What inspires you?
Archive: 12 posts
What makes you guys want to build a level? I built two levels, both doing okay... but I can't seem to get the inspiration to build another level. In the past, it was seeing the levels of really good creators like steve_big_guns, Lockstitch, poms and other creators and thinking I want to make a level like that. It takes days upon days to make a level and it's nice when your level gets 1000 plays or more, but still.... Other than seeing really good levels, what inspires everyone to want to build a level? | 2011-02-26 16:19:00 Author: creator22 ![]() Posts: 162 |
For me, if I wanted to build a level, I would read a book or watching something (movie, TV, anything). Then, as you read, something might pop into your head for you to use. For instance, I was recently reading a "Magic Tree House" book and I was inspired to make a series of levels based off that. Maybe that will work for you, dude. Good luck. :-) | 2011-03-02 04:19:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It is mostly my friends... | 2011-03-02 16:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Mainly my imagination that's what inspire me all the time. I just go on about on what my imagination says i think of a bee hive then create on it. There is no limitation to this game that's what i like about it, and that is what inspire me alot. | 2011-03-03 00:44:00 Author: tuyyui ![]() Posts: 175 |
Mainly my imagination that's what inspire me all the time. I just go on about on what my imagination says i think of a bee hive then create on it. There is no limitation to this game that's what i like about it, and that is what inspire me alot. Exactly. I mean, I've been told that I have great imagination for writing stories and such. And with so much to customize with respect to level-making, I think there's no limit to creativity. | 2011-03-03 23:44:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
A pancake inspired me to do my new level coming out for LBP2: Gravity Sack..... Weird because it doesn't involve pancakes.... | 2011-03-04 03:05:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
id say the biggest insparation is you, just close your eyes and imagine whatever. although this only works with a creative mind, if your playing lbp then you certainly have somewhat of one to begin with for the attraction of the game. | 2011-03-04 03:39:00 Author: Distinct-Creator ![]() Posts: 198 |
Normally I get inspired by something I might see or read, mostly from games I play though. There's a lot of games I have that always give me ideas I would never get otherwise. Shame I never finish any of those ideas. ![]() | 2011-03-04 09:36:00 Author: Moonface ![]() Posts: 310 |
Music; Specifically Vampire Weekend, Maria and the Diamonds and the Killers. | 2011-03-04 10:15:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Death and destruction. | 2011-03-04 13:13:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
A dream made me come up with a story that would be brilliant for films... | 2011-03-04 19:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
id say the biggest insparation is you, Your biggest inspiration is me??? Oh why, thank you! ![]() | 2011-03-05 11:20:00 Author: creator22 ![]() Posts: 162 |
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