The Best Online Games!
Archive: 10 posts
So people, post your favourite online games! (this is to help me also be less bored, due to having no PS3 ![]() Be it an internet online game, or an online PC DVD game ![]() Haha, so yeah, lets gather and post great online games! I'll start with a great website: http://teagames.com/ | 2008-11-25 00:49:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Well for me it has to be Eve Online. For anyone who doesnt know - its a MMO space sci-fi, combat/trade/political type game (it's hard to assign a genre to it, as u can see) It's not for everyone, as the learning curve is very steep and it takes a while to get your head around how all the different aspects of the game work (I've been playing for over a year and still don't understand everything) but this is what makes it attractive to me... It's just so DEEP!! there is always something new to try, a new way to play, a different tactic to employ.... the whole economy is player driven, what that means is that nothing, apart from the basic building materials, and a few very rare items, exists until someone builds them. This makes fighting for resources one of the main driving factors in the many wars that are fought in the Eve universe. It also allows economic wars to be fought where the fighting is done on the markets without a shot fired, and so much more well, anyway - i think i have babbled enough for now. It's just awesome - check out the website if u want and if u want to try it they have a buddy system which enables any player to give anyone new to the game a 30 day free trial, so just ask if u want one. BTW. Hey ryanryan - like the pic mate - Radiohead - Just isnt it? | 2008-11-25 02:38:00 Author: chillum007 ![]() Posts: 228 |
http://combatarms.nexon.net/Intro.aspx i dont really play this game anymore but it was fun while it lasted WARNING RECOMMNEDED 14+ ![]() preety fun game has lots of updates! kinda like call of duty in a way but there is lots of spawn killing ![]() | 2008-11-25 02:50:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Well for me it has to be Eve Online. For anyone who doesnt know - its a MMO space sci-fi, combat/trade/political type game (it's hard to assign a genre to it, as u can see) It's not for everyone, as the learning curve is very steep and it takes a while to get your head around how all the different aspects of the game work (I've been playing for over a year and still don't understand everything) but this is what makes it attractive to me... It's just so DEEP!! there is always something new to try, a new way to play, a different tactic to employ.... the whole economy is player driven, what that means is that nothing, apart from the basic building materials, and a few very rare items, exists until someone builds them. This makes fighting for resources one of the main driving factors in the many wars that are fought in the Eve universe. It also allows economic wars to be fought where the fighting is done on the markets without a shot fired, and so much more well, anyway - i think i have babbled enough for now. It's just awesome - check out the website if u want and if u want to try it they have a buddy system which enables any player to give anyone new to the game a 30 day free trial, so just ask if u want one. BTW. Hey ryanryan - like the pic mate - Radiohead - Just isnt it? Yeah, that's right ![]() And i was going to try Eve, but i have no time at the moment. Maybe in january :s EDIT: I actually meant internet games - but any online PC game is fine actually ![]() | 2008-11-25 03:00:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
As I seem to have taken on the role of the forums Puzzle Pirates fairy... PUZZLE PIRATES! | 2008-11-25 06:18:00 Author: xMander ![]() Posts: 32 |
Bloons! It's a lifesaver in my ICT lessons lol! | 2008-11-27 22:28:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
teagames is an awesome site, they are the only ones to master tilty truck games imo, and may have been the sole creators of the tilty genre. but they dont make new games like they used to, they havent had a new game in like 8 months. but for anyone new to the site, theres a lot to keep you busy there, heres a few other sites Addicting gameshttp://www.addictinggames.com/index.html Nitromehttp://www.nitrome.com/ all of their games are REALLY good (and they have a good 2 or 3 new games a month) Armor Gameshttp://armorgames.com/ | 2008-11-28 00:04:00 Author: Gondito ![]() Posts: 1082 |
At school, we have to find spanish gaming sites because most english ones are blocked. Bloons and the tower defence ones are fun. | 2008-11-28 00:07:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
haha, nice one with the websites guys! I'll definatly be checking them out soon ![]() Bloons! It's a lifesaver in my ICT lessons lol! That's so wierd.... i'd never heard of that before.... but was on the phone to my girl the other day and was like 'i'm booooored' and she told me to google bloons. though i thought she said bloonf at first haha. Still.... i just found that odd haha. I played it for ages too! | 2008-11-28 02:23:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=5328 KAPBAM just posted that one. It's a Mirrors Edge beta thingy. It's 2D, but still really fun and cool. | 2008-11-28 02:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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