way they've done things with the old stuff lock out this time beating the champion will be unlocking around 1000 older species to catch and I'm just pondering a scenario where the quantity of Pokemon to catch train and evolve starts to be offputting to people. Also it's never gone as low as 80 new in a generation. Gen 1 New 151 Total 151 Gen 2 New 100 Total 251 Gen 3 New 135 Total 386 Gen 4 New 107 Total 493 Gen 5 New 153 Total 646 | 2011-03-16 16:29:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
^ Ah well i don't think it put people off, a lot of people are happy with just getting their faves like me. i don't even waste my time captaining pokemon i don't want. i get around 20 pokemon per game at most, and in this last game i only have interest in about 5. the other pokemon are just EXP food to me. after i put all the games so far together there's about 70 pokemon i keep, and only 20 i use. i know I'm not the only one like this, and having more to pick from is never a bad thing i think~ *mew | 2011-03-16 16:42:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
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