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Disprove The Quote!
Archive: 270 posts
This premise is quite simple. Someone says a quote (i.e. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." or "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight."), and you disprove it (i.e. "But what if the apple rolls down a large hill?" or "Ah, but guns run out of bullets.") Then you say a quote, and it repeats. For example: Person 1: The pen is mightier than the sword. Person 2: Ah, but the pen runs out of ink. (new quote) You only live to die once. I'll start: A person's a person, no matter how small. | 2011-03-08 06:05:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Ah, I think I get it, sounds fun! I'll start: A person's a person, no matter how small. Until they become a single celled organism and physically incapable of being classified as a person. I can never think of quotes on the spot... How about "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"? | 2011-03-08 06:33:00 Author: booXely Posts: 654 |
Isn't it supposed to be "Sayings" not "Quotes"? I would pretty much quote anything from anyone, even myself, but you gave only examples of sayings, so just wondering which was it. Or maybe it was famous quotes? | 2011-03-08 07:12:00 Author: Silverleon Posts: 6707 |
Isn't it supposed to be "Sayings" not "Quotes"? I would pretty much quote anything from anyone, even myself, but you gave only examples of sayings, so just wondering which was it. Or maybe it was famous quotes? -_____- Really Silver? Really? "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"? Ah but the definition "great" can vary throughout people! For example, I find tying my shoes every morning a great achievement yet I'm never enthusiastic about it. "A barking dog is often more useful than a sleeping lion." | 2011-03-08 08:25:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino Posts: 5250 |
Not if you want the dog to stop barking. "A house divided against itself cannot stand" | 2011-03-08 10:07:00 Author: Unknown User |
Unless you simplify the equation. House House = 1 OR Only if the house has a flat roof. XD "He who doubts nothing, knows nothing." | 2011-03-08 11:18:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
-_____- Really Silver? Really? Ah but the definition "great" can vary throughout people! For example, I find tying my shoes every morning a great achievement yet I'm never enthusiastic about it. "A barking dog is often more useful than a sleeping lion." Hey, it was an honest questions, I was wondering that, no need to get all snarky on me, jeez... | 2011-03-09 00:57:00 Author: Silverleon Posts: 6707 |
"He who doubts nothing, knows nothing." Unless he is believing proven facts "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." | 2011-03-09 02:25:00 Author: Tomeh999 Posts: 763 |
OH GOD WHY AM I BEING SNIPED SO MUCH TODAY Unless he discovered it's meaning in that hour. Genius is more often found in a cracked pot than in a whole one. | 2011-03-09 02:28:00 Author: Fang Posts: 578 |
"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." Unless of course, that one hour was used to watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. HEIL PONIES!!! STOP SPREADING YOUR VIRUS FANG!!! IT'S CONTAGIOUS!!! lol Unless that cracked pot is a pot head. "The only meaning to life is the meaning you give it." | 2011-03-09 02:32:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
But if life has no meaning... "The closer you get to the light, the larger your shadow grows." | 2011-03-09 06:49:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Unless the light is off..... *Whipping noise* "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." | 2011-03-09 06:54:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
"What if the premise of the game is to play the worst?" (am i doing this right?) "You Reap what you Sow" | 2011-03-09 23:53:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
"What if the premise of the game is to play the worst?" (am i doing this right?) Sort of, because if the rules were to do terrible, then according to the quote, you would try to be the worst. But it's Outlaw's game, so it's his rules. "You Reap what you Sow" Unless you "reap" from someone else. EDIT: "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Weak desire brings weak results." | 2011-03-10 00:39:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
>_> I can't disprove what is not there, so I will post a new one. "Why?" | 2011-03-10 00:50:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Because little kids don't fully understand. (I mean like when your niece won't stop asking "Why?" all the time) "A measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune." | 2011-03-10 00:59:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Ah, but they didn't specify if they measure in inches or centimeters. "All's well that ends well." | 2011-03-10 05:58:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Unless you fall into a well. "Fresh air is good if you do not take too much of it; most of the achievements and pleasures of life are in bad air." | 2011-03-10 06:06:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
"All the good air on this earth is contaminated by all that junk in the air and farts. By your logic we wouldn't breath. We all die." (That's good right?) "Never Say never again" | 2011-03-10 22:41:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
"All the good air on this earth is contaminated by all that junk in the air and farts. By your logic we wouldn't breath. We all die." (That's good right?) "Never Say never again" NEVER. "It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end." | 2011-03-10 22:52:00 Author: ShamgarBlade Posts: 1010 |
"All the good air on this earth is contaminated by all that junk in the air and farts. By your logic we wouldn't breath. We all die." (That's good right?) lol. Why do you keep asking if it's good? Even though it's not directed at anyone, I feel inclined to answer questions. Anyways, I don't know what Outlaw's reasoning/rules are, or if he has any (He IS an outlaw after all), but to disprove the quote means: Twist a word or two, different meanings, and just flaws in the quote. But this is a random dude's opinion, so you could just ignore this. "It’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop at the end." (I thought it was the other way around)..... Unless it's from 2 feet. <(^w^<) "Death comes to all, but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold." | 2011-03-10 23:00:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
"Death comes to all, but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold." But the sun will never grow cold... it'll just blow up. I think we can put our differences aside, for science... you monster. ~ GLaDOS | 2011-03-10 23:09:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
