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Infinite Thermometer Trick.

Archive: 28 posts

Sorry if this has been posted already but its cool enough that I'm willing to take that chance. I am workin on a level that uses a bunch of 3D which apparently takes up quite a bit of space on your thermometer the city in the first part of my level takes up roughly 3/4 with bots, this combined with trap logic& other visual tweaks started to over heat my level. So I had an idea. Instead of having the bots in the level I just emit them then destroy them when I cross a tag, simple, and very effective. But with all that saved room I kept building which eventually led to more overheating problems, and on top of that some of my emitters wouldn't work right. So I figured out a way to save hecka room on the thermo and basically never use it all. First since I am using 3D I take the 3D tool and make a small square, (the smallest), then I make a nice cut down a good transition part of my level. then I hide everything but the things I want to copy, in this case entire sections of my level (4 to be exact) I save them as objects then I start a new level and lay the first section of the level, then I set an emitter on dark matter by the area where it will emit and then I set each emitter to emit a different section of the level triggered by player sensors, then I can use another player sensor on a tag and attach a tag sensor to a destroyer and attach them to all the things in the previous set piece of the level so they destroy when I pass the tag, thus allowing for more complex logic in future parts of the level. Like I said, I dunno if its known, and I'm not sure how it will work online as I have yet to publish. But if it works well then this could mean so much in the way of level length and design.2011-03-13 03:11:00

Posts: 175

It's funny, because this is the technique Mm uses when creating the Story Mode. When the player reaches a section in which they can't backtrack, the previous section is destroyed, and the next section is emitted. Nice find!2011-03-13 03:25:00

Posts: 849

This is exactly how proper level design is done. For example in FPS games, even though levels give the immersion that you are fighting in a large area, the world actually always ends right behind the very first corner you can't reach. In platformers, whenever you reach a point of no return, you can bet that all of the level behind you was just erased. So if anyone wants to make an exceptionally large level, this is a very good trick. But you need to plan ahead if you want to use this, so that the player indeed cannot backtrack and notice that the level is gone.2011-03-13 15:38:00

Posts: 607

Thank you so much! I was making a Zombies top down level, but it took up too much space. Thanks!2011-03-13 22:27:00

Unknown User

OR, use level links.2011-03-13 22:36:00

Posts: 1799

OR, use level links.

This is for those making large levels but not so muchj that need another level.
Also, helps for when you don't wanna use level links, as sometimes you just don't waanna break the level's pace, or have manny publishing slots left.
2011-03-13 23:18:00

Posts: 6707

Does the thermometer then not take into account download size? I reasoned that it did, because it would make sense to cap download sizes for levels, but maybe I'm wrong?2011-03-14 04:24:00

Posts: 79

Does the thermometer then not take into account download size? I reasoned that it did, because it would make sense to cap download sizes for levels, but maybe I'm wrong?

hmmm I'm not sure. I bet this would work to an extent, however I had a level that did this (however everything was pretty complex, and each section really pushed the thermo to the limits.) and it worked fine on my moon, even with a little bit of lag at some points... but when I tried to publish, I got a nice message about how the level could not be published, and I should try later.

Planned to try to slim it down to a reasonable size and see if I could publish after that, but then my ps3 blew up.
2011-03-17 03:40:00

Posts: 738

That was pretty interesting reading all of that, I didn't know like any of that stuff, but if it were up to me, I'd just use links, that's too much work for too little reward if you ask me.2011-03-17 04:06:00

Posts: 403

But you need to plan ahead if you want to use this, so that the player indeed cannot backtrack and notice that the level is gone.

Could you not retrigger the emitter if the player is backtracking towards the destructed section?
2011-03-17 13:25:00

Posts: 2284

hm...I tried it with my level...it was just at the beginning but I realized that the thermo takes account of the stuff you're going to emit, so eventually it would reach a point when yolu can't emit stuff anymore.
It would work in a "play" level, ut you'll find an end I think.
2011-03-17 15:55:00

Posts: 5112

speculative speaking this can up to 300x the thermo size, depending on how you work with it.
It has a few setbacks though, emit a piece that is uberlarge and chance if any budies that joined you might crash back to pod.

