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Sticker fade!

Archive: 6 posts

Are there ways to avoid the custom sticker faded look and keep the sticker around the same color and brightness? Thanks for the help. 2011-03-10 22:54:00

Posts: 3

Well... Do you mean when you take the screenshot? You can use the front-view camera for better and cleaner results. (it's on pause menu)2011-03-10 22:56:00

Posts: 5891

Yes, i use the front view and it helps some but still, for example if i took a picture of a black chunk of cardboard then the picture turns out grey! I dont want to sound stupid but is there any other tricks to getting better photos besides front view?2011-03-10 23:02:00

Posts: 3

The only other thing is lighting. You can add lights of varying brightness and/or color to try to enhance your picture (though I suppose that doesn't help much with black things turning grey). Another thing I've done is place the sticker on glass, stick it in front of a large led, and take another pic of it. You lose some clarity with the picture of a picture thing, but depending on how you use the light and what color you make the glass, you can sometimes get your colors to pop more.2011-03-10 23:25:00

Posts: 2188

Ik a excellent way to help this out, change the fog color to black. It helps me out TONS ^^2011-03-10 23:27:00

Posts: 2018

Thanks guys! This has been driving me crazy trying to get better photos.2011-03-11 00:14:00

Posts: 3

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