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The Knights, chapter 1: The Lost Hero

Archive: 15 posts





After wading through many bugs, I'm really, really happy (and relieved) to be able to publish this level.

The Knights builds upon the melee combat of my Knight vs Knight levels, but does so with a full coop action rpg campaign. It's even got a pretty sleek character selection screen at the beginning

Anyway, enjoy. And let me know if there are any bugs -- I'm sure there are some left in there.

Later today I'm going to post about a related project, which is a creator-made expansion pack I'm working on to help people easily add melee attacks to their levels. More on that a bit later!


OK, here's the thread about the knight sackbots and logic I want to release to the community:

Head over there and help me decide what form to share my work in, and what I should add before I release it.

Thanks for reading,

2011-02-25 21:02:00

Posts: 81

Queued! Sounds great and I empathize with the endless testing and tracking down bugs!2011-02-25 21:37:00

Posts: 5

Well I got to the executioner and it was pretty fun - until I got to the executioner - I didn't get past that because no matter how much I jumped, charged and hit square he kept cornering me and even broke my blocks. Another part is the delay sequence after every death and then the subsequent backtracking after that - then consider you have to rewatch the cutscene with the executioner and I was pretty frustrated. Its a cool idea though, I couldn't make anything like this myself and it was (mostly) enjoyable, I'll probably try another go after work.

F4F: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=50985-Shape-Catcher
2011-02-25 21:49:00

Posts: 25

hmm... maybe I should skip the cutscene and just go straight to the fight after the first time.

The delay sequence on death is, sadly, the minimum amount of time the game needs to reliably emit my sackbots...

A lot of the time the emitters fail to fire, so I have to give them a good ten second window to respawn the knights. (It might also be something I don't understand about emitters, I'm never quite sure what the best setting is for the job, and I've had some very glitchy behavior with them.)

But anyway, that's the reason you end up looking at a death screen for ten to twelve seconds every time you die. Sorry about that

The hitting through shield blocks is intentional -- he's a big guy But he should probably say something to the effect of "your shield isn't going to help you, little knight" during the fight.

Thank you so much for the feedback neuropuff, I'm in really new territory in balancing this level so it's incredibly good to hear about your experience with it. Let me know if you have any other suggestions -- I'm all ears!


p.s. the level is currently easier in multiplayer, so if you really want to bring it to the big guy and you keep having problems, bring a friend along and you can work together to take him down.
2011-02-26 02:27:00

Posts: 81

Absolutely wonderful.
Hearted you and this level, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next!

The gameplay is spot-on, though there are a couple things you might consider for the next level -

Adding more attacks via a combo system to allow the player to mix it up a bit more - charge and normal are decent, but more is always better!

More stickers / decorations - the level was fairly plain in parts (notably the front thick layer; the path to the bell; and the cave interior), while the characters were well-detailed - add some random cracks here and there, maybe some leaves or some such in the front layer to break up the monotony of the single-material floors.

Powerups - even something so simple as health+ - for the collectors among us. Right now there's nothing to pick up ('cept the one thing), and I want to have everything

As for your emitters - are their inputs set to "one-shot"? If they're on/off or Speed, they'll take longer to emit - perhaps that's the problem. Another issue with emitters is that if your level is overheated, they will not emit - if your four Knights take up a significant chunk of thermo you might need to emit your level in chunks and clean up after yourself to clear enough space to emit the enemies. I never had a problem with the enemies popping back in, though, so it's more likely your emitters are just set to On/Off or Speed.

+I really loved the animations. I was laughing out loud, alone, while fighting the executioner, even as he flung me across the room.

+Gameplay was really solid. Attacking worked, blocking worked, no questions asked. Lovely. The executioner's trick took a few tries to figure out, but he's the boss - it should take a few tries.

So yeah, yay'd and hearted and hearted you and playing the next one soon as it pops out.
2011-02-27 17:07:00

Posts: 342

Whoa, thanks for the great feedback, Loius!

I am indeed working on combo attacks, and health potions are already in working order... I just haven't decided how they should drop -- off monsters or treasure chests?