In my (soon to be published) level hub, I atm got 5 rooms.. and they are pushing the thermo to 3/4th of max.
but with this trick I can easily add 20-40 more rooms.
I did notice that when saving on a new slot/publishing it randomly gives me a warning the thermo is full,
but strangely saving the level on its own slot and then copy/publish takes care of thos.
2011-03-17 19:50:00

Posts: 2136

Yeah this destroy and emit as you go thing is the best way to make a bigger level.
putting tags on the different spots so you can backtrack that'll emit parts
to you past is a good idea also. if it's needed that is. be pretty simple just
block the user from going back with a door, or wall or a cliff they can't get
back up from, ETC~ *mew
2011-03-23 02:09:00

Posts: 4261

or LONG movies!!!!2011-03-24 04:25:00

Unknown User

I wonder... can this be applied to logic and voice recordings?2011-03-24 04:45:00

Posts: 606

Old and it's not fully infinite since emitters costs but still nice ;] thru it need some creation skill

I wonder... can this be applied to logic and voice recordings?

Everything you can destroy and emit
2011-03-24 17:15:00

Posts: 3991

It's funny, because this is the technique Mm uses when creating the Story Mode. When the player reaches a section in which they can't backtrack, the previous section is destroyed, and the next section is emitted. Nice find!

Are you refering to Mms use of Infinite Scrolling? because that uses lots of objects sequenced randomly but still stored.

I'm not sure I understand this gltch, when you store an object into the emiter it stays there unless you set its numbers to zero...not sure how exactly your tricking the thermo?
2011-03-26 01:35:00

Posts: 76

I actually figured this out a while back, when you set something to emit, you will notice the thermo will not raise itself until it emits the object. So the trick goes. Emit section of level > then destroy older section. This works like the same way you can have 100 prize bubles in your level. You could never fit the containings of all those 100 prize bubbles in that level, yet you can fit thier base information. Well thats how this trick works, and it is a nice easy method.

BUT.. It has it's limits and it hits them quicker than you may think. After a while, and it depends on how far the thermo has progressed, this trick stops working, and eventually everything you are about to emit starts to work like LBP1 wich is 100% accounting for that stuff you are trying to emit. But yeah it certainly helps you squeeze in more.

I like many others are building a pretty big game, and base logic which goes into every level takes about half thermo. So we can't simply level link because you need so much level befor you put the crowd through a loading screen.
2011-03-29 11:09:00

Posts: 138

For anyone interested, this is how I fit so much into the "How to Catch a Sackboy" movie. Each sub-movie took up almost a full thermometer. I built each sub-movie in a separate level, captured the whole thing as an object, then put it in an emitter in the "Level Select" portion of the level. It works really well, although some people may be having trouble and just not telling me.

I originally tried level links, but got a lot of complaints that the level links would freeze your PS3, fail to load, or take an extremely long time to load. I found it kind of surprising that a "glitch" like loading full levels into an emitter works so much better than the official way of doing this.
2011-03-29 17:48:00

Posts: 70

I never used to bother with emitting and destroying, and still managed relatively long levels, but a cast of sackbots (or their costumes rather) add such a massive amount of thermo that its now something I'll probably be doing on every level. Every sackbot in my current one is emitted and destroyed only as needed, and nearly all the cinematics are destroyed as soon as they're done. God bless the new emitter system.2011-03-29 20:05:00

Posts: 1156

I am not sure how big my level is, but the stored emitted items do take up space. I also have loading time issues with the level and some weird glitches that appear emitter based. It is the best way to work in many ways since I hear level links fail quite often. But I don't think this a glitch, the thermo just reflects active states, and if you don't watch the thermo once emitters fail your level does too. 2011-03-29 22:26:00

Posts: 822

Thanks for the tip. Will be very useful for a level series I'm making. Hey, by the way, do you know if this can work like in making movie levels and cutscenes too? Also, did you test to see if it worked online properly?2011-03-30 03:10:00

Posts: 263

It works with cut scenes and movie levels.
Proof of it working online is "How to Catch a Sackboy" movie.
2011-03-30 03:34:00

Posts: 606

But how do you use it with making cutscenes and logic? What exactly do you emit and how?2011-03-30 04:15:00

Posts: 263

When working with logic you always, always, *always* want to use wireless transmission between objects. This will also support emitting and destroying logic when not needed. In short, wireless transmission means having tag sensors at range 5000 and and using tags to transmit signals between microchips. There are multiple threads and blog posts on the topic.2011-03-31 16:58:00

Posts: 607

At first I didn't understand, but after messing around with emitters in LBP2 I realize they function differently than in LBP1...this will come in handy thanks 2011-04-03 16:58:00

Posts: 76

This would also allow for many different and a much wider variety of things in peoples levels ... I think this is the way forwards my friend.2011-04-09 09:51:00

Posts: 15

But what about the emitted tag sensor glitch? That's got to kill this idea in more than a few ways.2011-04-11 23:02:00

Unknown User

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