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Custom Animatronic NPC Model

Archive: 4 posts

The titular character features articulated eyebrow with twelve location variables to help emotional expressiveness that coincides with dialog. This is, of course, after his disembodied head descends from the ceiling and attaches itself to his giant metal spider walker body. Also, there is a shrink ray.

Intrigued? Sure you are.
World 2-1: The Creator's Laboratory (http://lbp.me/v/ykkep9)

EDIT: Tee hee... titular.
2011-03-06 07:03:00

Unknown User

I can't tell you how amazed I was by this level. Using stickers on neon to make monitors was great but I am still puzzled how you made the animations. (You waving = win). Do tell us how you pulled it off.2011-03-08 16:02:00

Unknown User

Thanks for your praise, I spent a looooooong time (120+ hours) rigging everything up on this level. The animations are really simple, yet effective. You just hook several stickered holograms up to a sequencer and have them loop in whatever order you want. Since they don't have physical properties, you can stack as many as you want to make an animation (although about 7 frames is all that is practical). I make it sound really simple, but aligning the images with one another across layers is quite time consuming, even using a grid!

I hope more people check out this interactive movie level, as there are a couple of moments designed for sheer WOW! factor... Not much point to that if there is nobody to see them and go WOW!

EDIT: Also, if you thought the level was righteous, why not put it up in the recommendation forum?
2011-03-08 16:55:00

Unknown User

Also, if you thought the level was righteous, why not put it up in the recommendation forum?

Because recommendations are for levels that are not already on the site.
2011-03-08 19:50:00

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