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Multi-floor Elevator with Selector

Archive: 3 posts

I did a search for an elevator which stopped at various floors and couldn't find one. Only ones where LBP1 contraptions which used complex logic and were of course a bit clumsy. So I decided to work on and develop one that used LBP2 tools.

It uses no pistons or winches and best of all, uses minimal logic.

I included the prize bubble for the working concept of this elevator which can easily be replicated to your own specifications and needs.

You can find the LBP.me page for it HERE (http://lbp.me/v/ygvcg-) Hope you enjoy and put it to good use.
2011-03-13 01:27:00

Posts: 167

Sounds awesome

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2011-03-14 22:04:00

Posts: 191

That sounds very enticing as i have been working on several different types of elevators on my moon. I will check this out and see if i can integrate the technology in to any of my existing designs.

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2011-03-20 16:27:00

Unknown User

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