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Forcing Sackboy to a specific Controllinator?

Archive: 3 posts

Hi, I'm having problems with several Controllinators. I have 1 Controllinator that controls the main protagonist of the game (just a simple ball made of wood) and then I have 2, 3, 4, maybe over 10 (don't know yet) different Controllinators. I'd like that when this main protagonist (controlled by the main Contollinator) enters a specific spot in the game, he will enter a specific Controllinator. How could I possibly do this? I also would like to be able to get back to the main Controllinator by a press of a button.2011-02-26 17:01:00

Unknown User

You may have to experiment with transmitters and receivers. Set one dcs to transmit a specific tag label. Then have main controllinator receive that signal I believe. May be reversed from what I said though. I would have to see lvl to understand exactly.2011-02-26 18:35:00

Posts: 108

if you want to make sackboy change controllinator:
i would get a selector with as many ports as there are controllinators, then put each output through a NOT gate, and each NOT gate into the controllinators eject input. this way only one controllinator will allow you to enter, and if they are all set to auto-enter then as soon as the selector chanhges its state you will pop out of one and into the next.

if you want sackboy to stay where he is and change what he controls only:
have all you recieving controllinators in their own microchip and then get a selector and put the outputs into the ACTIVATE input of the microchips, this way you just change which controllinator is receiving your signals and sackboy doesnt have to move.
2011-02-26 19:19:00

Posts: 920

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