New short film: "Maya in the Park"
Archive: 5 posts
I've been stumped and stuck on some really ambitious movies lately that just get trickier and trickier and bigger and bigger, and I've been running into a bit of a wall. So I went for a walk in the woods and happened upon a ghost girl who seemed to reside there. Here is the footage I got away with. Maya in the Park (a ghost story) http://vimeo.com/20828245 Beyond this, I've got another one of Maya in the city I'm working on now which I hope to have published by Monday. Let me know what you guys think, and I'm happy to take any questions! I'll head you off with the first one: The camera is a Canon T2i rebel. lenses are the stock 18-55 zoom and canon's 55-250 zoom. The city is Vancouver, at Stanley Park downtown. Hope you guys love! | 2011-03-11 11:04:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Nice work again Teeb, I enjoy these. Funny as this may seem, I was looking at a Canon T2i Rebel yesterday. The quality of the videos are nice, whats your view on them? They are the onces that look just like a digital SLR camera right? I was surprised when I saw what the camera looked like, I expected something more conventional y'know? Would you recommend them? | 2011-03-13 09:04:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
Wonderful as always! Spirits are always with you! (Manga "Bleach" reference) ![]() | 2011-03-13 18:02:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
Nice work again Teeb, I enjoy these. Funny as this may seem, I was looking at a Canon T2i Rebel yesterday. The quality of the videos are nice, whats your view on them? They are the onces that look just like a digital SLR camera right? I was surprised when I saw what the camera looked like, I expected something more conventional y'know? Would you recommend them? I would absolutely recommend the T2i for that price range! It's been a joy. But yeah, it's just one of Canon's lower end DSLRs. Cheaper body but most of the guts are the same as the 7D. There are definitely some issues with the T2i, like rolling shutter distortion and aliasing (just look at the ripples in the lagoon), but again, for the price point it's amazing what you can do. | 2011-03-14 07:11:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Nice video. I also love deerhunter, so great music choice. | 2011-03-21 21:48:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
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