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my 8 chips

Archive: 1 post

1. on off logic
with this chip the output alternates an on and off energy.
2.on off infinity
= 1. , but the signal is infinite
3.one and stop
with this instrument you can have a signal by the output but only a turn
4.funky smoke machine
a stupid chip for the grafic. it emects smokes with different colour
5.activation and destruction
after the signal, it destroys the object on which it is
6.fire ball logic
the object begin turns fire and leaves. after 3 seconds, it explodes
7.lucky chip
with this chip, the probability which the output is active are 1/2
8.gravity alternator
every 5 seconds, the gravity changed from 400 to 0, and from 0 to 400

if you want it, you contact me: AlexBombStyle
2011-03-01 20:37:00

Unknown User

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