Falling Electro Bricks 2 - Survival challenge
Archive: 8 posts
Hello, althogh I published this level few weeks ago I still update it, adding minor things or fixing bugs if they pop up. I'd appreciate any feedback and I'm willing to give back if someone wants it. Short levels or survival challenges preferred. ![]() This is a simple survival challenge game. It is basically a remake of a two year old lbp1 level I did but I felt it was very outdated in lbp2. It works both in single and multiplayer. The gameplay is simple, run left/right to avoid the falling bricks. You can see where they are coming from by their lights. Jump on top of them and collect bubbles, try jumping or running between blocks to raise the score multiplayer. Selecting help on the menu screen shows a short tutorial. The speed of the blocks increases with time. edit:The reason for the blocks not being electrified is because unfortunately I suffered from a glitch where all my danger tools were missing except for the gas tool when I was creating the blocks. It will be fixed. Thanks. http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/a7fbea534bb7dbb533038401ea3a269381d773fd.jpg http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/de1215ef2167583859afedb422a5016de8f57a1d.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/11c82e2df38d68f70d08d53db8407c26091d922d.jpg http://lbp.me/v/xd5f48 | 2011-03-07 17:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Nice idea, like it ![]() the tutorial is funny (the dog sackbot is just hilarious ![]() The monster-thing which appeared is also a funny idea ![]() Maybe you can set up more decoration stuff, colour the blocks in different ways or perhaps set up some lights in there? i think that would be good for the atmosphere. and what about sticking the point bubbles to the blocks? as the blocks hit the bottom, they always moved a bit to the left. Hope that i could help you ![]() Please play my Madera (link in the signature) if youve got some time ![]() | 2011-03-07 19:49:00 Author: DragonHunterEx ![]() Posts: 84 |
heh, i enjoyed this one, got second place! but i will be playing again to secure the top score. One thing i would say is usually with survival challenges people want to be able to start the level again quickly when they fail. Maybe try to remove that long run-up to the arena and just have it so when you start on the main menu it starts the game. hope thats ok. Please try my level its the first in my sig. Thanks! | 2011-03-07 20:35:00 Author: FriedGoat ![]() Posts: 102 |
Hey there, just played your level a couple of times, here are some thoughts on it: First off, I'm a big fan of survival challenges so I'm happy you chose that, since those are probably the levels I enjoy the most. ![]() Once I got past the menu, I was at first very happy with the sackbots following me up to the arena and the evil sack-overlord getting ticked off at my arrival - they'd go a long way in selling a story if it was a story level. ![]() Once there, I think it should be enough to just use a player sensor to start the event, but if the grabbable play button is your thing, that's perfectly fine as well. I'd just move it to the center of the camera zone - it looks a bit odd now, placed on the right side and all. The challenge itself is lots of fun, although I was looking for electric blocks, as suggested by the name of the level, only to find gaseous ones instead. I enjoyed coming up with strategies to maximize my scoring chance and the way the blocks fell never felt unfair or needlessly difficult, always allowing a possible escape path, so every death felt like it was my fault, not the level's. Good job on that! One thing that was a letdown though is that after clicking "replay", the random sequence was the same over and over again, so it wasn't a true randomizer. I know this is how the randomizer works from the advanced logic that Mm provided us with, but you can actually work around this by emitting the randomizers using some timed signal - like the grabbing of the "Play" button, which will probably never happen in the exact same 0.033 second twice in a row. If you need more information on true randomizing, let me know in a PM and I'll try to explain in greater detail. About the visuals during gameplay: My favourite part was the menacing Sacktopus overlord pose threateningly above the arena, you could probably elaborate on that as players reach higher levels and make him conjure up some magic to further hinder Sackboy's efforts to survive - or just add some cool visuals to make him look more malevolent and powerful, while providing some extra lighting effects to the level to spice up progression even more. All in all, the level is fun, and I can see people - myself included - coming back to this if you make it more replay-friendly. ![]() As for F4F, if you could leave your comments on the level in my signature, I'd appreciate it. =) | 2011-03-07 20:43:00 Author: sny ![]() Posts: 144 |
Hi tommywiseau. (Oh hi Mark.) I'm happy to report your level is addictive and encourages players to retry for better scoring. The survival challenge remains fair and all deaths feel like they are the player's fault for running for those score bubbles even though there were going to be BLOCKS FALLING THERE. Ahh, such a sweet dilemma. Now, I liked the visuals of the pre-game corridor/staging area and was surprised at how neatly the Bounce Pads moved the player forward. These things tend to get imprecise in other levels and lead to frustrating platforming, but not here. Tutorial Dog was a little loose in its animations (for example, it did not get a scoring chain of bubbles when the text was explaining that score chains are a good idea), but did get the idea across. It looked like it may have taken a lot of work to animate those score bubbles, too, so hooray for you! As for the stage itself, I wonder why your blocks are made of a soft material? They don't stack neatly and appearance-wise don't look all that menacing. If it's not too complicated, emitting blocks of multiple colours might increase visual interest, too. And, maybe, if it doesn't interfere with your level intentions, you could put a dissolve countdown timer on the blocks. Besides helping players decide where to jump, it might also, again, create visual interest, especially in the early parts of the level when not many blocks are falling and not much is happening. Overall, I think this was a simple idea executed well. Thanks. | 2011-03-10 05:59:00 Author: Fobstar49 ![]() Posts: 75 |
Thanks for the replies guys. I appreciate it. I've added your guys levels to my queue and will play them tonight. I agree with most of the points given so far. The reason for the blocks not being electrified is because unfortunately I suffered from a glitch where all my danger tools were missing except for the gas tool when I was creating the blocks. My lbp1 version of this game has electrical blocks so I didn't change the name. ![]() I updated the level yesterday. Made the randomizer change every time you load the map, shortened the running corridor part a bit and fixed the bug Sny pointed out (selecting play immediately after pressing help). I also removed the grab switch and replaced it with a player sensor. Fobstar49, thanks for the review. Could you explain what you mean by "They don't stack neatly"? Better lighting and more decos are probably the next thing I'll add. | 2011-03-10 14:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ah, sure. I just mean that they have rounded corners because they are spongy and leave gaps in between. I think you also deliberately space them out a small grid square or so when you spawn them. Obviously players still can't fit or survive between them, but I (personally) would have thought squarer, tightly-packed blocks would fit more with the futuristic theme and be more menacing to boot. BUT! I can imagine how that might cause crazy glitches if players managed to get them to land improperly, so ignore this comment if it seems risky. Glad to see you're responding to our feedback. Muchos love. | 2011-03-11 06:07:00 Author: Fobstar49 ![]() Posts: 75 |
Just updated the level again, completely remade the bricks although they're still similarly colored. Added a yellow light timer to each brick that slowly fades out, thanks for the tip Fobstar49. I have 1 block space between the bricks because I am using thin strips of black matter to make sure each brick stays on its track. I stuck the bubbles to each brick like DragonHunterEx suggested, the reason why they weren't stuck was that I wanted the bubbles to get destroyed when another brick fell on top of them. That didn't work too well when the bubbles were glued to the bricks, however I managed to fix that with an impact sensor linked to a destroyer for each bubble. The deadly part of the bricks has also been made electric again instead of gaseous ![]() I also fixed the pitch black background and added a door that slowly opens up to reveal the boss guy. | 2011-06-11 22:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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