Archive: 1 post
Let me present my latest creation..... TETRIS This is a Little Big Planet version of the classic block dropping video game by Alexey Pajitnov. I reckon everybody here will have played a version of the game at some time, so I don't think there needs to be a description of the game-play. It features Multiple Line Bonuses, Sliding, and Hard Dropping (non locking). Level progression occurs every 1000 points where the speed is slightly increased. http://www.soundscan.karoo.net/images/LBPTetris.jpg It is a one player game where the extra players will be killed once one player has entered the control seat. The D-Pad buttons are used to control the movement of the blocks as they drop down, X and O are used to rotate. I did a bit of searching, but couldn't find any Little Big Planet levels that re-create Tetris, so this appears to be the first! I was told that somebody re-created it in the LBP2 beta, maybe someone could confirm this if true. Hope you all like it, if it's popular I'll try to make a 2 player versus version as this level only uses up less than 25% of the thermometer. Also, I'd like to thank BABYPRO for giving the music away as a sharable prize in their level. http://lbp.me/v/ydswhq | 2011-03-02 18:27:00 Author: fluxlasers ![]() Posts: 182 |
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