That's not a saying^^^ ...So let's build this volcano replica before the science fair begins. "There is nothing that saps one's confidence as the knowing how to do a thing" | 2011-03-10 23:16:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Ah, but knowing how to do something raises confidence! E=MC2 - Einstien | 2011-03-10 23:27:00 Author: VeRsioNs_Z Posts: 341 |
That's not a saying^^^ I thought the name of this game was Disprove The Quote! -_-' E=MC2 - Einstien http://www.tshirtbordello.com/images/e-mc-hammer-lg.gif What goes around, comes around. | 2011-03-10 23:46:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
I thought the name of this game was Disprove The Quote! -_-' You knew what he meant. You can't disprove a quote unless it's a saying. -_- What goes around, comes around. Unless that "What" is a car and by around you mean a corner. And that comma is an 18wheeler. "All great achievements require time." | 2011-03-10 23:51:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
High fiving Alex Evans would only take a second "If strength were everything, then tiger would not fear scorpion" | 2011-03-10 23:57:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
There is 100 scorpions. All men are created equal. | 2011-03-10 23:59:00 Author: Lgjoka2002 Posts: 538 |
Until they meet the real world. "We will either find a way, or make one." | 2011-03-11 00:02:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
You knew what he meant. You can't disprove a quote unless it's a saying. -_- By definition, a quote is a reference of a statement someone else has said. Jack never said it had to be a saying. Not only that, but that quote is partially famous (notice the word "partially"?), so it still gets some recognition. But whatever. If you have to modify the rules to your liking, then fine. -___- "We will either find a way, or make one." What if there's two ways and you're indecisive on which one you'll take? D: The two most common elements in the world are hydrogen and stupidity. I love this one. <3 | 2011-03-11 00:55:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Wrong! It's Cyanide and Happyness. You'll never shine If you dont glow. | 2011-03-11 01:46:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
yes, but if you glow, you must have been shining at some point Sticks and Stones won't break my bones. | 2011-03-11 01:48:00 Author: junk-Warrior7 Posts: 276 |
By definition, a quote is a reference of a statement someone else has said. Jack never said it had to be a saying. Not only that, but that quote is partially famous (notice the word "partially"?), so it still gets some recognition. But whatever. If you have to modify the rules to your liking, then fine. -___- Sorry bout that. I misplaced a -____- I was just getting at that you can't really disprove a quote from a movie. Unless it's a saying. Silver went over it in his first post in here. Jokingly but seriously. | 2011-03-11 02:51:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Guys... it's a forum game. Chillax a bit. It's not like we need MOAR drama. Sticks and Stones won't break my bones. How about a 20 lb. sledgehammer? He who smelt it delt it. | 2011-03-11 04:08:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Guys... it's a forum game. Chillax a bit. It's not like we need MOAR drama. OH I DISAGREE!!! > jk And he who denied it, supplied it. So, did you do it Outlaw? > "The journey is the reward." | 2011-03-11 04:19:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
But if you die on that journey, then... Might is right. | 2011-03-11 05:40:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Wouldn't you rather I actually do it, rather than just saying I MIGHT. "Believe in the calculator." | 2011-03-11 05:45:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Upsilandres can only add. Its been a hard days night. | 2011-03-11 13:33:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
Day's night...? Night of Day? WTF? I can't disprove that. D: ... /cough A picture is worth 1000 words. | 2011-03-11 20:27:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Well picture of me is worth 1001 words. Just pointin' out, man. You can't teach old dog new tricks. | 2011-03-11 21:16:00 Author: Coconuts Posts: 384 |
That is if your not robin williams. There's a hole in the bottom of the sea. | 2011-03-12 00:00:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
What?! There's more than one. "The early bird gets the worm." | 2011-03-12 00:15:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Ewwww. When people run in circles it's a very very. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Wooooooooooooorld | 2011-03-12 00:35:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
Are you calling children crazy? "If at first you don't succeed, always try again." | 2011-03-12 08:27:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Yes but by the time you turn around the work is already gone. With great power comes great responsibility. | 2011-03-12 15:37:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
Oh you mean "With great power comes great beatdown?" Too fast to live, too young to die. | 2011-03-12 20:57:00 Author: Coconuts Posts: 384 |
I am too old too die, but I am young... "The Earth will never end, it is round." | 2011-03-12 21:13:00 Author: Unknown User |
That is until the Zombie apocolypse. War. War Never changes. (this hasn't been done, right?) | 2011-03-12 22:25:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
It does to me; WWI, WWII... 'I am Officially Official because I am an Officially Official of the Officially Official LittleBigPlanet game from Officially Official England of Officially Officials.' | 2011-03-13 10:34:00 Author: Unknown User |
It does to me; WWI, WWII... 'I am Officially Official because I am an Officially Official of the Officially Official LittleBigPlanet game from Officially Official England of Officially Officials.' That quote has all kinds of grammar issues. lol. Well..... IF you were officially an official official of the now officially official LittleBigPlanet game from the Officially Official England of Official Officials, then you should know that somehow, this sentence proved you wrong. "What goes up, must come down." | 2011-03-13 11:22:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
*Adds zero gravity from Popit-menu* Love is a battlefield. | 2011-03-13 12:04:00 Author: Coconuts Posts: 384 |
Unless you're a stalker.... "The mightiest of men eat nails for breakfast." | 2011-03-13 12:13:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Until they reach their finger Tips. You're bases are belong to us. | 2011-03-13 14:35:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
