2 questions...about a user creation that was done.
Archive: 9 posts
Okay, question #1... Has anyone tried the user level called "invisible platforms"? this leads into question #2.. has anyone had any success in doing this? Basically, the creator says "thin" dark matter forms an invisible platform, but I cannot get it to work.... I've tried on a plain background and a 'decorated' background. but no matter what I do, the dark matter is showing up. has anyone else managed to do this, and if so, I guess that leads me to a third "bonus" question... does the background have to be the blank layout, with NOTHING behind it? I ask, cause I was looking for something like this... I had been trying it with matching materials (white wood on white wood for instance), but when you do matching materials you still tend to see the shadows and edges 9of the platforms when you do it... (Up to 6 rooms out of 14..and still less than half the thermometer used...so I might get all 14 at some point ![]() | 2008-11-24 14:18:00 Author: DaSaintFan ![]() Posts: 136 |
Tiny peice of dark matter. The smallest possible in the thinnest back layer. You then stick the stuff onto it. | 2008-11-24 14:31:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
It's actually easy to do. Perhaps it's simply a question of misunderstanding. When the author says to make the dark matter "thin", it must be thin in height, not in "depth" (aka layer). So simply make your platform how you want it, and use the corner editor to make it thinner. To be able to do this, you must have the grid mode turned off. And no, the background does not matter. | 2008-11-24 14:49:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
It's actually easy to do. Perhaps it's simply a question of misunderstanding. When the author says to make the dark matter "thin", it must be thin in height, not in "depth" (aka layer). ARGH!!! That's "Small" not "thin"... me go hunt level creator down and smack him now, to speakie properz Inglish!! ![]() | 2008-11-24 14:58:00 Author: DaSaintFan ![]() Posts: 136 |
Lol, yep, I actually use this technique in my latest level (HAWK Lair). I used it on lethal gas so that... (if you haven't played the level and want to be surprised, don't continue reading!) ... at some point I need to make sure you die! So I put thin (small) pieces of invisible gas in your way so that even if the trap I sprung doesn't kill you, there is no way for you to progress without dying! But it gives you the illusion that the trap was still responsible for your death ![]() | 2008-11-24 16:39:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
Lol, yep, I actually use this technique in my latest level (HAWK Lair). I used it on lethal gas so that... LOL... i aint' gonna be that mean Kap... I was just thinking along the lines of my final room being a relaxing (or frustrating) "WTF" moment ![]() | 2008-11-24 18:16:00 Author: DaSaintFan ![]() Posts: 136 |
LOL... i aint' gonna be that mean Kap... I was just thinking along the lines of my final room being a relaxing (or frustrating) "WTF" moment ![]() lol, it's not mean, it's just "making sure you're dead" LOL. Yea this glitch is going to prove very useful to exploit ![]() | 2008-11-24 18:20:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
LOL... i aint' gonna be that mean Kap... I was just thinking along the lines of my final room being a relaxing (or frustrating) "WTF" moment ![]() I tried it last night.. and it works.. so muchas gracias folks... But now i have to do it so it's logical... I had just put a bunch of blank platforms in one of my rooms and even I couldn't find 'em ![]() So I think I gotta do visual clues (occasional single block or something). | 2008-11-25 18:33:00 Author: DaSaintFan ![]() Posts: 136 |
Oh my god! I found this out a week ago when I first started my Aliens Attack level! I was going to post it here as well. ![]() But I guess it's already public knowledge already lol. I found out some other stuff but I can't remember what.... Have to check back on other levels to see what I've done. | 2008-11-25 18:36:00 Author: GuyWithNoEyes ![]() Posts: 1100 |
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