Junkyard trilogy
Archive: 3 posts
Hopefully i'm sure the creator won't mind me making a post about their level, as I happened across it when looking at people who had played one of mine. Mainly a platforming level, but with other parts thrown in (not in an out of place way, just a nice mix up gameplay way) set over 3 linked levels (the other 2 seem only accessable if you play through them in order at the time I played them). Either way, heres a link to the page... http://lbp.me/v/x66smv Can be tricky in places, but unlimited checkpoints mean you just try again and again. Would'nt look out of place as a creator world in story mode!! | 2011-02-28 22:08:00 Author: GazzaT73 ![]() Posts: 9 |
Wow, just found this. Thanks for recommending my level and for the kind review you left in-game. And you were right -- I certainly don't mind at all! The Level Showcase link is in my signature for those interested. It is 3 parts, but designed to be played as one experience, which is why I went with sub-levels. Although I've been wondering if there's a way to let people skip to the other sections on future plays. Is that what the level keys are for? I may have to look into this... | 2011-03-02 21:55:00 Author: Roo5676 ![]() Posts: 62 |
One way would be instead of sublevels, just make them locked. If you put a key for the next part next to the level link they can access it through the level link or come back later and the once locked next part will be unlocked to continue from if they choose as they have the key. Dont know if you would need to add scoreboards though if you want to make it playable in chunks you can come back too or play all together (i used a similar idea for levels where you can play in order with links or end the level through board and play other later.) | 2011-03-05 12:27:00 Author: GazzaT73 ![]() Posts: 9 |
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