Mine never got captured... 'YMCA' | 2011-03-13 19:31:00 Author: Unknown User |
Your Mom Can't Attack. We are the knights whom say Ni | 2011-03-13 22:19:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
I can say "ni" too, y'know. This is Sparta. | 2011-03-13 23:05:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
actually sparta has ended a long time ago, before the PS3 existed do'nt cry over spilt milk | 2011-03-13 23:46:00 Author: nosemomkey Posts: 414 |
Unless it spilled on your brand new $1,000 computer. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." | 2011-03-14 00:05:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Unless, of course, you don't know how to. "The sky is the limit" | 2011-03-14 03:02:00 Author: Cheddars Posts: 447 |
Too many burgers are the limit... Even monkeys fall from trees... | 2011-03-14 20:43:00 Author: Unknown User |
Even trees fall from Monkeys. Every rose has it's thorns | 2011-03-15 00:18:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
Not if the stem is cut off. The world is awesome. | 2011-03-15 04:30:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
No!!! The world is AWESOME!!!! What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. | 2011-03-15 06:03:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
So cheeseburger makes me stronger? Time to nom pile of those! The devil comes in many shapes. . . | 2011-03-15 12:58:00 Author: Coconuts Posts: 384 |
Even burgers. > But then that's where near death experiences come from. "Big thinking precedes great achievement." | 2011-03-15 13:19:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
No, thinking outside the Box is a FireHazard get back into your Cubicle, Office Drone. ROAD TRIP!!! | 2011-03-15 15:10:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
Or trip anywhere you'd like... Practice makes perfect. | 2011-03-15 20:08:00 Author: Unknown User |
If that were true, then we wouldn't have different franchises popping up everywhere. "20 stories hurts less than 2." | 2011-03-16 07:32:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
If that were true, then we wouldn't have different franchises popping up everywhere. "20 stories hurts less than 2." No surprise... But... Nobody's perfect so why practice? | 2011-03-16 16:59:00 Author: Unknown User |
But if nobody is perfect... everyone is perfect! Free buffalo wings with your order! | 2011-03-17 04:22:00 Author: ALEXhatena Posts: 1110 |
But I ordered LBP2... *Sigh* Even sausages fall from trees... | 2011-03-17 17:29:00 Author: Unknown User |
but pigs will take over! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. | 2011-03-17 19:51:00 Author: junk-Warrior7 Posts: 276 |
But if I take out the sharper ones, it will be. > "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." | 2011-03-18 11:55:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Ahem... Was that appropriate? No man can touch this. | 2011-03-18 20:08:00 Author: Unknown User |
yeah, but i can touch that other thing When life gives you lemons, make lemonade | 2011-03-19 00:01:00 Author: junk-Warrior7 Posts: 276 |
You could just eat the dang thing. No need to squeeze it. Stupid is as stupid does. | 2011-03-19 07:11:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
It's not people saying stupid things, it's stupid people saying things... Life is but a dream for the dead... | 2011-03-20 13:08:00 Author: Unknown User |
If the dead could dream... What has been can be what is now, but can never be more than it wasn't before. | 2011-03-20 16:44:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
Just go refill your soda emo kid... ?? You can?t change the future, because if you will travel to the past, that has already happened. | 2011-03-21 01:06:00 Author: ALEXhatena Posts: 1110 |
Just go refill your soda emo kid... ?? If you don't understand the quote, there's no need to lash out at me dude. You can?t change the future, because if you will travel to the past, that has already happened. Unless of course you travel Back to the Future. You learn more from losing than winning. | 2011-03-21 05:49:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
How do I learn more from losing my life? The pen is mightier than the sword. | 2011-03-21 07:44:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
How do I learn more from losing my life? I thought you were a zombie. lol. The pen is mightier than the sword. I'd like to see you say that when the sword just cut your writing hand(s) off. The thing people fear most, is what they don't know. | 2011-03-21 10:14:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
But just more feary is me. Life is but an ice-cream to the dead... | 2011-03-21 17:28:00 Author: Unknown User |
Nah. It's more like a fine caviar. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it. | 2011-03-22 04:59:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Five words... Drink or else. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. | 2011-03-22 12:39:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal Posts: 1799 |
I don't like biting my own hand... Minds are like parachutes; they only function when open... | 2011-03-22 22:24:00 Author: Unknown User |
If you're not good at doing things right the first time, Sky diving is not for you. (epic win) Last Night, I lay awake in my bed looking up at the stars and I thought to myself: "Where the heck is the ceiling?" | 2011-03-23 02:19:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
You are a hobo. We have guided missiles and unguided men. | 2011-03-23 19:10:00 Author: Unknown User |
Welcome to E-Harmony: I am a: Heat. Seeking: Missile Do or die. | 2011-03-23 23:47:00 Author: Phazerz123 Posts: 440 |
That is the question... God knows... | 2011-03-25 18:28:00 Author: Unknown User |
If I don't do it, what's to kill me? An apple a day keeps the docter away. | 2013-02-25 01:56:00 Author: qwerty123456 Posts: 309 |
If the Doctor is kept away, who the heck will save the Earth when the Daleks invade? Don't walk under a ladder. | 2013-02-25 19:49:00 Author: Protoraptor Posts: 960 |
Well I'm not going to walk OVER the ladder! When life gives you lemons...DON'T MAKE LEMONADE! Tell life to take back it's lemons. Make it rue the day it thought it could give cave johnson lemons! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I'M THE GUY WHO'S GONNA BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN...WITH THE LEMONS!! THATS RIGHT, IM GONNA GET THE LAB BOYS TO MAKE ME A COMBUTABLE LEMON...THAT BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!!! | 2013-04-30 23:24:00 Author: qwerty123456 Posts: 309 |
The Cave is a lie. "We're gonna need a bigger boat.." | 2013-05-01 01:23:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
