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The Emotinator: Sackbot Emotion Mood Microchip

Archive: 12 posts

UPDATE: v1.1 of the chip is now available. This update provides easier access to the embedded behavior chips and fixes a bug where changing emotions really quickly could cause the chip not to keep up.

I just published a level that gives a microchip you can use to have sackbots perform the d-pad emotions exactly like a sackboy. You can grab it here (http://lbp.me/v/yj-4qv). I'm sure I'm not the first to do this, but it was a fun and more-difficult-than-expected exercise in circuit design, and I thought explaining how I went about doing it might make for a good logic tutorial. I've already gone ahead and annotated the chip a bit, so if you're a hands on learner you might just have a go with that, but I thought I'd use this space to explain more about how the logic is put together. Before I write it all out here, it would be great if somebody said they are interested in reading such stuff, so I know it's worth the doing.

Link: http://lbp.me/v/yj-4qv
2011-03-05 12:39:00

Posts: 324

Oh cool, thanks. Can you put a lbp.me link? That'd be helpful. 2011-03-05 19:36:00

Unknown User

Oh, thanks for making a emotion chip! Queue'd.
But, uh, wouldn't this be more fitting in the Object Showcase (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?60-Object-Showcase) section?
2011-03-05 19:39:00

Posts: 402

Ah, but does yours reset to neutral if you're happy and click sad, and vice-versa (same for worried and angry)?

I tried making one, but it was too hard to get that right, so I'm using the one made by waD_Delma. When the level I'm using it in stops freezing so I can get back to work on it, I'll check yours out.
2011-03-05 21:05:00

Posts: 1893

Oh cool, thanks. Can you put a lbp.me link? That'd be helpful.

Link: http://lbp.me/v/yj-4qv

Oh, thanks for making a emotion chip! Queue'd.
But, uh, wouldn't this be more fitting in the Object Showcase (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?60-Object-Showcase) section?

Well I started to write a logic tutorial post, but wondered if anybody was going to bother reading it. Perhaps it should be moved, not sure how to do that.
Edit: Looks like it got mod'ed over to the showcase.

Ah, but does yours reset to neutral if you're happy and click sad, and vice-versa (same for worried and angry)?

This chip behaves behaves exactly like sackboy. It resets to neutral if you're happy and click sad, or if you hit happy a 4th time, and it goes straight to angry if you hit angry while happy, etc.
2011-03-05 23:03:00

Posts: 324

Nice one. I made an emotion chip a while ago. In fact, it's online and you can grab it from the Creator's Toolkit (http://lbp.me/v/ye4qhs). It's in the Sackbot logic section 2011-03-05 23:32:00

Posts: 1287

Nice one. I made an emotion chip a while ago. In fact, it's online and you can grab it from the Creator's Toolkit (http://lbp.me/v/ye4qhs). It's in the Sackbot logic section

It's cool that you made a chip too, and awesome that you provided it to the Creator's Toolkit. I wish somebody told me about it when I posted about this in the help forum a month or so back, I probably wouldn't have bothered with mine! But I also have to say that yours doesn't seem to behave the "normal sackboy" way in terms of transitions between different emotion types, and my goal was really to exactly replicate the natural sackboy controls. Ultimately I wanted to make it so the player can't really tell they are controlling a sackbot, and this was a huge barrier to that goal for me. If you guys end up wanting my chip for your Creator's Toolkit, let me know.
2011-03-06 04:43:00

Posts: 324

So by pure coincidence I woke up yesterday morning and decided I needed to hunt down an emotion chip and stumbled onto yours via text search! I also grabbed DarkRavine's chip as well, and another that I decided not to bother with because he required a manual button press to reset to neutral. I didnt run across yours alexbull, but thanks for the link, I'm checking it out right now!

Anyway, your chip and DarkRavine's both work 99% perfectly and interestingly have the same flaw: if you go from happy, then tap sad to neutralize the emotion (or vice versa), there is a split second glitch where sackbot's mouth opens slightly in a semi-smile before going neutral (however, going from angry and tapping scared or vice versa does not display this flaw). It's minor, and appears to be the only thing keeping both chips from being a 100% perfect simulation sackboy's emotions! So, nice work!

EDIT: yeah, Alexbull's chip apparently has the same tiny flaw...

One thing you should make sure to explain is that you have to make sure to disable popit controls in the transmitting controllinator, or your chip doesn't work. DarkRavine's has the same issue. I'm not sure why allowing popit controls conflicts with the D-pad, but there it is. So using this chip or DarkRavine's will mean you'd have to do some tricky alternate sackbot spawning slieght of hand in order to include sticker triggers in your levels. Also, if they get stuck, their only recourse will be to hit Replay, since Retry won't be an option...

An interesting thought: since you have to manually tweak the many embedded behavior chips in order to change the animation style, it's possible to mix/match animation styles per emotion and create more unique personalities!
2011-03-06 16:56:00

Posts: 51

Definatly going to check this out then, sounds great. As I said though, the level I need it for keeps freezing, so I'll have to wait a bit.2011-03-06 17:33:00

Posts: 1893

if you go from happy, then tap sad to neutralize the emotion (or vice versa), there is a split second glitch where sackbot's mouth opens slightly in a semi-smile before going neutral (however, going from angry and tapping scared or vice versa does not display this flaw).

I will check into that, thanks for pointing it out.

One thing you should make sure to explain is that you have to make sure to disable popit controls in the transmitting controllinator, or your chip doesn't work. I'm not sure why allowing popit controls conflicts with the D-pad, but there it is...if they get stuck, their only recourse will be to hit Replay, since Retry won't be an option...
An interesting thought: since you have to manually tweak the many embedded behavior chips in order to change the animation style, it's possible to mix/match animation styles per emotion and create more unique personalities!

Good points!
2011-03-06 18:35:00

Posts: 324

if you go from happy, then tap sad to neutralize the emotion (or vice versa), there is a split second glitch where sackbot's mouth opens slightly in a semi-smile before going neutral (however, going from angry and tapping scared or vice versa does not display this flaw).

I did a bit of fiddling, and as best I can reckon this is beyond our ability to circumvent. Even starting with a new sackbot, who by default is happy (aren't we all?), and then activating a neutral chip on him by any means, you still get this glitch. And in fact you get something like it going from any emotion back to neutral it seems, but some twitches are rather harder to notice.
2011-03-08 15:50:00

Posts: 324

UPDATE: v1.1 of the chip is now available. This provides easier access to the embedded behavior chips and fixes a bug where changing emotions really quickly could cause the chip not to keep up.2011-03-09 14:30:00

Posts: 324

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