Your post about the emitters inspired me to go have a look at my checkpoint system. I did have them set on on/off with a very short firing time, but I remembered why I'd done that once I changed them to one shot -- for whatever reason, the game takes about 10 seconds to destroy my knights as objects -- even after they've been destroyed by a hazard, like plasma! Because of this, a one shot emitter which is set to only emit one object at a time will actually fail to fire if I don't give the knight plenty of time to be fully deleted -- that's what the long death sequence is there to cover up. Now, maybe my knights have just gotten glitched at some point? They probably shouldn't take around 10 seconds (it varies) for the game to consider them destroyed. I may try to recreate from scratch at some point.

I did come up with a slightly different solution, though. It needs to be tested a lot, but I think if I allow the emitters to emit 2 knights at a time, but set up tag sensors to make sure there's only one spawned near the checkpoints, that could allow me to greatly reduce the death sequence time.

I've also posted a thread about a pack for my fellow creators, which will be releasing soon, which is basically a set of all the knight and enemy logic I've developed, which all creators can use in their own levels. If that sounds kinda cool, read more about it here:



Oh, and also, thanks for the criticism on the level decorations/atmosphere in those parts -- I agree it's a bit weak there. I'll have to try and pretty it up
2011-02-27 21:37:00

Posts: 81

I will Try It out!! Try My Level Out

2011-02-28 03:14:00

Posts: 101

Just wanted to post here, that if anybody here hasn't played this, they really should.2011-03-04 07:28:00

Unknown User

So this has been sitting in my queue since I saw the thread here and I only got around to playing it last night. I fell in love with it as soon as my little Knight hopped himself forward when selected ^^ This level is pretty awesome but whilst the actual base combat mechanic and the sackbot animations are great, it's the little attention to detail and the refinement that really make this awesome. The little subtle sword flashes work perfectly to infer movement without feeling like an OTT ZOMG-inducing superpowered uberattack, the collision detection is tuned up nicely (i.e. when jumping onto a cliff where a demon was already standing you will knock him back a little but you will fall to your death) as are the impacts from weapons etc. It gives a very strong feeling of physicality between players and Mobs / NPCs - I actually ran off to my moon after playing this to recreate part of it it and it's certainly a very satisfying feeling.

Visually it's not astounding, but certainly pleasant and no detriment to the level. Some of the decoration usage / stickered hologram effects for plants etc were pretty cool. The pacing was pretty very nice, the fights never felt like button bashers, more a slightly tactical affair, but still intuitive and not too slow. In addition, this pacing actually allows for what feels like a reasonable amount of gameplay in a relatively small level. I'm also liking the fact that points are not given in any way for this level, it certainly adds to the feeling of making the game your own thing.

Controls are intuitive, x, [], / for jump, normal and heavy attacks is pretty standard, and the context-dependant O command with prompts at key moments was a simple and obvious choice, but still works well as a nice touch. It might help if the square and triangle are introduced more explicitly though, especially triangle, I got through most of the level before actually trying it when I got to the door. I don't know if there was a command prompt at any time, but possibly this could one that appears when you see your first "big" demon and then stays until the player has actually used the attack? This way they can never miss the prompt...

I also didn't find block until quite late on. One issue I did have with block was that it seems to be a directional thing that activates in the direction you are moving when you start to press block? I found it awkward to block while moving away (bravely running away comes naturally to me it seems) because I would start to move away and THEN think to start blocking, which actually made me more vulnerable to attack. It would be useful if there were either some kind of explicit way to pick direction of blocking (I'm thinking R1 / L1, or potentially use the right analogue stick? Right analogue stick may work on the assumption that you can't do other actions while blocking) or some form of intelligence in there (block in the direction of the closest enemy?). Again, I feel this could do with an explicit prompt, if there isn't one already that I missed

WRT combat, I found a couple of areas in crampt conditions very difficult to fight in using the mechanics available, I'm thinking particularly the little tunnels after the bridge that falls down. I think maybe it'll be best if in future installments you try to keep combat to areas that are moderately open, or at least flat. Admittedly it does seem to favour whoever has the high ground, so that's at least realistic, but if you are trapped on the low ground then it just feels a bit frustrating and the built in sackbot follow "AI" isn't quite good enough to coax them around. certainly it's not worth changing that aspect of this level, but something to bear in mind for future installments.

The use of subtitles throughout the level made the differentiation between speech and narration... not difficult, but maybe a little vague. I think subtitles are OK for dialogue if you have voice acting, but otherwise a normal speech bubble might be more appropriate, though I can see how that's a very specific aesthetic choice.