No we don't. We simply need a smaller shark. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." | 2013-05-01 02:59:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
Tell that to the guy in a coma. Let bygones be bygones. | 2013-05-01 21:55:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
What happens if that "bygone" is a 42 count murderer? Heh heh....I like pudding. | 2013-11-18 04:12:00 Author: qwerty123456 Posts: 309 |
But what if pudding meant this? Putting cow Udders Down the Drain In some sport that is Not Golf. I guess you're gonna take back that quote, which means it's disproved! If life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave everyone wonder how you did it. | 2014-12-12 23:21:00 Author: eyepet2002 Posts: 40 |
But what if you were already making orange juice? It's the thought that counts. | 2014-12-13 16:16:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Unless one is incapable of counting. What comes around, goes around. | 2014-12-14 05:41:00 Author: SEWO97 Posts: 637 |
Except if it stops in the middle. In the end, we are all equal to Grim Reaper in death. | 2015-08-17 19:55:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Except for our names. Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. | 2015-08-18 00:50:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
But don't we know the geography of this world already? I don't know which weapons will be used in World War 3, but I know that World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones. | 2015-08-18 12:19:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But wouldn't the advancement of technology coupled with the proximity of the wars lead to more advanced technology in war than mere sticks and stones? Believe you can and you're halfway there. | 2015-08-18 16:40:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if someone believes to be a god but he never becomes one? Instead he is in a mental hospital. Give a man a gun and he robs a bank. Give a man a bank and he robs everyone. | 2015-08-19 00:52:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What about the moral people who would only use guns for self-defense? If you can dream it, you can do it. | 2015-08-19 16:26:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
If someone dreams of flying with his bare hands, how can he actually fly in real life with them? All lives end but life itself doesn't. | 2015-08-19 19:29:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
We predict that the Earth will be eaten by the Sun in a few billion years. If this happens and there is no other life-bearing planet, will life not have ended? The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. | 2015-08-19 19:44:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
How can anyone know that they knows nothing if they already knows something? Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal. | 2015-08-19 20:08:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But as I aforementioned, once the Earth is engulfed by the sun, unless alternate life has been found by then, evil could not possibly exist without a person holding malice. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. | 2015-08-19 23:57:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
But what if it begins with a car? Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return. | 2015-08-20 01:31:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if someone kills you? Those who stand for nothing fall for anything. | 2015-08-20 01:34:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if they don't fall at all? Even thought he is long gone, he will always live within our hearts. | 2015-08-20 02:11:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Living inside another's heart is physically impossible. My name's Bond. James Bond. | 2015-08-20 03:36:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
But James Bond was never seen on LBPC in his movies, right? You never take me alive! | 2015-08-20 11:22:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Well, I've certainly taken you aback before, and you were alive then... Luke, I am your father. | 2015-08-20 16:33:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Vader never said that. He said: "No, I am your father." But my name isn't Luke. You only live once. | 2015-08-20 20:57:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But what about the people who were biologically dead, but then restored by doctors? What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. | 2015-08-20 22:34:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
But if someone jumps off from a cliff doesn't improve his tomorrows at all, right? Nothing is more evil that the devil. | 2015-08-20 22:47:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I would disprove it, but that would be blasphemous. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. | 2015-08-21 00:45:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if someone is throwing a dice and is excepting higher numbers and finally gets those numbers? You can swim on lava but only once. | 2015-08-21 10:54:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if you had armor on? The key to success is trusting yourself. | 2015-08-21 16:02:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if you're successful but you still don't trust anyone, not even yourself? Revenge is best served cold. | 2015-08-21 21:20:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But revenge is not a meal and therefore can not be served at a temperature. The road to success is always under construction. | 2015-08-22 16:09:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if someone flies to success? A great power comes with great responsibility. | 2015-08-22 21:21:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But the Romans were a great power that were pretty irresponsible. Knolwedge is power. | 2015-08-23 00:33:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Knowledge won't help you if you are fighting against Bruce Lee in 1 vs 1. One man can change the tide of war. | 2015-08-23 09:50:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Yet again, war is not an ocean. I don't know why you are hallucinating these things. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. | 2015-08-23 18:34:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
You enjoy that pizza, yet you wasted time and can no longer get away from that ship in time. Now you have drowned. No matter how hard the winds blow, the mountain will stand still. | 2015-08-23 21:36:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Not exactly. There is a speed at which wind will blow down a mountain. Granted, at that point it would destroy everything around it, but the point still stands. Follow your heart, for your heart always knows the answer. | 2015-08-23 22:19:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
