Bouncepad Survival 4: Retro (1-4 Players)
Archive: 2 posts
Bouncepad 4: Retro (1-4 Players)) - Survive the longest through many retro themed obstacles whilst collecting the most points - 1 - 4 players bring all your friends - 4th in the series so you know its going to be good! - Listened to all your previous reviews and made it x10 as good as Bouncepad 2: Up and Away (From the beta) - Two Powerups to help you along the way - Click "How to Play" for instructions - Original Music by Me composed for the Bouncepad Survival If you have never played my bouncepad levels heres a quick video of one in action! Thanks to PSNGreyMRP for capturing the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzqWH0YbmcA Thanks to Evret, Slaeden-bob, PPp_Killer and Robbit10 for their logical solutions! http://lbp.me/v/yswtvc | 2011-03-10 20:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This is a nice, fun level with a brilliant execution. The menu is nice, the graphics are nice, the gameplay is fun but where this level really shines is in how the music is used. The music changes with every special event that happens, which gives it a certain charm. | 2011-03-12 07:38:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
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