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Sensing a object comes on a new area?

Archive: 4 posts

Hello there

Is there a way to make it so that object or w/e notice when it get into a new area (see picture)

i could think of placing lots of tags to fit in the areas but is there a faster way?
2011-02-28 18:44:00

Posts: 570

I'm not 100% sure this works and can't test it at the moment, but maybe you can try this: Place an invisible holo-material with the same shape as one of your areas in the same layer as your object. Place an impact sensor set to "require tag: yes" on the object and the correseponding tag on the holo-shape. It should be able to sense when it touches the new holo-area. You'd need to have seperate impact sensors for each new area or area-type. If that doesn't work, test the inverse, i.e. tag on the object, sensor on the area-shaped holo material. I had cases where I put an impact sensor on an object and set it to "include rigid connections", and got signals when an attached holo-material part hit the wall, that's why I think the method should work. Hope it helps you 2011-02-28 19:06:00

Unknown User

I'm not 100% sure this works and can't test it at the moment, but maybe you can try this: Place an invisible holo-material with the same shape as one of your areas in the same layer as your object. Place an impact sensor set to "require tag: yes" on the object and the correseponding tag on the holo-shape. It should be able to sense when it touches the new holo-area. You'd need to have seperate impact sensors for each new area or area-type. If that doesn't work, test the inverse, i.e. tag on the object, sensor on the area-shaped holo material. I had cases where I put an impact sensor on an object and set it to "include rigid connections", and got signals when an attached holo-material part hit the wall, that's why I think the method should work. Hope it helps you

You need to set it to "Include touching" in order for this to work since holo can't really "impact" anything.
2011-02-28 20:53:00

Posts: 153

Yes, that will work, I use it in my level

As an alternative, you can also perhaps attach a hologram material to your moving object, put as many impact sensors as you need for different area results, then put keys on your solid geometry. So long as the hologram touches the geometry, and it has the matching key, it will trigger.
2011-03-01 01:29:00

Posts: 79

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