My heart didn't know the answer for any question in the history test. He who saves a life also saves a world. | 2015-08-23 22:29:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What about the story of a doctor who saved a man's life, only for him to commit suicide two days later? I think, therefore I am. | 2015-08-23 22:36:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
You think you are clever until you realized that you lighted up your cigarette when the gas bottles were leaking. You will never succeed if you give up constantly. | 2015-08-23 23:10:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if your goal was to give up? The pen is mightier than the sword. | 2015-08-24 02:52:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
In a sword duel, I hardly think so. Nothing lasts forever. | 2015-08-24 08:14:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Anyone part of any religion would like a word with you. People like controversy because that's what sells. | 2015-08-24 16:29:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Hippies called, they told me to disagree with that. One little compliment may make someone's day. | 2015-08-24 17:15:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I would hope that calling someone "not extremely ugly" wouldn't really make their day. Chuck Norris can gargle peanut butter. | 2015-08-24 22:17:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Nobody can't do that. Chuck Norris is a human after all. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. | 2015-08-25 11:43:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But what if you die a villain? That's not one of the options, and many have done it. To be or not to be, that is the question. | 2015-08-25 16:16:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Nobody decides his own existence. The truth is out there. | 2015-08-25 18:50:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Where specifically is "out there"? Not every place hides truth. Rhetoric is the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion. | 2015-08-25 19:54:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
You can't persuade a rock from rolling away. We didn't evolve from monkeys, we simply share the same ancestor. | 2015-08-25 20:53:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I'm pretty convinced that my brother is much more monkey than ape. Try to tell him that. The starting point of all achievement is desire. | 2015-08-26 00:35:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Frank didn't desire for the Ugliest Person achievement yet he earned it. The only reason for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. | 2015-08-26 03:24:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Then how come Hitler was able to start his missions when there were good people fighting against him? Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull. | 2015-08-26 15:25:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I've found happiness and love elsewhere. You can take my life but you will never take my soul! | 2015-08-26 15:57:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
If we are to believe in the Epicureans, the soul is material, and therefore can be taken. Otherwise, you're right. :$ Press the menu button to open up your Pop-It. | 2015-08-26 16:55:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I've modded, haxed and I press R1 to open my popit! Where is your creator now!? You've been very loyal for me, Snape. But only I can live forever. | 2015-08-27 10:18:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
(I assume you're talking about Harry Potter.) Then how come... ...Harry Potter killed him in book 7? My spoon's too big! | 2015-08-27 15:38:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I disagree. Your bowl is too small. You've been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love. | 2015-08-27 16:26:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Well, if you're talking to me, I haven't lost my ability to love at all. I am Groot. | 2015-08-27 18:59:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
No you're not. You are L1N3R1D3R. Or then Groot is using your account. http://i.imgur.com/xcQwMq9.gif | 2015-08-27 19:52:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
How do you know it's dirt? Have you proven it? The fate of 12 billion people is in your hands. | 2015-08-27 22:56:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I don't think so. No matter what I do, it will not affect anything. I am a worthless human bean! A human bean I am! | 2015-08-28 10:43:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But the only extent of your growth is expanding do--er, expanding what you already possess, unlike the growth of a bean. I see dead people. | 2015-08-28 18:22:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Oh my god, you can't just look at the rest home and say there are dead people! They are just really, really old! He who fights with the monsters must watch that he does not become one. | 2015-08-29 09:33:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But how can a human turn into a monster? Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. | 2015-08-30 21:22:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
How come someone succeeded by doing nothing? If you shatter someone's heart and you ask for forgiveness, they may forgive you but the pieces will never be back together. | 2015-08-31 00:13:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
How can they forgive you if their heart is shattered? Would they not be dead? Do what you love and believe in, and success will come naturally. | 2015-08-31 02:07:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I love and believe in gaming and music, yet I am the scum of society. Laugh and the world laughs with you. | 2015-08-31 10:10:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
The other week I was watching Community on my phone, at the train station, and laughed. People just looked at me strangely. I can't be bothered to go through 8 pages of thread to check if this has been done, so: You are what you eat | 2015-09-02 12:53:00 Author: Ali_Star Posts: 4085 |
Pigs are pigs yet pigs eat no pig. See, it makes no sense? Much like concrete doesn't have to eat anything, yet it remains concrete. And even if I did eat concrete, I'd still cry when the bully punches me in the tum-tum. Does that mean that the bully eats something that's actually harder than concrete, or is the quote disprovable. Now, I lack personal experience, but there are people who actually eat airplanes. Like, real-life actual airplanes. I actually have two questions: 1) Why can't they fly? 2) How do airplanes even work I don't understand. If there was someone who ate airplanes, then surely there could be a human who could fly without one, but there isn't. It makes no sense. None. The best use for one last wish is to stay alive. | 2015-09-02 21:25:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