I felt the boss might have benefited from a custom health bar of some kind, or at least a decorated timer. Even something like using the thin layer to create a border and placing the timer on hologram in the thick layer behind as a quick and easy method of dressing it up.

There's a few nitpicks etc. in there but overall it was fantastic and I'm certainly looking forward to how you expand the series, you clearly have a solid base to extend upon and the skills to produce some top-notch stuff. I'm currently trying to build the core of an action-adventure project where most of my influences have melee-based combat and was very much shying away from that in favour of more platforming and puzzle aspects, due to a fear that the melee wouldn't be possible to do in as sophisticated manner as you have here. Not sure what I'm going to do now, as my protagonist is already pushing what I consider to be reasonable thermo consumption, but you've certainly inspired me to up my game somewhat

(in case it's not obvious from the above)
2011-03-08 14:29:00

Posts: 6497

Ok here it goes:
I played this level when he was like 10 runs Only now i saw here to review.

- Ambience : Really amazing.. made me remember old games such as : Ghosts 'n Goblins
- The Bot : Omg the bot.. the 1st time i saw i was like :O this Bot is sooo cooll .. how the hell he did this? Now after get the bot on your tutorial i was amazed.. i cant understand nothing of this logics and some creatins such this bot makes me think im still a NOOB in lbp2
- The enemies : haha like the bot they are truly cool. Freakin small Goblins.. nice laugh
- The Shrine : Nice.. not nice IMBA idea .. was really cool get the life and revive fallen friends there.

What can i say more? MM is sleeping!
Great Level! Great job.

f4f on my sigs if u want please.. ty in advance
2011-03-08 15:05:00

Posts: 176

Hey guys, thanks for the awesome feedback! It's hearing from people who are really into it that inspires me to keep making more.

When someone takes the time to post such a nice review about my level, how can I resist? Levels queued!

Subtlety is indeed what I was going for with the attack effects... I wanted to see if LBP2 was capable of doing a combat system that felt more earthy and less like bombarding the player with holo effects to cover the fact that their sackbot is just standing there. I'm glad you liked the body collision detection, which you probably figured out is just a tag sensor hooked to a follower on knights and enemies alike. I have mixed feelings about it, actually -- it tends to catch you when you're trying to jump over someone, which becomes a real problem when you get trapped between two enemies. Occasionally I think about completely disabling collision detection and just balancing the monsters so they really let you have it if you're standing right next to them. Definitely looking forward to someone coming up with a better collision system, so I can use it for myself

The shield block locking your facing is intentional... it was a design choice I made after the level Knight vs Knight(s), where you could still turn while you were blocking. It was really annoying to always turn around whenever you were trying to put some distance between you and your attacker, at which point they would just hit you in the back. Making each block direction a separate input is a good idea, but I'm always worried about making the controls any more complicated... I'll have to try it.

There are indeed prompts for charge attack and block during character selection on the ship (they turn on after at least one character has selected a knight). They also come on once you've started the level, but they go away pretty quickly. Didn't want to clutter up the pretty Using tag sensors (or maybe receiving controllinators?) to detect when a player has actually used each attack, and turning them off individually is a brilliant idea, and I'm definitely going to use that.

This was my first full level in LBP that isn't just an arena, so there are a lot of things about level building and decorations that still completely blow me away when I see what some builders can do. I'm also constantly seeing decorations/objects I'd like to use in my own levels, but then realizing I don't have them in my popit Hmm.. maybe it's time to finish unlocking everything from lbp 1 and 2?

Dressing up the boss' health bar by sneaking the timer back into the thick layer... will that actually work?? That's a great tip! I'm basically a noob who has the tendency to obsess over sackbot attack animations, so "quick methods" like that are potentially mind-blowing.

Not to mention, every move that the knights have uses something I gleaned from your logic blog. Thanks RTM!

Thanks for the encouragement, it really does keep me going. I read every review on my level, and being able to talk meaningfully about it here is a special treat!

2011-03-08 22:52:00

Posts: 81

Im Suprised this isnt MM picked yet, but then again, it wont be so long till it does

A feedback from someone as unknown as me wouldnt count lol but I gotta say in short and simple words, this one of the best levels ive ever played in lbp2 so far, great stuff .
2011-03-08 23:46:00

Posts: 1019

Subtlety is indeed what I was going for with the attack effects... I wanted to see if LBP2 was capable of doing a combat system that felt more earthy and less like bombarding the player with holo effects to cover the fact that their sackbot is just standing there.
IMO, the sword flashes are perfect. I actually had to stop for a moment to do a couple of swings of my sword to tell that there definitely was an effect added there, and not just the actual motion of the sackbot mesh.

