Ocean Portal
Archive: 2 posts
This is the doorway to my new series of water-based worlds. The first one to be ready is Shark Reef (no,it's not survival!) where you can swim around as a shark with friends and race and play different games. It's meant to be a chill out level with various sea creatures that you can interact with - I've tried to give them behaviour that mimics real life to some extent. Controlling the shark is easy although some people have taken a while to get the hang of it... when you get it right, it feels like you're actually swimming! Be sure to read the instructions at the start as there are none in level to keep the atmosphere (leaving the level requires hovering over a red light for 5 secs!! I'm already working on a garden pond version where you play as a newt and that will hopefully be ready soon. Hope you like this!!!316003160131602 http://lbp.me/v/x3448n | 2011-03-03 15:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
A second helping of dogs egg? Why not.... | 2011-03-03 17:19:00 Author: FourteenInchGaz ![]() Posts: 110 |
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