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Animals and helis

Archive: 9 posts

I've been busy with the new tools in LBP2 that are making it much easier for me to make objects - these are a small sample of things I have been making and some older ones from LBP1. I try to put a lot of detail into things and make them as robust and functional as I can... The blades on the Airwolf model rotate like real blades (not just flashing on and off like most). All of these objects are animated and look much better in action so please check them out in my levels!

2011-03-03 16:11:00

Unknown User

That shark is badass. And airwolf? Awesome!2011-03-03 16:45:00

Posts: 236

Haha, at first I read " Animals and Hells"... WHAT!? oh Heli's hehe.

Anyway, these are freaking awesome! I love the shark, but all of its good, impressive boat too.
I would love to build some levels with you dude!
2011-03-03 17:36:00

Posts: 136

how about a Tutorial or a Youtube vid to show is how it works or at least what it looks like 2011-03-03 21:17:00

Posts: 3910

How much thermo do these take up? All of them are so awesome and detailed!!2011-03-04 03:41:00

Posts: 263

Cheers for the positive feedback! In answer to your questions,most of them don't take up much thermo cos I'm economical with shapes and materials. I made a model of the ship from Jaws tho that takes up half of it! Most of these are a quarter of a bar or less. I made a tutorial on how to make this stuff ages ago (how to make monsters tutorial) and it's still published if you want to check it out. And if someone has a creature they want building and it's an interesting idea I'm happy to build it for them or show them the best way to go about it! This week I made a newt you can control that swims and walks realistically and a frog that's pretty realistic (as close as LBP allows). I'll post some pics soon...2011-03-05 00:11:00

Unknown User

That shark is the best shark ive ever seen. In ever! I would love you see you do a sackboy sized, red biplane! That would be awesome!2011-03-05 16:16:00

Posts: 1990

I've recently built a Spitfire but no biplane yet - I could only build a biplane in top down view unless MM release a suitably shaped red accessory! I managed to get the Spitfire to look good by using leaves for wings - I'll post a pic soon (the propellor rotates perfectly in side view).2011-03-14 19:27:00

Unknown User

Hey all your creations are awesome! I was wondering, do you think I could use your aligator in a level I'm making? I know this is outta the blue but I'd love to use it insted of the one I made. xD2011-03-19 16:23:00

Posts: 92

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