I'm glad you liked the body collision detection, which you probably figured out is just a tag sensor hooked to a follower on knights and enemies alike. [quote]
I'm actually gone for something more complex myself, with left/right looking tag sensors, combiner and a mover. It's got significant issues, mainly that it's liable to do odd things when sackbots are not vertical, but it seems to be hanging together OK for now. Realistically I've had to do it this way because I have so many movers all acting at once that followers just screw things up for me If only there was a deceleration option on followers.

[quote]I have mixed feelings about it, actually -- it tends to catch you when you're trying to jump over someone, which becomes a real problem when you get trapped between two enemies. Occasionally I think about completely disabling collision detection and just balancing the monsters so they really let you have it if you're standing right next to them. Definitely looking forward to someone coming up with a better collision system, so I can use it for myself
I didn't find it too bad for jumping over enemies. and realistically, jumping over someone in full armour probably should be too easy I wouldn't drop it completely if I were you. It adds a lot to the physicality of the system that matches the solid feel of the attacks. THe only time it was a problem was when I bounced off a demon and fell down a cliff. Which was an annoyance because it was just before the first checkpoint.

This was my first full level in LBP that isn't just an arena, so there are a lot of things about level building and decorations that still completely blow me away when I see what some builders can do. Haha, tell me about it. I'm constantly destickering other people's levels to find their secrets!

Dressing up the boss' health bar by sneaking the timer back into the thick layer... will that actually work?? That's a great tip! It works, but as you increase the size of the timer, the mesh for the border of the timer starts to stick through the thin layer. You can still extend the timers length using the tweak without affecting it. So long, thin timer with a custom border is doable. You'll also want to try different materials as some are thicker than others, and those with a raised border round the edge will probably work best. I tried with an LBP2 material called weathered steel, which works quite well and might suit for a demon knight
2011-03-09 12:22:00

Posts: 6497

This level was really fun!

The whole system (from the intro, to the character selection, to the save points) really makes this level feel like a game rather than simply a level. I really liked that you had to consider how to best attack the enemies, and that going up against a group of enemies was actually pretty challenging. When I got surrounded by enemies in the underground I had to think quickly about what to do. Do I stand my ground and try to fight them off? Do I try to jump over the lone enemy to the left? Do I try to block and counter? It was great.

I found the boss to be a little easy (though it still took some careful positioning), but maybe that's just because I knew how to best use the knight's attacks at that point. Also I figured out pretty fast that blocking was not going to be an option that time.

An awesome experience, looking forward to more! Yay'd and Heart'd.
2011-03-09 15:19:00

Posts: 2536

I'm glad to see a thread for this level, feedback is so much easier in a forum, plus I posted a recommendation thread for this level and the tutorial a week ago.

First off, this is one of my favorite levels ever for 2 reasons. One, it's just plain good and sets the standard for sword combat in lbp, period. Two, because I'm soon about to do a level with sword combat - you showed what was capable then went even further by posting the tutorial/prizes. When I finished the tutorial, I told my wife Christmas came early (you saved me DAYS of trial and error building).

Your level is simpler aesthetically than, say, the works of Lockstitch, but I don't think that is a negative. In your level, bots and animations are king. In future levels you could do a bit more with peripheral stickers and shapes, but completely optional. According to comments above, combat is going to improve so no suggestions there, I'll just wait and see what comes next. Beyond that, level style and characters are spot on, so just stay true to your original design.

Congrats on making one of the best lbp creations ever. As your 'game' develops and more levels come, wouldn't be surprised if this is mm picked (multi-level creations like yours probably won't be mm picked until complete or near to it).

BTW, I'm 75% done with level 2a for my Sacknight series, and level 2b, will focus heavily on sword combat. I'll likely mod your work to make combat more casual to better match the style of my series. I plan on adding spear combat as well as combat with a more unique 'weapon' (castle crashers, my muse, uses things like ducks and lobsters in addition to swords). I'll of course give you full credit, and you may be interested in how your animation creations evolve.
2011-03-09 16:57:00

Posts: 100

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