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My Humanoid Bi-Ped Mech Project

Archive: 5 posts

I've been working one this on and off since the game came out. I call it BIROM (Bipedal Robotic Mech), a bit redundant, I know.

Anyway, I've Been really busy lately so I'm not sure If I'll be able to finish it alone. If anyone want's to help me out and is familiar with creating in LBP give me a hollar.

2011-03-01 22:08:00

Unknown User

Good work with the walk cycle. It looks smooth and has a sense of weight behind it, unlike a lot of bipeds in LBP which tend to hop and bounce around. I imagine it's more complicated than it looks in the video.

It reminds me of a Gundam. <3
2011-03-01 22:54:00

Posts: 2454

Thanks Ayneh, that means quite a bit coming from you. It's actually your youtube vids that made me want to pursue mech creation in LBP :

and yea the walking cycle still isn't perfected (far from it). It still trips up every now and then. the weight behind it come mostly from maxing out the gravity and heavy *** legs.

and lol, ya I'm a huge gundam fan so it's current look just naturally turned out like that :, though I'll be trying to or finding someone else to redesign the look of it.
2011-03-02 03:07:00

Unknown User

THAT LOOKS AWESOME!!! CAN'T WAIT TILL YOU PUT IT TO USE IN A LEVEL. Just one question: When you went airborne was the mech supposed to walk in the air? If so I suggest you tweak it a little to make it look like its flying.2011-03-02 03:26:00

Unknown User

Ya, I totally forgot to mention that because I had put it in the description of the briefly published level. the flight/boost really isn't well put together yet, mainly because I haven't decides what kind of flight controls It will use as of yet.2011-03-02 04:12:00

Unknown User

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