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New Glitch Material, Ice Matter!

Archive: 16 posts


This is basically an awesome new material that is awesome for stickering. It is not light matter, you can compare them in the level, and the fact that it has no bevels makes it even better than blue wood! Don't ask how I got it, because I don't quite know. TY if you play it!
2011-03-05 19:10:00

Posts: 83

Am I missing something? What is special about Blue wood?2011-03-05 21:03:00

Posts: 136

Am I missing something? What is special about Blue wood?

Blue Wood is considered as the smoothest material in LittleBigPlanet for stickering.
2011-03-06 05:16:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Im pretty sure the sticker quality has to do with the textures on the materia you are stickering, and Blue wood doesnt really have a texture.

However, Im checking this out, even though I usually keep my materials in their original state.
2011-03-06 16:10:00

Posts: 1990

This is very strange stuff - the lighting varies wildly if you rotate it, and it reduces the bumpmap if you material change it to something else.2011-03-06 20:30:00

Posts: 2870

Blue Wood is considered as the smoothest material in LittleBigPlanet for stickering.

I am not A material, that's why Blue Wood is the smoothest not including me... I am steel... Wood... Something else... Maybe I should shut up now...? *Smooth Criminal*

Is this 'Ice' going to freeze us?
2011-03-06 20:42:00

Unknown User

Is this the same thing as that "White matter"? If not, could someone upload a picture?2011-03-06 21:26:00

Posts: 5592

Hmmm i wonder if this is the same material me and ninjamicwz made a month ago by mistake. Is it a white metal? Not able to get to the system right now...2011-03-06 23:41:00

Posts: 519

Huh... I always thought cardboard was the best to stick stuff on...2011-03-07 00:01:00

Posts: 1799

Huh... I always thought cardboard was the best to stick stuff on...

Blue wood is better,
but if you are making creatures, I found that rubber has nice round/smoothed edges and shows a better glow.
but in the end, its all about personal preferences.
2011-03-08 16:25:00

Posts: 2136

...and as for making murals / customs stickers, material changed marvel comic strip card is best, no bevels whatsoever. To use simply buil your shapes out of another matterial, then change it to the marvel material.2011-03-12 21:52:00

Posts: 572

Is this the same thing as that "White matter"? If not, could someone upload a picture?

no i think it used to be light matter but its very very smooth and it dosent have a animation. And i think that its the coolest looking material on lbp so u have to see it to understand what i'm talking about
2011-03-21 03:18:00

Unknown User

Blue wood is better,
but if you are making creatures, I found that rubber has nice round/smoothed edges and shows a better glow.
but in the end, its all about personal preferences.

I thought the comic book panels from the marvel pack were the best... seem perfectly smooth to me. I forget if they have a bevelled edge or not, though.
2011-03-21 13:56:00

Posts: 388

What you need to go with that ice is my Ice Hazard Sackbot Its in a Lvl called Ice Fatality http://lbp.me/v/ytdhrm It was tweeted about by MM a couple of weeks ago if you play the level then you get the Sackbot and Tag needed to recreate the original Ice Hazard that was cut from LPB1
Enjoy and let me know what you think
2011-03-23 15:03:00

Unknown User

^^^^^shamless plug (it's a good remake of ice hazard)

I think the material is just the same glitch used to make smooth glass or if you do it more, to make object spazz and jump around. and then used on white matter instead of basic glass.
2011-03-23 17:35:00

Posts: 145

Maybe it was a little bit of a plug... My bad
I have this lvl qued at the moment if its as cool as everyone says I might re publish with this new super dooper ice.
2011-03-23 19:56:00

Unknown User

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