But nobody really doesn't stay alive. If you live then you will die. Death happens. It may come quickly, slowly, with honor, with fear, with betrayal, unexpected and/or gracefully. Death may happen and you may not even know that you are dead. That's the case until you realize that you walk through walls. Love is in the air! | 2015-09-02 21:42:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I would agree if walking outside would make me instantly affectionate, but it doesn't. It's the end of the world as we know it! | 2015-09-05 00:02:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
The world never ends. Only changes form. Dinosaur race has gone extinct because of a meteorite, but the world didn't end at that point. Even if we die from something, the universe goes on and the world doesn't "end". Or if you mean Earth as our world then I don't think it will end in a long time. Not in our lifetimes at least. If you mean USA as our world then yeah, it's pretty much doomed. Times are hard indeed. | 2015-09-05 19:14:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Time isn't hard, but its experiences may be. That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. | 2015-09-06 21:37:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
One step onto a trap doesn't move mankind by one bit! Money doesn't bring happiness but you can buy happiness with money. | 2015-09-07 14:00:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
If the latter half of your sentence is true, wouldn't the money have then brought the ability to make yourself happy, thus negating the former half? Grammar, which knows how to control even kings. | 2015-09-07 19:28:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Grammar has no power in the Monkey Kingdom. He who is a tireless adventurer always takes the unknown road. | 2015-09-07 20:22:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But he who is wise ensures that his upcoming path is safe. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow. | 2015-09-08 03:13:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Steve can't whistle in Minecraft. He is a blockhead. I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was. To catch them all is my real test. To train them is my cause. | 2015-09-08 12:04:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I'm sorry, but unless you want to dedicate your entire life to Pokemon, you won't be better than those who do. My body is ready. | 2015-09-10 14:26:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
After I shot you with this rocket launcher, your dead body disapproves. All the adventurers have ventured into the forest looking for the ancient graves, but nobody hasn't made it back... | 2015-09-11 12:00:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Wait...why are you saying "but" if nobody hasn't made it back? I am the eggman, they are the eggmen I am the walrus, goo goo g' joob | 2015-09-16 02:30:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
You can't be eggman and walrus at the same time! Our union was not finished. The χ-blade shouldn't stay broken like this. Join me now, and we can complete the χ-blade! http://31.media.tumblr.com/7386722e7b6199c6d1d334fc545e568b/tumblr_n3fjjo51kR1sh0iqso6_500.gif | 2015-09-16 16:56:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Can't I simply decline the offer? He who hesitates is lost. | 2015-09-17 14:13:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
The fact that the person who hesitated to buy the ice-cream had a map from his location determined that as a lie. Every time you say you don't believe in fairies, a fairy dies. | 2015-09-18 18:26:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But if I was right, the fairy would not have existed in the first place. 'Cause Uptown Funk gonna give it to you! | 2015-09-18 23:16:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Give what? I didn't get anything. Lies, lies, lies! My shadow is the only one who walks besides me. | 2015-09-19 10:06:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Unless you plan on staying single for the rest of your life, then I would hope at some point you would walk with your significant other by your side. A bububird bird bird, a bird is the word! | 2015-09-19 20:24:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I once tried to win a TV contest with the right word, but it wasn't a bird. It's up to one undead warrior to stop the plague and to defeat evil! http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/057/3/d/dark_souls_ii_rogue_warrior_by_endless_1-d7842mu.gif | 2015-09-20 17:40:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
How can you defeat evil? Evil is natural and everywhere in the world. It's not supposed to go at an angle! | 2015-09-20 19:27:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
But it did go like that and many other ways. What is a mob to a king? What is king to a god? What is god to an atheist? | 2015-09-20 20:51:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Your quote isn't obviously claiming anything, so I can not disprove it. There is no time. Your sword will be enough. | 2015-09-20 22:16:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
No, I was shot in the leg and my sword wasn't enough to kill them all! And remember, you have the mightiest weapon of all. | 2015-09-21 16:08:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Is a 3DS really a good weapon? This sword is what all true warriors strive for. | 2015-09-22 00:50:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
No. This sword can be used only by lvl 40 warriors. My boy, this peace is what all true warriors fight for. | 2015-09-24 10:28:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I believe you mean "piece". 'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood. | 2015-09-24 23:55:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
There is no bad blood! https://38.media.tumblr.com/8197bff3f2cad60ffb43710caac82a01/tumblr_np0ncj9gJ21rvzbdgo1_500.gif I am the night! | 2015-09-25 08:42:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
One often forgets that night is the natural state of the universe. Outside of this solar system, there is no equivalent of the concept of day anywhere in the known universe. Therefore, being the night would equal being <99,9999999899% known universe. Now, that I can disprove, because where I live, it's currently night-time. I exist in the night, yet I can't sense your presence. My heart expands `tis grown a bulge in it inspired by your beauty, effulgent. | 2015-09-25 23:25:00 Author: FreeAim Posts: 2462 |
I'm pretty sure if your heart expanded with a bulge, you shouldn't be able to say so. She sells seashells by the seashore. | 2015-09-26 05:38:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
She sold one for me in a market and it was plastic. You walk forward, you move forward. | 2015-09-28 00:33:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
So what? You walk backward, you move backward. Your point is? Queen Juliana is a fat banana. | 2015-09-28 01:31:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
A banana can not be a queen. One's demise is always one's own making. | 2015-09-28 15:01:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Unless the demise killed the person in question. Nothing is real. If it is real, it can not be thought. If it can be thought, it can not be communicated. | 2015-09-29 03:11:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
But isn't nothingness a real thing? What if I think of the existing thing all the time? What if I am communicating with it right now? Early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese. | 2015-09-29 19:21:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if there are no mousetraps? What if there are bird traps? Nothing rhymes with orange. | 2015-10-05 03:41:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Expect oranssi if we go deeper. Thou who art undead, art chosen. In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum, maketh pilgrimage to the land of ancient lords. When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening, the fate of the undead thou shalt know. | 2015-10-05 11:40:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Well, let's just say I'm of a different religion. Girls hit your hallelujah, 'cause Uptown Funk gonna give it to you! | 2015-10-11 01:16:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Upon analyzing Mark Ronson's "Uptown Funk", any individual of the least intelligence quite readily realizes that the song falls apart in the face of logic. No line from the song better, in my humble opinion, epitomizes this than "girls hit your hallelujah, 'cause Uptwon Funk gonna give it to you!" How, one must ask, can a person of the feminine gender "hit" their hallelujah, to begin? It must be considered, really, that a hallelujah is a statement - a declaration - whose physical presence consists only of the sound-waves emitted upon its proposal. To hit a hallelujah would be impossible, as hitting spoken word has the same possibility of, say, speaking tastes out loud. And then there's the separate matter entirely of the second part of the quote, "'cause Uptown Funk gonna give it to you!" Here, Mr. Mars fails to specify what, exactly, is to be given to the females "hitting" their hallelujahs. "It" is all that is said on the subject. Additionally, what exactly is this "Uptown Funk" that is going to be giving the "it"? Certainly it's not a band, as neither Bruno Mars nor Mark Ronson identify themselves as such, seperate or together. Clearly it is not a person, as Uptown is not a first name, while Funk is an incredibly uncommon last name. We are left with two possible meanings - Uptown Funk is either a set of ideals, or, in meta fashion, the song itself. In either case, it is not something physical that is being given, as it takes a tangible object to provide a tangible object. Rather, Uptown Funk is providing a way of life. Yet, the line is useless, as the way of life that oratio-smacking females are supposed to inherent is never defined or specified. Thus, there is no need for for any woman to complete the impossible task of physically assaulting a religious song or declaration, as even Mr. Mars and Mr. Ronson know not what this "Uptown Funk" is supposed to be providing in return. ------------------------------------------------------------ I'm happy. I'm feeling glad. I got sunshine in a bag. I'm useless, but not for long. My future is coming on. | 2015-10-12 06:34:00 Author: Ryan86me Posts: 1909 |
A moment of joy may not mean happiness. Is that just something you keep saying to yourself? Nobody can not contain sunshine inside a bag. It breaks the laws of psychics. Many useless people will stay useless if they are invalid from the very beginning to the very end. There is no future for people who have taking last breaths of their lives. ------------------------------------------------------ Following the rules makes me feel like a monster sometimes. | 2015-10-13 17:42:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Clarify your grammar, sir. Does it make your sense of touch like that of a monster, or does it make you think you're confined? If both can't coexist, 'tis better to be feared than to be loved. | 2015-10-17 02:53:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
A day can't exist with night, yet I don't fear it. You can find the solution of the problem by thinking outside the box. | 2015-10-19 07:01:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if you are placed in a box and told to solve a puzzle? The post you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters. | 2015-10-23 03:29:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if I lengthen the message with dots? No one shouldn't ask you the name of the one who tells the story. | 2015-12-08 14:04:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Wow, this thread was older than I remember...Nothing since October? Unless the story has a better effect with an anonymous author. An integral is essentially an operation that makes an antiderivative. | 2015-12-09 03:56:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if also makes headache? Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes a religion. | 2015-12-09 07:51:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if that lie is overgrown, stupid and obvious, like the one i'm saying right now? A rule is a rule no matter how stupid. | 2015-12-09 16:05:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
What if the rule dictates that there are no rules? Air never harmed anyone. | 2015-12-09 20:45:00 Author: Vervesack Posts: 74 |
Yet air brings toxic gas right at your face and depresses you by bringing crappy weather right above you. Not to mention air pressure. Life is a lesson. You will only learn when you live through it. | 2015-12-09 21:12:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But, how will I learn if I'm dead? When the last page of your diary ends, so will your life. | 2015-12-10 06:50:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
What if I simply live long enough to write on every page on my diary and get a new diary? There is no hope. Only a fool's hope. | 2015-12-10 09:11:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Hope is only an illusion and has nothing to do with the task. Fire is life, not only destruction. | 2015-12-10 12:58:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
Fire is not life, as it has no consciousness. Einstein's famous theory states that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. | 2015-12-10 22:51:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Light squares don't move...... Dur. 5505 | 2015-12-11 07:09:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
Simply nope. You will not remember the importance of someone/something until you lose it. | 2015-12-11 10:12:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
You're saying that this cardboard box is important? Hardly. I'm not lying about lying. | 2015-12-11 15:02:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
The fact that you claim to live on mars determined that as a lie. The more birthdays one person has had, the more ages he has lived! | 2015-12-12 12:06:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
But the older the person gets the more frail and nearer to the end. With age comes wisdom. | 2015-12-12 12:13:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
Unless it's the age of destruction. Happy wife, happy life. | 2015-12-12 21:08:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
If your wife is happy to enslave you into her basement then I don't think so. The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. | 2015-12-13 18:30:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if a sad person doesn't brush their teeth often? In the beginning there was nothing. And the Lord said, "Let there be light." | 2015-12-14 13:59:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
It all started in a big bang. It's too dangerous to go alone, take this with you! | 2015-12-14 17:57:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
What if I can go alone without danger with my laser gun? No, I am your father. | 2015-12-14 23:48:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
But you are not my biological father so you aren't my father. Trump will make America great again. | 2015-12-15 06:41:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I don't trust those top trumps....... Welcome to non-America! | 2015-12-17 07:36:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
Except when I arrive to America. In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice. | 2015-12-17 09:04:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
There's always a loser in war, a slacker in peace, and someone who dies for no reason. Who are you talking about? The rent is too **** high! | 2015-12-20 01:33:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Except if you have no money, no job and the rent is small. Santa exists. | 2015-12-20 18:12:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
It is physically impossible for some one to give every children gifts undetected in one night. Ball is love, ball is life. | 2015-12-20 20:53:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Would you make children with your beloved ball? War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID tagged soldiers carry ID tagged weapons, use ID tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war... becomes routine. | 2015-12-20 22:28:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
I wouldn't say dying when you're trying to follow commands is routine. In the end we are all just stories. | 2015-12-21 00:51:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I wouldn't call human anatomy a story. I'm not immortal. I just don't fear death. | 2015-12-21 10:40:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Well, isn't there a small instinctual want in everyone to survive as long as possible and thus fear death? To be or not to be: that is the question. | 2015-12-21 15:34:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
No one decides his/her own existence. LittleBigPlanet brings happiness to the whole family. | 2015-12-21 16:18:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Unless a kid is found playing it when he should be sleeping. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. | 2015-12-22 16:03:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
There's is no reason to fear a word, let alone an concept of feelings of the human brain. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. | 2015-12-25 13:14:00 Author: thaia2013 Posts: 111 |
The second two make sense, but there have been many a time where I have been afraid and it has not led to anger, at least not the anger that inevitably leads to suffering. Santa Claus is coming to town. | 2015-12-25 16:45:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Yet he never came to the many towns in Africa. We were born to feel. | 2015-12-26 23:34:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
Yet there are several cases of people being born with a defective sense of touch. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. | 2015-12-28 17:36:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
I hope not, this is my hallway floor! :colossus: Man can avoid certain choices, but he/she cannot avoid choice itself. | 2015-12-29 08:20:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
What if someone is plain apathetic to everything? Turrets are pale spherical things that are full of bullets. Oh wait, that's you in five seconds. | 2015-12-29 16:03:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
What if I am invincible? It is only human to commit a sin. | 2015-12-30 00:01:00 Author: TenebrisNemo Posts: 11336 |
No, other things can commit sins. A perfect balance is a man's sanity. | 2015-12-30 02:27:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Okay, but not mine. Nope. | 2015-12-31 09:09:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
Yep. Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom. | 2015-12-31 17:16:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
You cannot bounce from the bottom if it's full of sharp and pointy rocks there's no one to guide you up to the top. It takes two to tango. | 2015-12-31 22:00:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
Two...whats? Please specify. For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for fights. | 2016-01-01 21:01:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Maybe, but they needed a pokemon TO FIGHT so they could weaken, then capture the pet. Every time you open a box, there will be a box inside. I need you to reach the bottom of a box. | 2016-01-03 08:57:00 Author: Sir monacle Posts: 4155 |
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